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Posts posted by Letty

  1. You haven't done it yet? Wow seems like ages ago to me. Think I finished mine late September and starting hearing from Uni's by first week in October :) Annoying thing is i haven't heard from my first choices yet so I can't make Nottingham (i have a chemistry offer from there of ABB) definate yet and get good accomodation because i'd rather do medicine at UCL or Bristol, but apparantly they don't get back until like March...MARCH!!!! :shakehead


    I havent, but the situation was averted today!


    It turns out art student applications (like myself)don't have to be in till March 6th!

    Luckily, the shock forced me to write the majority of my personal statement.

  2. Thats a really great picture Dante :)


    Letty. It'll be okay. You still have a few days and your PS is only a few hundred words yes? Just think of reasons why you're awesome; you're outgoing, enthusiastic, passionate etc. They're cliches but they're true. You have experience in a wide range of mediums (but favour one if you're doing a course aimed at a particular medium or wish to explore them all further if you're doing a general art course). You see the benefits, the beauty in every inch. That kind of jazz.


    And lets face it. If New Labour want 50% of people in university then personal statements don't really matter :p


    Oh you!! :blush:


    I think my situation has been averted. I've just had a write-a-thon, and jordan and my mum are going to help make it sound better :D

    In other news, my throat is fucked! (lol)

    It was hairspray central in our room at college today, and the fumes have really caught in the back!

  3. When I said that I couldn't find it, I meant I couldn't find it in any of the shops!!


    Maybe I've just brought my economy down so much that they can't afford to bring in any new dyes to any of the towns...

  4. Not for art applicants...?


    I was told anyway. :heh: Yeah. It's later. Or maybe...that's Route B only. For me it's the end of the month, I think.


    Apparently all applications are for thursday, but portfolios are for march, I think?


    If this is the legitimate case you say, I'm saved.

  5. Was that after you ran over it a few times?


    Today has been special, if special meant average. Just a normal Monday although there was a few laughs with my fellow colleague Wesley of these forums.


    No, but I got distracted by it!! D:

  6. Haha, problem is, when you go back to it, the tension just skyrockets to the same levels as it was when you left it. I found that the longer I played a session, the more I was able to cope, but if I turned it off and went back to it, I was back at square one.


    I guess it doesn't help that Im a pussy and hate zombies/disfigured insane humans/28 days later style thingies....

  7. I had my first driving lesson today!! :D



    I was zooming around near the waste to enegry plant, and almost hit a man on the side of the road!! Luckily my instructor grabbed the wheel and we swerved around him.


    I also noticed an injured seagull sitting on the roadside, with one mangled bloody wing :(

  8. I had a stick insect once. It was freaking awesome. Sadly though, I once put it on my little brother's had, because he wanted to hold it. It sort of attatched its feet to him (like they do) and he freaked out and threw it!

    It flew across the room in an epic manner, and landed on our cactus. It wasn't impaled by a spike, but I think it got shocked into death.




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