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Everything posted by Letty

  1. My xbox should be back this weekend
  2. I'm loving the new customisable options!!! My character had about 10 piercings
  3. I'm on easy, but I''m also trying not to shoot anyone throughout! Also, Shetland's local radio station was playing the main theme today!! wtf..
  4. Did I miss something? Ps. this pc is a stripped down piece of shit.
  5. At the weekend I worked, played Mirror's Edge and Rockband 2! I wish I was better at Mirror's Edge. The death noise it so dis-heartening!
  6. You definetly will! Ive got a scar on my cheek from my anti-eyebrow, and on my wrist and hips. I think theyre there for life, they've been there for a year about now.
  7. I took a series throughout the day, to show the different stages of the storm ^^ * skips to dA *
  8. Loverly!! Snow here: And a photo of a snow storm out at sea Snow is amazing. And its beautiful.
  9. Aww, I'm already on it! I like Rez's idea!
  10. Work was a joke today. It was so fucking cold. Me and my workmates were all huddled together penguin stylee for most of the day, as it was dead! I also had a day long battle with the floor. Everytime I mopped it, more snow got on it T_T By the way, its fucking cold!
  11. Its properly snowing!!! ( -9 degrees >_> ) I'm sitting in the library - which looks out onto a car park - and there is a huge scale snowball fight going on out there! Woo!! I have some photos, they'll likely be up later!
  12. Reporting in from college - where everything is filtered to shit! System trays on these pcs are longer than my forearm.
  13. The sad thing is I know he'd rather have internet than me! Been doing so much life drawing over the last 2 weeks - I'm exhausted. by the end of today, I'll have done 3 drawings of 2 hours each. I made a cup of tea this morning that I never drank - it still sitting on the side waiting for me to come home!
  14. I can't until I've got a connection at the flat T_T
  15. I made fajitas last night. I was so impressed with myself! And I've had some permanent marker on my arm since saturday night, and it wont wash off me!
  16. Loving the soundtrack!! Apart from that, I haven't got to play it yet - I'm sure I'll get a go when Jordan is done...
  17. Well I found that hilarious!
  18. Just started this last night. I think its pretty good, but it certainly doesn't feel like a Banjo game. And I'd have liked to spend some time exploring Spiral Mountain at the start, rather than being transported straight away Also - not a big fan of the 'having to go get the jiggies from the jig-o-vend' fiasco. At least I get the Arcade game ^^
  19. Started Banjo last night. I'm in two minds. I also dyed my hair blue again. Also I had to work 9-5 on Friday, and got bitched at in college today because one of the tutors saw me working instead of being there >.< I'd reeally like some internet back in the flat.
  20. On a totally unrelated note, back in 't day when I played Banjo Kazooie, I thought the move that Kazooie could do to make you walk faster on her legs was awesome, and lovingly referred to it as 'chicken legs' - bear* in mind I was like, 7 :p *Lol, see what I did there, Banjo... bear... oh well..
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