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Posts posted by Letty

  1. Today was awesome!


    I'm totally far ahead at college, so I spent the entire day filling up my sketchbook!! Made a right mess of my hands :D

    I also cooked tea for me and my brothers, which was just microchips and micro-chicken things. I'm good at cooking.


    Also totally re-vamped my dA page last night

  2. If you look closely you'll see that it is a Rock Band guitar. RB isn't out on Wii yet - it's the 360 version. The Wiil is quite obviously for the Wii, and the Bongos are quite obviously from the GC.


    I think he means how GC games can be played on the wii, so prove you have a Gamecube :p

  3. Cat with headphones on - Gizmo - 100p



    Mormon church - Odwin - 200p



    Basketball net - Nami - 159p



    J7 bonus - flagpole - 10p



    Winning scratchcard, not from a newspaper - Strider - 250p



    Pink cow - Twozzok - 200p



    J7 - 6 shot glasses with noticabley different liquids - 100p



    EEVIL - Three games that have two discs [maybe more] each. No PC games. 100p. (Killer 7, DoA Ultimate, Resi 4)



    EEVIL - 3 peripherals from 3 different consoles, which aren't controllers. EG bongos, wheel, guitar etc. 200p. (360 headset, Wii wheel, Wavebird reciever)



    ReZ - on the phone in a phonebox - 150p



    ReZ - take-away food in a takeaway box - 100p



    Paj - Hero clix figure - 125p



    Mundi - Attempting to lick your own elbow - 100p



    Mundi - Facepalm - 100p



    Mundi- an unsuspecting stranger - 100



    Mundi - 3 people wearing silly hats - 150



    Mundi - a mouthful of cake - 100p


    The cake in question -



    A sign of true defeat - Mundi - 200p


  4. I've had an eventful life!!


    When I was born, it was just me and my mum :) My real dad lived in Glasgow, and they weren't together. I was kind of an accident >_>

    Anyway, my childhood was lovely, I lived next to a beach, and near a farm, and we had chickens and things.

    My mum got married to this bloke, but they're divorced now - and I got 2 brothers from this fiasco. They're totally cool though.

    My dad died in September, 4 years ago. He was a drug abuser.


    At the moment, my life is going excellently. I go to college, have a job and work with awesome people, and I have the LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!! We're also moving into a flat together very shortly :D

    So yeah, its a good 'un :smile:

  5. I finally got batteries for my keyboard again!!! Now I don't sound like a huge idiot when trying to get my point across.


    As for my day, I spent the majority at college, doing a massive oil pastel picture of my bag... whilst listening to the new Justice tracks :D

    Also went to work after, and bought some shizzle from ebay!


    Also, recently I'm suddenly so thirsty all the time - I go for ages without a drink, then over a few days I just drink loads!

  6. Fucks sake! My mates decided to relocate their nest today, to the top of a Massive hill that I couldn't get up!

    What a joke!


    I ended up starting again, and in the tribal stage, I gave them all huge moustaches :D

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