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Posts posted by Letty

  1. Got my second one today from letty, its pretty much unadultarated win. I canot spell. thats how good it is.

    I dont know who the first one was from as they clearly didnt pay for postage.

    Mine were sent off today. happy days.




    I agree, it was totally awesome. :yay:

  2. I had a nice day :)


    My freinds were all supposed to come over this afternoon, but I wasn't sure exactly when. It reached about 3pm and still noone had showed, and I thought, 'Oww, no one loves me T____T' Then suddenly, they all arrived at the same time!! :D


    Then I went to Jordan's, and played Geometry Wars 2.

  3. Recieved Dan Dare's today!!


    The first few songs were so chilled out, I almost fell asleep on the bus :D


    Also loved the electro stuff at 7/8, but I wasn't too keen on some of the other songs!!




    Mine are on their way to people now!

  4. Now that there's a page in this thread with cows and Ash's underwear, I feel that this is the most appropriate moment to show myself.




    Hair way too long for summer.


    I always imagined you as being somewhat obese 0_______O

  5. I think the whole no long hair on guys rule is bollocks.

    Back in the day, most of the males in my year had long hair, because it was like, the cool thing to do! It was like, whoever had the longest hair was the alpha male. Not to mention there was a business studies teacher with shoulder length hair!

  6. My day was LOVELY!!


    It was my day off!


    But I had to go meet my friend off the boat, because she came back from her holiday early as her boyfriend cheated on her.

    Got the 7:30am bus to meet her, with my other friends, and we had a cheery 8:00am fry up in the co-op cafe. (read: dismal and shit, yet awesome)


    Then went around town, enjoying the sun. I bought a few things from charity shops, because I could! (ie. not at work) Also got icecreams and sat on the pier for an hour, bitching about her cheating boyfriend, and the girl he slept with who looks like a 7 year old boy.


    Then went to another friend's house, and went on her trampoline, and I did a huge painting on the front of their shed for them :)


    I would have pics, but I left my memory card at my house..


    On the downside, 4 yeas ago today my dad passed away :/ Well, it was actually a few days earlier, but this as the day they found him.

  7. Hahah thats what I call humour.


    There is nothing like a fresh cup of coffee in the morning to wake you up.


    Once me and Letty went to aberdeen and our goal was to buy a coffee everytime we walked past a coffee shop...


    We failed


    To be fair, it was a rubbish challenge! And McDonald's coffee is deadly.

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