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Posts posted by Letty

  1. Slept 3 hours last night because I was stillup at 4am waiting for a website to be re-activated, (but it never happened T_T), and got up at 7 for work.


    Work = meh, theres this really old guy who comes in the whole time who tries to chat me up, and today he was like (I was making him a ham, mozarella and pesto panini), 'Make sure you pack that ham in well lass!! mwuhahaha'

    He smells bad too.


    Sat around at Sarka's work place until he finished, and we all skipped merrily up the hill. Him and Jordan are coming over to visit me tomorrow :D


    -waits for Saw 4 to finish-

  2. Drinking doesn't affect how well I type, it affects how much I talk shit though, and maybe how much I'm willing to argue.


    I've typed pretty drunk, without being able to see the screen or the keyboard, while someone dictated what to type, and errors were very few (if you're wondering how you can type without seeing the keyboard, I was sat on the floor, keyboard on the desk, my arms stretched up)


    I think you were a bit drunk in that pub near the hostel, when we all ran off because our room was empty - when we came back to find you, and you just sort of stared dreamily at us and went 'Im so glad you guys came back!!'


    Other than that You're very normal*...





  3. Were you not late to your last shift too? Or was I imagining you telling me that on msn...Shame. On. You :heh:




    URGHHH my server won't connect *cry*


    Bad times :(


    Nah, I missed the bus to work, but I got there on time!! Hitching ftw.

  4. I over slept this morning!!!


    I woke up at 10, when I was supposed to start work at 10!!!


    I then had to go to ye olde google to find the phone number, since I dont know it even after working there for a whole year T_T

    I only ended up being 15 mins late though, because I didnt put on any make-up (oh god, I looked terrible), and I ran there.


    Work was boooring, I hate the routine.


    Gave Jordan £50, then came home and here I am now! Gonna play some Beautiful Katamari later, since it arrived today!! :3

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