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Posts posted by Letty

  1. it's "yay" in japanese.


    No, it is 'I did it!' Past tense of 'yaru' (I do)


    But I meant, 'Shetland did it!' :D


    Didn't make a snowman - I had to get to work. (those pics were at about 7:45 this morning)

  2. Today i went clothes shopping and actually found some things i liked :o I was amazed. Also the snow has all turned to slush and ice which is dissapointing :(


    I'm going paintballing tomorrow and it's forecast to be -2 and misty at 9am (when it starts) so that's going to be fun. Anyone have any tips for paintballing? All i've heard is wear baggy clothes.


    Make sure you're face is covered well.


    I got one between my eyes once, even with a mask on, I got black eyes.

  3. I just got a huge disappointment!


    I'm part of an art club, and we get together and do art on weekends. We have an exhibition up at the moment.

    So I was speaking to the two main women who run it the other day, and they said, (to my face) that they want it to be an exhibition of OUR art, not theirs (since they're established working artists - who sell their work everywhere)



    I just went to see it just now, and only 2 of the pictures I submitted are up. And guess what, there's fucking hundreds of these women's pictures!! I could have easily had my 4 up if they hadn't been so selfish.


    What really upsets me is how I painted the pictures especially for this exhibition, wich took hours of my life! And noone gets to see them!



  4. I'm sure I read somewhere that they planned to make you able to play as your character, if you had the first one; (which therefore would mean CERTAIN decisions are also taken into effect) and that if you hadn't played the first one, you could make a new character.


    If so, that'd be so awesome! :D


    Damn it, my character was SO UGLY!!!

    I wanted so have a facially disfiguring accident so badly, so I wouldn't be subject to its sickening wrongness.

  5. One of the Top community games on XBLA at the moment is called 'Rumble Massage'


    You can choose a setting for vibration, from lowest to highest, and it just makes the controller vibrate until you turn it off!

    Its obviously not aimed for actual massages..

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