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Posts posted by Letty

  1. If I still had an N64...

    I think I'll get an N64 just to play Majoras Mask. I wish I had played it before.


    Do you actually want to buy one of mine? Its a bit unstable, as in if someone slams a door somewhere in the house, it'll freeze! I'd throw in a controller and some games too :p

  2. MY keyboard has run out of batteries, so I have to use shitty hand writing recognition with my tablet, and it takes years to write anything and it never recognises my handwriting >:


    Also, My step dad has come to stay at my house, whilst my mum is away (they're divorced and hate each other) And I come home from work, to:


    DISHES piled up sll over the fucking worktop, PASTA SAUCE all over the fuckling cooker/floor/pans in the sink, BASTARD STICKY MARKS all over the freaking table, cooker, floor - the fucking floor was in dire need of sweeping, and the bathroom stank of piss.


    I cleaned it all the fuck up but I know when I come home tomorrow it'll be exactly the same...

  3. After at least 100 years of dreading, cutting and weaving, I've finally created a wearable cyber wig - complete with fringe!!:D

    No faffing about with braiding into your own hair, just slip it on whenever!!




    If it didnt take so fucking long, I'd sell these!

  4. my week of major mood swings has continued.


    just to recap:

    wii and 360 not working, unable to get RAF job, hating current job, then mum goes to hospital, break my glasses, job interview with major mixed sugnals, then i had a great night out, then we get burgled.


    thats just a quick, edit, summary, but suffice to say this has been a pretty mental week.


    so, the week has had a big high finally..........i got the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Freaking hi 5 man!!!! :D:yay:

  5. She doesn't like changes which can cause panic attacks, things like that, something you could quite easily worry about in a caring rather than restricting way.



    what what whaat!? :D


    I never get panic attacks!!


    Anyway - I started college today!! It was exciting, but I made a total fool of myself even before I got to know anyone! I was getting something out of my craft box, and a little bottle of scarlet drawing ink flew out and smashed onto the floor!! Oh god, it went everywhere and even stained >,> And it was awful.

    I also managed to stutter when introducing myself 0_o


    Then I went to work after and now I'm home and exhausted.

  6. I had the most vivid dream a few nights ago.


    I was on this beach kinda place, and I kneeled down in the sand and put my hands out. Then, from some sand dunes a little way away, this bizarre creature ran out, and pecked my hand, then jumped into my arms!! It was a really wierd looking thing, like a really fluffy grey duck, but with no eyes:




    I was with someone else too, and they said,


    'Whoa, that creature is really rare!! It obviously likes you, you should make it your pet!' So I was like,




    Then they said


    'Be careful though, dont ever EVER snatch it up from the ground if you're going to hold it, or it will run away. You can pick it up gently off the ground, but not too fast, or it will think yo're snatching it!!'


    Then I took it home and it made a nest, and I went out shopping for food for it! I then realised I had no idea what on earth it ate, so I bought one of almost everything in the shop for it to try at home.


    Then some other stuff happened, and I had to take it to the vet, where it escaped and ran around the waiting room.


    It was an AWESOME dream!! :D

  7. Rez - Spying behind a newspaper in public - 200




    EEVIL - Sub par but just as valid novelty monopoly - 50








    Dyson - someone buried in (very cold) sand - 150




    Gizmo - a canoe - 200




    Moogleviper - A woman selling sea shells down by the sea shore. 100

    (it says SHOP on the stone if you can't read T_T)




    Nami - waterfall - 113




    Paj's rollerskates outside - 150 AND Nami's red sky - 60




    Paj's cultural icon in chalk on black paper (its DJ sisen - an icon for the rave/underground music scene in japan :D ) - 100



    Odwin's real + alive fish - 100




    Bluey's entirely black cat - 175




    Shorty - 10 people, no more, no less, excluding myself - 100



  8. My earlierst memory was when I lived in another house with a wooden floor in the kitchen. In the kitchen there was a cupboard with a top shelf, where all the paint was kept for painting pictures with. I decided that I was gonna sweep the shelf with a broom because it was dirty, so I tried to do it - but it knocked the paint down and the paint exploded all over the floor and stained :(


    Another early memory was I was stuck in this stupid carry thing, (like a rucksack, but you put a baby in it) And it was on top of the table, so I was really high up and couldnt get out. And noone else was around..

  9. I'm the easiest sleeper ever! I could literally close my eyes and go to sleep at any point in the day or night.

    However, when I was like 13 I was a total recluse and stayed in my room apart from going to school - and often stayed up till 3-4am and got up at 7am. It made my skin go to shit and I never learnt anything.. : /


    Nowadays I live closer to town so I dont have to get up so early for the bus :smile:

  10. Nightwolf - A dancing Pig - 200pts (I'm not sure if this will count XD)


    ReZ - Violationg a physical pokemon - 100 pts




    ReZ - More than 10 inflated balloons - 150 points ( They aren't very inflated because I was shitting myself :D )



    EEVIL - A slinky on your head - 150pts




    EEVIL - A game which has been released in 2 or more different times. For example, having A Link to The Past on the SNES and GBA. No Virtual Console and the like games. 100 pts





    EEVIL - 3 or more potato waffles, with face - 100pts



  11. Well Jay, the only proof I can find at this exact moment, is that it was taken on the same outing as this picture (View from on top of a hill) was taken:



    The reason that this Bish was not posted along with the other ones from that day, is because this particular photo was taken on my grandmother's camera, who I didn't meet again until today!

    As you can see from my attire; note the hat, orange hair and black coat - it was the same occasion. This was in fact the 15th of August - several days after the Bish commenced.

    The above evidence, coupled with the fact that it is indeed a lol picture, is hopeflly a strong enough case, and I hope it will be accepted into the ranking :)


    (I'm awesome at Phoenix Wright too)

  12. That is 100 also. I thought I put it. Now you know kiddies.




    6: At least 3 potato waffles, and your face has to be in the shot. No thumb bullshit.


    And how many points is that one worth?

    I hate to be such an annoying bitch, but these things matter to meeee T_T

  13. OK. The Shabba List.


    1: Pokémon Monopoly. 100.

    1.5: If you can't get Pokémon Monopoly, you can have 50 for a picture with another novelty Monopoly. Cannot have both.


    2: A slinky on your head. 150.


    3: Three games that have two discs [maybe more] each. No PC games. 100.


    4: A Tyranid Hive Tyrant or Carnifex. 100 for one or 150 for both.


    5: A game which has been released in 2 or more different times. For example, having A Link to The Past on the SNES and GBA. No Virtual Console and the like games.



    How many points is this last one worth???

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