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Posts posted by Letty

  1. I don't know what the fucks happened to me over this christmas!!! ( I blame Jordan's mum cooking good meals for us :D)

    All I know is I ain't as skinny as I was :p


    I hope it'll all go back to normal now I'm in charge of the cooking again!



    I don't own scales, but I've got a tape measure...

  2. I'll keep talking about it if you carry on calling me names! :heh: Maybe I should go buy mirrors edge and gears of war and talk about them too..


    ooo ^_^


    Don't, for your own sake :p



    Went shopping today. Oh lawd.

    I saw DMC4 for £14.98. I can't believe how they've cheapened its graceful existance...

  3. I had a wife in the main town, and a husband and child in another - but they all left me after the crucible :(

    Then I tried to marry Sally the prostitute - but she wouldn't accept my beggars ring and I shot her, then went on a bitter killing spree of the rest of the town.


    I'm so... lonely.

  4. I was given the responsibility of taking the dogs for a walk ON MY OWN.... (until Jordan caught up with me in the park :D )

    However, I managed to get them in the park without them being run over, or killing anyone! But there was one other guy in the park with his dog - and one of mine stole it's ball!! And I was like 'OMFG' and tried to get the ball and give it back to the guy - BUT THEN IT GOT DROPPED - and my dog got it again T_T.


    Then I went shopping and bought some good stuff.


    Now I'm off to play DJ Max Portable: black square. Right now its the bain of my life. Its solid.

  5. Today was quite busy!!


    Me and Jordan went on a train to Huddersfield - but the one we got was actually to leeds >.<

    So we got to leeds, then got another train to Huddersfield - where Jordan got an eye test at Boots..



    Then we went to Domstercool's house and played Rockband/Mortal Combat vs Dc Universe.

  6. Nice piece of kit lettehhh! I went on the microsoft website and the pink one looks teh sex.


    How does it charge?


    Uses batteries, but its super power efficient, and last about 120 hours (only when they're in use) per 2 batteries!

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