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Everything posted by Letty

  1. 'Yeah, eat it! Its full of shit!!' I really enjoyed that last episode
  2. Well I've ended up doing nothing, but I bought my little brother some glow in the dark silly string, and gave him a pretty cool zombie face with liquid latex and stuff ^^ Aaaand:
  3. I bought hairdye. Capri blue: Emerald green: Napalm Orange (there was finally some in stock ^^): Pillarbox Red: I bought the last one for my boss. We're gonna have a hairdying thing
  4. I absolutely love my course All I did today was mess around with ink and straws and blowing the ink to make trees I've regressed. Also, Mirror's Edge demo = awesome.
  5. Some of my friends from my course have gone on a trip to look at the uni's I really would have liked to go, but you know, money and stuff... Also, Glasgow doesn't do a general fine arts course!? Hmm...
  6. Kinda looking forwards to this now!
  7. Letty

    Fable 2

    So I've ended up with a lesbian wife. LOL
  8. Woo!! 40 minutes later and everything is well!
  9. Lmao, Ive been on the phone to xbox support for 10 mins, and so far its been: *cheesy music* 'please hold the line, thanks for waiting' *cheesy music* 'please hold the line, thanks for waiting' *cheesy music*
  10. I've got a pumpkin ^_^ And some fake blood. But apart from that I'm gonna be a huge loser and sit around at home, probably on here.
  11. It costs £2.00 here for about 2 applications worth. You also need some bandages though, to put over the top whilst it soaks into your skin. You need to put it on an hour before hand. If you will get it, the kind you need is 5% EMLA cream
  12. Are you talking about EMLA cream? I'd highly recommend it!! I used it for some of my surface piercings, and it makes your skin completely numb. You can actually pinch it and scratch it and things, and you can't feel it! But it's effects only last for 30 mins or so, which might not be enough time for a tattoo, I dunno how long that would take.
  13. Letty

    Fable 2

    I keep having the game freeze at the scene after
  14. Nightwooolf, I tried to add 'Lady gracedia' on Guildwars but it apparently doesn't exist!!
  15. Letty

    Fable 2

    Just started this just now. I chose a girl character!
  16. I think its actually a false alarm. It gets to the dashboard when I dont have the HDD or MU in, so I think its the MU thats fucked. However, its not connecting to XBL now, and mu profile is on my MU T_T Either way, the red lights have stopped :s
  17. Urgh. I just put Fable 2 in my disc drive for the first time, and my 360 died. First it was like, 'Lol, I'm flashing one red light at you, you thought I was a gonner!!' And I was like 'Shit man, don't scare me like that!' So I took out my hard drive and booted it again. Then it was like, 'Lmao, your profile isn't on your Memory Unit now, wtf are you gonna do!?' So I was like' T__________T' *restart* The it fucking has 3 red lights!! Bullshit. *Goes to Jordan's 360 with Fable*
  18. Saw V I went to see this on my own last night. I felt like a loser. Anyway, it was muuuch better than the bullshit that was Saw 4. I'm happy to see the obstacle course style traps back! Story was much more complex, and I really was gripped thoughout it. 8/10. Too much Jigsaw's accomplice shizzle was its only flaw.
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