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Posts posted by Letty

  1. Just started this last night.


    I think its pretty good, but it certainly doesn't feel like a Banjo game.

    And I'd have liked to spend some time exploring Spiral Mountain at the start, rather than being transported straight away :(


    Also - not a big fan of the 'having to go get the jiggies from the jig-o-vend' fiasco.



    At least I get the Arcade game ^^

  2. Me too, but I like some parts of it. You should get your code for Banjo XBLA and then you can play games from 10 years ago again... :p








    Yikes, owned XD




    Phone line tomorrow, internet coming soon! :D


    You sound cheeful... whats up? :p

  3. Started Banjo last night. I'm in two minds.



    I also dyed my hair blue again.


    Also I had to work 9-5 on Friday, and got bitched at in college today because one of the tutors saw me working instead of being there >.<


    I'd reeally like some internet back in the flat.

  4. On a totally unrelated note, back in 't day when I played Banjo Kazooie, I thought the move that Kazooie could do to make you walk faster on her legs was awesome, and lovingly referred to it as 'chicken legs' - bear* in mind I was like, 7 :p


    *Lol, see what I did there, Banjo... bear... oh well..

  5. Yooooo.


    I didn't have any assigned lines, so I've recorded the whole song. I figured you can pick and choose from my delightful singing!


    Ps - I dont have the mp3/avi handy, but it may be available in a week or so.


  6. Since I've been internetless for some time, my social life has begun to re-emerge! Tomorrow night I'm going out.

    Also am doing my first (albeit illegal) comissioned piercing! And my boss wants me to do him a surface piercing soon.

    Possibly going to look into getting liscensed!



    Player hint: Don't let Jordan build flatpack furniture.

  7. Errr.... Rules 1 and 2?


    You fag. Rules 1 and 2 don't even exist. In fact, the whole rule thing was just made up by anon. There's a vid on youtuibe somewhere of Moot at a conference clearly stating there are no such things as rules one and two.


    And if they do, only applys to raids :p




    Ps. I love the place. Especially /ck/.



  8. I went to open days there!


    I loved Dundee. A Lot. That's where I'm applying.


    Oh, and tip; Art is a fickle subject. Route B means they see what order you listed them in. :o


    Tip 2: Unless you put Glasgow or Edinburgh first, they won't consider you. Dundee is getting to be that way.


    (I'm actually only applying to Dundee...wasn't overly impressed with Glasgow, and I live in Edinburgh, so that' a no)


    So you missed those open days. There's others in England, but yeah.


    Dundee just seemed to have tonnes of facilities. And I liked the area.


    I'm thinking of Edinburgh as my first choice! But that really sucks about the whole seeing choices thing, I am going on route B!!


    Also, England is out of the question, as I want to be able to visit home occasionally!

  9. I wouldn't rely on college to help you, I'd do it yourself and hurry up and get yourself to open days.


    Open days include seeing most of the uni and some of the halls and area too.


    I'm pretty sure people will be able to push you in the right direction for university if you tell them what course and in a rough location.


    I'm applying to the dundee art college, glasgow school of art, and also the edinburgh school of art!

    I'd really just like some guidance from them, like what should be in my portfolio and so on.


    Also, I don't think I'd be able to get myself to an open day before terms start :(

  10. I'm gonna be applying soon too!

    However, I have no idea wtf is going on, nobody here has talked to us about going to uni yet, and I really hope they'll hurry up.


    I've never even seen a uni. I don't know how big they are, or what goes on in them.

    I'll still be applying blindly though, if I don't get off this island soon, I never will!

  11. Little Big Planet: 9/10




    But I don't like how in create mode, two people can be creating at the same time. I made a cute little house, and Jordan comes along with a huge square of cardboard and destroys everything!

    Story mode can be a bit frustrating, especially when you have to restart an entire level...

  12. Man, not having the internet sucks.


    However, last night me and Letty did something epic. We had a leak under our bathroom sink and I took it apart to investigate. We opened to find the most unholy smell I've ever had the displeasure of entering my nose. At this point, I was almost throwing up and I had to get Letty to clean out all the shit (basically 20-30 years of hair, soap and muck) from the drain. Thankfully, when we put it back together, the leak had stopped. So, although we almost died in the process... All's well :)


    You pussy. :weep:


    EEVIL - I'll make sure we record it tonight!! :D

  13. Oh god. These pcs at college are sooooooooo full of useless shit. *Eyes up system tray in disgust*




    Anyway - I've moved in with Jordan! We only have one bowl, so this morning I ate some cereal, washed the bowl up, then Jordan ate cereal. :D

    Also, I might try my hand at a bit o Gears tonight!

  14. BOOOM


    I enjoyed the ending, but I think that

    it would have made sense for the game to end as the Gears reached the surface - and that be it. It kinda dragged on as you had to defend the base for a while, THEN go explode a huge (but freaking awesome looking) Brumak thingy!



    Also, I found continuous amusement in the fact that it was basically 4 guys single handedly taking out an entire Locust army/palace aaaand saving Jacinto. LOL


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