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Posts posted by Letty

  1. All my tutors fucked off to Paris for a week, so my class is unsupervised.


    Got to college at 9, went for a cruise in my friend's car till 12, did some stuff, went for another cruise from 1-2:30, went home at 3.

    Got tonnes done... :D


    Then I played Eternal Sonata, and made more pancakes.

    I love pancakes.

  2. Yeh. Although I saw something playing on that match that has been happening a lot and it's been bugging me but when some people use the melee attack out of reach of me they always seem to jump that distance and kill me yet it doesn't work for me. Glitch much.


    Guardian as a map is alright if you have 4 people but with 5 it was a bit of a push. Everyone kept spawning close to or behind others (in one instance I appeared right behind one person, picked up a sticky and waved goodbye).


    Also, unrelated to our failing endeaver online, the map Blackout sucks. Was playing that after everyone left in Team SWAT and it's just awful. Avalanche is definitely the best of the legendary maps.


    I've still not played any of the new maps, despite owning them all.


    Sandtrap on Zombie mode is still one of my favs :)

    Also team rockets on Construct.

  3. Holy shit, I used to be fucking messsyyyyy. When I lived with my mum, my room had a spider's nest next to my mattress (I didn't have a bed) And there was cups and stuff hanging around on the floor with mould and shit in them. I can't believe myself.

    I didn't have any clothes in boxes or anything, they just lived on the floor.




    Now I'm pretty good, though I guess you guys all saw what Jordan thinks about my mess :( I've improved a lot!




    found an image on my old photobucket account from about 2003/4



  4. It's awesome Letty! I especially like the bird in there, heh. =D


    How long does something like this normally take you? Because it looks like it's very time consuming!


    This one took me about 3-4 hours non stop- its A3.


    I have actually had a comission to do one like this though, so I think it will take a lot longer :D

  5. I wonder if i'll be able to do my driving lesson tomorrow. If he comes in this then i'm going to have a very big problem on my hands, i hate driving in snow >_<


    One of mine got cancelled last Friday :(


    Today was nice. Went to visit my mum and brothers, and we went sledging!

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