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Posts posted by Letty

  1. I've just been for a lovely swim/sauna!! I wish my swimming costume was less plain though.


    Also today I visited a local art gallery, which usually has awesome exhibits. Today however, there were some mediocre photographs with waaaay too much long exposure.


    I also had some lovely lunch with my mum and grandma!

    :D I love days off!!

  2. Edit: IIRC, Letty's shot contained 6!


    This is true, but I was simultaneously getting the 6 cans make a triangle bish!


    Shorty - 11 Matryoshka Dolls - 200G




    Tom - a live, traditionally farm-based, mammal (eg sheep, goat, cow) in an inappropriate place (inspiration for this one - seeing a llama on a football pitch). 150pts


    For this one, it is 'Chicken in a car!!'




    Black Fiat Punto - Strider - 100pts




    Cube's weighted companion cube - 200 pts




    Twozzok's nerdiest of the nerd's picture (again, as it seemingly wasn't counted before) - 150 pts




    I believe that brings my score up to 8674!

  3. I'm doing a year long course at the college here, which would normally cost about £900, but since my mum is a single parent, and I'm still technically of school age, I get it paid for by the government! They also gave me another £700 for art supplies and bus fare for the next year!

  4. I'm shocked at the lack of crumble addicts. I love any crumble, apple, rhubarb etc. That's a damn good pudding


    That reminds me.


    My brother recently bought an entire 1kg packet of crumble mix, and this evening, he proceeded to cook it and eat it, in front of my very eyes!


    A sight to behold.

  5. I walked into work this morning, and the first thing I noticed was the absolutley disgusting smell coming from the fridges :x Then I notice my boss stomping around angrily and he's like 'FFS THE FRIDGE IS BORKED!!'

    So I then had the deligthful task of emptying all the containers of rotten food (they'd been sitting in the warmth over the weekend) The tuna was the worst D:


    Then it was raining, so the cafe was dead all day, allowing me to give the place an awesome clean! I cleaned and tidied the store room, and the cupboards, then cleaned the tops of the fridges and the loos!


    I also played Guitar Hero a bit, and made some chair covers for my mummy :3

  6. I actually love using the tube.

    Its hilarious sitting and secretly glancing around at everyone, seeing what they're reading/wearing etc. Its also strange because I'm pretty sure I'd never see them again after that encounter.


    Its also damn easy and fast!

    Except for one time when the train stopped in the tunnel and we were in the dark for over half an hour 0_o The train in front of us has broken down...

  7. Apricot one!


    When I was little, there was an advert for candy corners I think? With a lady in a blue silk dress. I don't know if it was a limited edition or something, but even to this day, I've never found one... :(

  8. Afaik, I'm a complete lightweight.


    The only time I ever got drunk was at this party where I drank 3 smirnoff ices (lmao), a tiny sip of vodka and coke (by this time I was almost crawling on the floor) and a can of Magners.


    I ended up (so people tell me) putting my hand in a jar of peanut butter, then washing it off, and calling my friend so I could wipe peanut butter on her after it was washed off. I also couldnt figure out how to use the lock on the toilet XD

  9. Dyson's Diemetrix style pic!! - 420 points




    A pile of broken bones - J7 - 100 points




    TV screen with a clown on it - Welsh Gamer - 150 points




    Playing in a band - Twozzok - 150 points




    Supergrunch's Quill pen - 150 points




    Bus reciept - ShadowV7 - 20 points




    Lost soldier - Nami - 123 points!




    Human doing a cartwheel - Gizmo - 150 points



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