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Posts posted by Letty

  1. Its my day off!!! ^_____________^


    However, I have a friend who has a paralysed hand from having poilo - and she has apparently broken her good wrist!! So I'm going to see her today and help her do things.

    Poor thing!


    What kind of job would you look for if you do leave your current job?


    Literally anything except working in a cafe. Cafe's are bullshit. Why cant people make their own food.

  2. The thing I hate most is when its dark, and people don't dim their lights when they drive past. Then your blinded and its unsafe!!!


    Also, when people break and turn, THEN indicate afterwards/mid turn!

  3. I finished 2 paintings, and had a look around the BA contemporary textiles students work downstairs today. It was quite humbling to see some of them in action! 0_0

    I also went to work, and did dishes for ages.


    Now I'm going to fill up some sketchbook!

  4. Yesterday some nutter was in our cafe, and totally went insane at us all and was shouting and was really angry, and even went and spoke to our manager!! It was only because he'd apparently ordered a piece of cake, (which he hadn't) and it hadn't arrived.

    Luckily our manager was like 'Oh god, what an asshole!!' and none of us got trouble! Also, he tried to slam the door on his way out, but the door doesn't slam, it has like a thing that stops it slamming :D So he looked like an idiot.

    I almost burst into tears when he was shouting though, he was horrible! :(


    Today I fucked around in college, doing some painting of peppers and stuff, then came home and am currently working on a watercolour of a girl. I'm hoping to win £200 for it because theres a competition in the paper ^^

  5. It also doesnt come with the developer diary and soundtrack now, but theres still:


    Bonus DVD with new ‘Making-of’ Feature.

    Bonus in-game content (requires Xbox LIVE®) including:

    The Hall of the Dead Dungeon

    The Wreckager Legendary Cutlass Weapon

    Spartan armor and energy sword


    I'm still kinda disappointed though :(

  6. Anyone that's going, come and say hello to me - I'll be working on the NEO magazine stand all weekend. Hard work, but at least you get a free hotel for the weekend, and lunch and drinks from Costa on expenses. :)


    Nice one! I'll definetly come along and say hi :smile:

  7. If I manage to get it done I might be there for the weekend. I should act soon I guess.

    Bastard hotel thing will cost loads at this time of the month.


    There's always room at mine!! :D


    So anyway, I finally got the last little bits for my costume today (neon stripey tights!)- its freaking awesome!

  8. As you may know, London Expo is fast approaching!!


    Its on 25th and 26th of October (a little bit more than 2 weeks away!) at the eXcel building in the middle of London's Royal Docks (about 10 mins from Canary Wharf) Its accessible via the DLR line of the underground!


    Tickets - £9 for over 15's, and can be ordered in advance on the Expo website: http://www.londonexpo.com/


    Exciting people such as Parkman and The German - from Heroes - are going to be there to give autographs and the like, aswell as Col. Tigh from Battlestar Galactica.

    Also, there is a hands on games section which (this year) has the new Prince of Persia, Farcry 2, Naruto the Broken Bond, Dead Space, and Arcade Street Fighter IV.


    There's also gonna be a Rockband tournament!


    Aswell as all this, there are little stalls around the place selling Japanese sweets and action figures and other nerdy paraphenalia. Its awesome!


    Cosplay is also the norm. (I'm going as DJ Sisen :love:)


    Sooooo, I was wondering, who's going? Whats your cosplay?




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