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Posts posted by Letty

  1. ^ Crazy man


    God last night was abit strange, kayleigh my flat mate went to carnage same as james, with her brother who had come up from bedford to see her. Which was fine. I went to bed about 1am and was woken up at 4am by loud knocking on kayleighs door.


    A policeman and the guy who does nights here were asking her if she wanted her brother in the flat because he was being agressive, three times she said no and then the fourth time she said yes...weird woman.


    so they were up arguing for a good few hours..pssh.


    No wonder I've only just got out of bed. Was nice enough last night though, I invited a friend I'd not seen all week and we ate cookies and talked about people and our games we were presenting this friend. :yay:



    Nightwooolf, I tried to add 'Lady gracedia' on Guildwars but it apparently doesn't exist!!

  2. I think its actually a false alarm.


    It gets to the dashboard when I dont have the HDD or MU in, so I think its the MU thats fucked.


    However, its not connecting to XBL now, and mu profile is on my MU T_T


    Either way, the red lights have stopped :s

  3. Urgh.


    I just put Fable 2 in my disc drive for the first time, and my 360 died.


    First it was like, 'Lol, I'm flashing one red light at you, you thought I was a gonner!!'


    And I was like 'Shit man, don't scare me like that!'


    So I took out my hard drive and booted it again. Then it was like,

    'Lmao, your profile isn't on your Memory Unit now, wtf are you gonna do!?'


    So I was like' T__________T' *restart*


    The it fucking has 3 red lights!! Bullshit.



    *Goes to Jordan's 360 with Fable*

  4. Saw V


    I went to see this on my own last night. I felt like a loser.


    Anyway, it was muuuch better than the bullshit that was Saw 4. I'm happy to see the obstacle course style traps back!

    Story was much more complex, and I really was gripped thoughout it.




    Too much Jigsaw's accomplice shizzle was its only flaw.

  5. pssh! I like them damnit woman, it's him that doesn't! :blank:


    or man, I dread to think who is controlling letty at this moment in time..


    John the baptist is. From my bowels.


    Well basically, there's two laptops, and stef's on one. Theyre both on my account and madness is ensuing. Oh god.

  6. ^ crap. Completely forgot they went on sale today until I saw you had bought them. Bugger. I'll try but I guess I've missed the chance to get them now. The SECCs ticket site is unavailable due to heavy traffic so I guess I'm screwed.


    I think they must have gone on sale early, cos I got these at 8:45 :s



  7. Took her top off for the camera did she?


    I'm not actually joking when I say this.


    Wtf? I did flash my boobs when Mike took his top off... were you there?

    Even more reason to watch!!


    Most of the time I was right at the front, and I was making faces at the camera, so I miiight be on tv :p



    Sooo, about this evening. Despite the band in question being decidabley naff - there was a fucking insane moshpit which I spent most of my time throwing myself into. Insane.

    I also fell over at one point, and thought I was going to die, but someone helped me up.

    Waaah - I'm so hyped after that!!!

  8. One thing sticks out in my mind as more scary than life threatening..


    Me and my mate were in this old abandoned shed thing, in a field. It was almost pitch black, but light came through cracks in the roof and stuff. It was pretty grotty too. So we climbed up into the rafters, because we were exploring. Then my friend slipped and caught her hood on a bit of wood sticking out - and she was literally hanging from her kneck from the rafters. A cloud of dust appeared from the ceiling, and I screamed. I'll never forget her silhouette hanging in the dark : /


    So anyway, I helped her down and she was crying and had friction burn all around her kneck, but she was ok.

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