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Posts posted by Letty

  1. How does that thing move?


    The laser is in the tip of the thicker end, you can just see the black dot thing at the left end. I'm using it just now and its excellent! Its massivley sensitive - and seems to work on all surfaces (obv not glass though) - Im sitting on the sofa using the arm as a surface!!

  2. In Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Clementine has blue hair on the train to start with. Throughout the film her hair changes a ton, but at the end, it cuts back to the scene on the train (afair) - SHE HAS GREEN HAIR!!!!


    I can't tell if I'm just being stupid and have missed something, or if its an annoying plot inconsistency.

  3. One of the finest games ever created.


    I've clocked in over 40 hours on it.


    Before I bought it, I'd only ever played split screen on the world's smallest tv - can't wait to enjoy it in 40 inch single player glory :D


    Today I bought



    stupid mens sizes... had to be XS.




    Free vision cam and eeeasy achievements :D




  4. 1. Beating a random guy in HMV at a game of Soul Calibur 4.

    It was awesome. I destroyed him at 3 rounds. In front of a few people waiting to play. I hope he was sufficiently humiliated.


    2. Finishing DMC 4.

    I know in terms of gameplay, it was mediocre, and in terms of storyline, it was awful. And I definetly know that in terms of dialogue, it was absolutley poor. But being the fangirl I am - I /loved/ Nero. So sexy >.<


    3. My 360 being delivered back to my house.

    Just in time for Fable II!

  5. Red Ring of Death....time to call Microsoft...sigh...


    That really sucks dude... I almost shed a genuine tear when that happened to me :(





    On a happier note, me and Jordan are going on holiday today!! See you guys! :yay:

  6. Oh my god you guys!

    I thought that joke was entirely obvious.



    I thought you were working in a shop after you finished working at a coffee shop.


    Its all run by the same people, so I spend half my time in the shop and the other half in the fudge shop ^^





    And now Jordan's mad at me because I got ill.

  7. The 2008 Edition Ultimate Member of the Year


    you keep this place organised, educated and entertained!!! I commend you on your many bish and meet successes.

    Thread Starter of the Year


    Staff Member of the Year


    Moderator of the Year


    Admin of the Year


    for his worthy bish effort and trash talking ability.


    Most Helpful Member Of The Year


    Most Respected Member


    Best Newcomer of 2008


    Most Knowledgeable Member of 2008



    Funniest Member 2008


    Most Negative Member of 2008



    Spammer of the Year



    The Credit Crunch Disaster Award - Who Would You Trust Least With Your Money?

    Domstercool : o

    Don't think I haven't seen your pile of still wrapped games!!!


    Most Missed Member of the Year


    Best Return of the Year


    I know you've been here for a lot longer than this year, but as far as I remember, after a long spell of absence, you started posting and being active again this year!!


    User With The Best Sigs Of The Year



    User With The Best Avatars Of The Year



    Forum Couple of the Year


    Oh you guys!!!!!!!!!


    If You Were Stuck In A Lift With An N-Eer...Who Would It Be...

    Roadkill ;)


    The Taciturn Award (Doesn't post often, but when they do it's worth waiting for)


    The User Who Spends Most Of His/Her Entire Life On Here



    Best Forum Moment of 2008


    Oh lawd!!!



    Best N-Europe Playground Game



    The N-Europe 2008 Award For Personality Of The Year


    Best User Ever


    The N-Europe 2008 Lifetime Achievement Award




    Bonus Categories


    Best Wii/Ds Game of the Year

    Mario kart wii


    Best Non-Nintendo-Console Game of the Year



    Worst Game of the Year

    Spore T_T


    Best Film of the Year


    Best Album of the Year

    Pendulum - In Silico


    Best TV Show of the Year

    Top Gear

    I almost picked Survivors, but the abomination of an 'ending' deterred me.


    Best Company of the Year

    Microsoft (for my brand spanking new 360)

  8. I'll write down points as I watch this:


    -That group jump in the intro sequence was unnecessary, yet awesome.

    -Yahtzee's casual arm pose makes him look like a gorilla.

    -That badge on his hat is gaudy.

    -The middle guy has a strange resemblance to Matt Lucas.

    -Yahtzee sounds very different when speaking slowly.

    -I don't think the chemistry is /that/ bad between them, but of course I agree is should be moar discussion based.

    -lol @ masterchief trying on dress.

    -Yahtzee needs to SMILE!!

    -look how happy that cloud is!

    -He keeps saying 'nimble'

    -Why do they keep going outside!! It seems so uncharacteristic of a games show.

    -Sonic Adventures were awesome!!!

    -Duke Nukem skits have become repetative.


    -Yahtzee is awfully fashionable.




    I think the formula of the three sitting on a couch not facing each other was ok!

    I didn't notice the giggling that you guys mentioned 0_o

    I'm going to enter that competition.

  9. ........How...are we supposed to use this inf....I mean...


    ...Like why do we need to....







    It was worse for me when I'm sitting happily, and all I hear is 'Letty, go get me a tissue! I can't cos Im playing Left 4 Dead and theres zombies everywhere!!'


    So I was like T______________________________________T *get tissue* *avert eyes*


    I am so attracted to Jordan all the time.

  10. *cracks knuckles*


    Eddage's Mistletoe and wine:



    rez!!! - At least three snowmen is size ascending order. Biggest to be minimum of 1 foot tall.



    Nightwolf - 7 santas in a row:



    j7 - bad joke



    Eenuh - human tree!



    j7 - christmas tree:




    j7 - An 'older person' with a festive hat on, asleep



    j7 - pile of torn wrapping paper:



    Eenuh - giant human present!



    j7 - holly wreath



    j7 - reasonably sized paper chain:



    j7 - letter to santa:



    j7 -letter from santa:



    j7 - christmas card to NE:



    Chairdriver - kiss under mistletoe!



    j7 - ott exterior decorating!


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