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Everything posted by Letty

  1. I went out last night!! It was my mates birthday, so I went in my wig and silver hotpants etc. We got a taxi there, and the taxi driver gave me his mobile number, but he was fat and old and bald >_______> It was awesome though. I walked back through town at 2am in my hotpants.
  2. Just realised we can't come because thats the day we fly to Halifax
  3. I burnt my finger on a soldering iron T_T It was so hot I didn't even feel it at first, but I looked at my hand, and the skin was like when you sear chicken in a pan and it goes white! It looks kind of cool anyway... *pain* Work night out tonight ^^
  4. I'll come on a train too, but I don't even know where this place is - let alone my way round
  5. Biryani!! I like vegetable ones.
  6. Me and Jordan will be in the area (ie. England), so we'll come!!!
  7. I have had the same fake tree for the last 6 or 7 years! You have no idea how difficult and expensive it is to find a real tree in the land where nothing grows.
  8. Jordan posting: Thats actually a fantastic idea mapping homing attack to X. It means you can keep your finger on boost and go straight into attacking an enemy if you have to.
  9. Today I got offered a job in an arts and crafts shop! I'd really like to take the job, and I probably will as it pays better, but I don't know how I'm going to break the news to my beloved Peerieshop!! Also, a piece of my work has made its way into an exhibition up here! The big unveiling of the exhibition is 2 Saturdays away.
  10. I've created a christmas tree out of tons of these things: I steal them off the boxes of teacakes at work Pics later cos I'm as my mum's.
  11. Oh lawd, I just casually strolled into the Hot Person gallery, forgetting I was on a public computer in plain view of the whole room... >.< 14 days till my birthday!!
  12. The manufacture date says October 2008.
  13. Eurgh, work was insane today. Our normal takings per day for around this time of year is about £400, but today we made over £1000 x.x I also have stripey hair now ^^
  14. MS sent me a brand new 360. I guess the one I sent away was well and truly fucked.
  15. Letty

    Fable 2

    My wife left me And I'd just done the crucible. I thought it saved after I'd done that, so I turned off my xbox so I could go and make my wife like me again before it was too late, but when I turned it on, I was stood in front of the crucible gates!!!!! Gaah.
  16. YAAAAAY!!! I got a text from Demonmike last night; DIR EN GREY ARE COMING BACK TO THE UK!!!!! I'm gonna try my best to get down there and see them again!!
  17. Its the forum's favourite member's birthday once again!!!
  18. This pc doesn't even have MS paint... wat. I'll add myself sometime... somewhere.
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