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Posts posted by Letty

  1. Well, I have had maaany thoughts about leaving the whole education fiasco.


    I left school at 16, but have continued on at college doing a foundation art course. I've always thought about going to Uni, and I probably will - but its never ever appealled to me. I hated learning and sitting and tests, and I guess its just left a bad taste in my mouth.

    I've also thought about taking a year out to work, but I worry if I don't get to uni soon, I will fall out of the education-thing way of thinking.


    That said, at the moment, I have a job and attend college, so you don't always have to chose.



    My game has crashed a couple of times but I thought it was nothing major. I'm finally starting to get somewhere and it crashes travelling to a place....

    turn xbox off.. turn xbox on. CRASH. Think I may need to start all over again :( Harsh.


    Happens to the best of us babes :(


    *silently weeps as 360 is sent off to Germany*

  3. I'd have to agree, the whole 'challenge' aspect is a little random. The handling is... really bad due to the base wheels you get but we have to remember these are base parts you get given, i'll probably buy this even if its just for a free copy of BK XBLA.

  4. Went Open Day'ing with a friend from school, to Glasgow College Of Art. It's...ok. I dunno. It's hard to imagine yourself being there, if you aren't, I guess.


    Plus they don't do a general Fine Art course, which blows.


    It's Edinburgh tomorrow, which will probs come across better...problem is that I want to move away from home (and the city, just for the experience, despite Edinburgh being my fave place in the UK).


    Some of my friends from my course have gone on a trip to look at the uni's :(

    I really would have liked to go, but you know, money and stuff...


    Also, Glasgow doesn't do a general fine arts course!?


  5. Yeah the bone cracking bit. And also the hand traps at the end yikes, but yeah pendulam was horrible.




    Why the fuck did they


    saw right through their arms up to the elbow? I'd have thought it would be much less painful and more sense to just use the saw to make an incision, and let it bleed out :s


  6. urgh that sounds great... but cant read japanese so i wouldnt know where to buy it!! >_< isit expensive? maybe i could ask a friend to send me some in the post... the guy said it'd only take 30 mins to an hour...


    It costs £2.00 here for about 2 applications worth. You also need some bandages though, to put over the top whilst it soaks into your skin. You need to put it on an hour before hand.


    If you will get it, the kind you need is 5% EMLA cream :smile:


    Other than that I think there's something that can numb it but just like with piercings I just don't think it's worth it.


    Are you talking about EMLA cream?


    I'd highly recommend it!!

    I used it for some of my surface piercings, and it makes your skin completely numb. You can actually pinch it and scratch it and things, and you can't feel it! But it's effects only last for 30 mins or so, which might not be enough time for a tattoo, I dunno how long that would take.

  8. Ah it wasn't an exact name, I couldn't honestly remember who I was. *logs on whilst she is supposed to be doing work*


    aha I was close Lady Gracenda apprently is my name. (I use a google thing to get it, just to clarify)


    Ok, I've added you as a friend, gimme a shout if you want to play :smile:

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