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Posts posted by Letty

  1. How could I forget this place?


    I've been here since I was like 13, and theres been so many memorable events, the hilarious name changing fiasco, the jordan avatar craze; also the fact Ive met some of you guys!! (including Jordan, lololol :heart: )


    Viva la knee!!!


    edit - I regret that last part already, but I'll leave it to remind myself how uncool I really am...

  2. Good day at work, it was very quiet :D I made food all day, and did not have to clean a single dish!!


    Put some yellow and purple patches in my hair last night and it looks awesome with the orange which the rest of my hair has now turned!


    Been sorting through photos all evening, ones from when I was really little. Got a bit teary.


    Now to while the night away on 4chan :D

  3. I would invite:


    1. A reeeally fat person, so I could gawp at their fatness occasionally.

    2. A hot Finnish blond guy who is topless and has leather trousers and long hair, so I could gawp at his hotness occasionally.

    3. My boss, so we could discuss white supremecy and his awful tattoo.

    4. David Hayter, because he has a sexy voice.

    5. A homeless person, so they could be fed and merry.

  4. 2 years ago, I did some little drawings for a book - I originally got asked, because my mum was helping the author because he is terribley dyslexic, and I never thought anything would come of it, but it turns out that its now getting published - and Ive got a sort of preview copy here!! :D




    (sorry for all the images today)



  5. I worked today from 10-6, then went to the sauna with Jordan and my friends :D. I've not been out for ages because Ive been working so much, so it was really nice to see everyone!


    I bought one of those latex hat things so my hair didnt turn the water red too :D

  6. This isnt directly answering your questions, but all my friends only drink to get drunk. An example was today, Jordan was going to buy some vodka for them and their stupid party, but I was standing with him at the checkout, and they asked for my Id too, because they thought he was buying it for me. So they didn't sell us it, and one of my friends said to me, 'I hate you.'


    Fucks sake, I hate what alcohol turns people into.

  7. I'm awesome because I'm aweswome at everything I do.


    I'm totally hot, and can make excellent coffee. I can wash dishes at the speed of light, whilst simultaneously preparing veggies and tuna.

    I freaking own at guitar hero and DJ Max Portable, and have a great body.

    I'm also awesome because I am earning almost £800 a month and i'm only 16.


    Man, that felt awesome :D

  8. Are you removing it forever?? :o


    My nose is STILLL annoying me ;_;




    It was getting gross because my hands and wrists spend their lives in hot dirty water at work >_>


    Planning on either nipples or cheek next!

  9. I'm not often sad, so I've had to think about this quite a lot.


    Kittens - I don't have one, so I'd probably look at pictures of cute kittens.


    Doing this hilarious excercise routine which has a video with it. Its just so cheesy and ridiculous - it came free with some Special K years ago.


    Halo 3 - this one could result in me being much more sad though, depending on how the team plays. You can get very happy from obliterating the other team, but if you don't win, the sense of anger and of being useless overcomes you.


    Painting. Especially with lots of throwing paint everywhere and getting it on the carpet etc.


    If everything is going well at work, I can sometimes be happy there too :)


    Aaaaand Jordan!!! :heart:

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