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Posts posted by Letty

  1. Yesterday I did the most DISGUSTING JOB EVER!!


    Jordan's housemate's are total pigs. So I went into the kitchen yesterday, and realised that the place totally stank. It was coming from the bin, which looked like it hadn't been emptied in about 12 years, so I took out the bin bag and LOW AND BEHOLD - it was crawling with maggots in the bottom of the bin :x


    Then I was like, FUCK!! and poured a kettle of boiling water on them all, and half a bottle of bleach. Once I was sure they were dead, I emptied the bin outside, but the maggots were still stuck the fuck in there!! I then searched for some rubber gloves, but of course, we didn't have any!! Btw, there was like, 3 different kinds of maggot.


    Then I got loads of kitchen roll and scraped them off the bottom. It was soo gross, as I had to get right in the bin because its one of those huge outdoors ones. Oh god, it was horrible!!!



    Coolness Bear's - Holding two N64 games in your mouth. 75 Points


    (I do look like a complete knob in many of these, sorry :p )



    Coolness Bear's - 3 games beginning with the letter 'G'. 50 points




    Coolness Bear's - poking your head through a window - 25 points




    Coolness Bear's - SUIT UP! - 150 points




    Haden - VHS player - 50 points




    Haden - A robot - 150 points




    Nami - The sock king - 132 points




    Nami - Your favourite Snack - 9 points




    Nami - Sonic - 33 points




    Nami - Some wiggley worms - 47 points




    Nightwolf - A picture of a person wearing false eyelashes as a beard or some form of facial hair - 100pts




    Nightwolf - A rainbow jacket or hooded top - 25pts




    ShadowV7 - Charizard Pokemon Card - 160 points




    ShadowV7 - A person in mid-air with a red top - 60 points




    ShadowV7 - Concert Ticket - 80 points




    ShadowV7 - Person eating food with chopsticks - 100 points




    Shorty - 5 Wii Games, 5 Xbox360 Games and 5 PS3 Games all in the same shot - 100G




    Shorty - A person disguised as a table - 75G




    Shorty - You holding a picture of yourself holding a picture of yourself - 75G




    Shorty - Rock Band drum kit - 50G




    Strider - You playing air-guitar while wearing sun glasses. (50 points)




    Strider - 3 different controllers from 3 different consoles (50 points)




    Supergrunch - Yeast - 10 points




    MORE TO COME!!! :yay:

  3. I'm home!


    Trip was good. Bought stuff. Missed the ferry and had to wait another day in Aberdeen :(

    Slept on a chair on the boat. It was cold.


    Now I'm off to work :D


    ps. Today is me + Whore-dan's 2 year anniversary :D

  4. Whilst in Aberdeen I bought:


    Final Fantasy: Crisis Core

    Ghost in the Shell UMD

    Guitaroo Man Lives!

    The Orange Box (360 version)

    The Lost game - for achievements only >.<

    Fifa 06 - same reason as above

    The World Ends with You

    PGR 3

    Some bras and pants

    a cool ring



  5. What is this drink you speak of? Your mission is to take a photo and show it to me or afformentioned occurance never took place. (pics or didn't happen)


    Its actually disgusting. I invented it today, as we have loads of flavoured syrups for coffees at work. I usually put them in hot milk, but today I put some vanilla syrup in a glass of water. It was so horrible.


    Never again.

  6. Today I drank too much!!


    At work I tried to drink as much as possible, so I drank 6 glasses of water, a glass of vanilla water, and 3 cups of tea.

    Then I went to dinner at a friend's house, and I drank 2 cups of juice, a cup of coffee and loads more tea 0_o


    Now I'm gonna be up all night T_T

  7. I just had a lovely relaxing bath! I bought a tiny candle today especially so I could light it for my bath (I'd been planning this all day), but it was still sunny and the light wasn't very atmospheric.


    Possibility of Geometry Wars later. I'll see.

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