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Posts posted by Letty

  1. For a long time when I was 12 or 13, I was convinced I was going to go to the Amazon Rainforest and live on my own in the woods. I even used to practice washing my hair in streams, and even eating meat in preparation :o Looking back I was a total idiot though - I'd still like to visit.


    Despite my extensive planning, I probably couldn't survive more than a few weeks. Living in a remote place, I know how to make shelters and fires etc, but its different in a forest with poisonous insects and dangers!! Also the heat.

  2. I absolutley hate Sundays!! The one day I get off, everything is closed so I can never go shopping or anything, or do anything I needed to do during the week :(


    Today Ive just watched two movies and played Shizoid, its such a waste!!

  3. Man, this sounds kind of innappropriate now, reading the last page!!


    Buut, yesterday was cool :D


    I went driving round the college carpark again, I can now reverse (badly) and change gears and start without stalling :D:D My mum is currently teaching me, despite me being underaged and not insured on her car... it'll mean I don't have to buy so many lessons!

    Jordan fell asleep on the sofa with the tv on last night ^^

  4. I fractured and dislocated my elbow simultaneously about 2 years ago, whilst trying to kick someone in the face with rollerblades on :(


    TBH it wasnt that bad, and I didnt realise until a while later, when I couldnt move my arm/huge bruising etc, and I had to have my arm in a bastardised shape in a cast for 6 weeks!

    Even now I can't fully extend it either :(

    It definetly aches though, you could go and try it yourself! ;)

  5. In London I bought:


    2100 XBLA points

    Ninja Gaiden DS

    3 pairs of skinny jeans (hot pink, pin striped and denim)

    2 Gundam t-shirts

    white converse

    some more tshirts

    blue miniskirt and black miniskirt

    loads of tights

    bright green jelly shoes ^^

    a bag

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