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Posts posted by Letty

  1. I went out last night!!


    It was my mates birthday, so I went in my wig and silver hotpants etc. We got a taxi there, and the taxi driver gave me his mobile number, but he was fat and old and bald >_______>


    It was awesome though. I walked back through town at 2am in my hotpants.

  2. I burnt my finger on a soldering iron T_T


    It was so hot I didn't even feel it at first, but I looked at my hand, and the skin was like when you sear chicken in a pan and it goes white!

    It looks kind of cool anyway... *pain*


    Work night out tonight ^^

  3. Today I got offered a job in an arts and crafts shop!


    I'd really like to take the job, and I probably will as it pays better, but I don't know how I'm going to break the news to my beloved Peerieshop!! :(


    Also, a piece of my work has made its way into an exhibition up here! :D The big unveiling of the exhibition is 2 Saturdays away.

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