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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. She doesn't know how it got there, at the moment, all it does is go on MSN, close any conversations she's in, and the program sends out random messages about photos. I used Avast since that's one of very few anti-viruses that's in Spanish (she can't speak english), but, I'll probably scan her computer with AVG or something soon.
  2. RCT 3 is cheap for a reason... It's crap. Get RCT 2, since it's similar to the first one, but has more, and it works on XP.
  3. She already did (I mentioned that in the first post).
  4. She doesn't want to do that, she's got too much stuff on her PC that she would lose. Is there any less extreme solution?
  5. A friend of mine is having a problem with her computer. On Windows Live, for some reason, some form of program has taken control of MSN, and is typing out random things in conversations, and whenever she tries to start one, the window is closed automatically. She's tried anti-viruses, anti-spywares, and re-installing Windows Live, but alas, the problem still happens. How can I solve this problem?
  6. Neither. It's based on the Doctor Who novel "Human Nature", considered by many as one of the greatest Doctor Who novels ever. Besides, the adaptation for the TV series is based in 1913 (not the victorian era.
  7. I agree with you, Rezourceman, RCT 3 is much poorer than it's predecesors. The interface is harder to use, there are many things that aren't in it that RCT 1 and 2 had, and I felt also it was a lot more boring.
  8. If there were demos on the Wii, the best idea would be to just download a few, smaller files, then the rest are streamed on while you play, and are deleted as soon as you quit.
  9. Is there anyway of upgrading it then? (Yes, I'm somewhat a newb when it comes to things like graphics cards and such >_>).
  10. Strange. The warning it gives me mentions nothing about Pixel Shader 3.0, and on the Wikipedia, it says that Lost Planet only needs Pixel Shader 2.0.
  11. For some reason, my computer refuses to run it. It say's that my graphics card uses an unsupported version of the Pixel Shader 2.0 (I have a Radeon 9600, btw (Yes, it sucks)).
  12. Son of the Mask, Catwoman, You Got Served... I could go on for ages.
  13. Although I never really spoke with you, I will miss you, as will the entire community.
  14. Am I the first person to notice this Reggie referance in FF3?
  15. They got Tom Hanks on Blue screen, then merged his footage with the old footage by using CGi to make it look like he was there.
  16. Is your left arm your fapping arm? Question answered.
  17. The third one wasn't even released on the GC for some reason, although that was the most sold and popular version.
  18. Who's to bet that some artist is already making some hentai/lolicon based on that?
  19. What unique boxart. It's got no Wii symbol on it, and it's in arabic
  20. WTF is up with the screenies? They look as bad as the first Harry Potter game on the PS1!
  21. It does, since it once counted for me 8 hours (within both Zelda and the amount of time spend playing games on one day), and about 6 hours of that was within the home menu.
  22. Oh dear, let's hope Gothic stays well away from the Wii (I recently played Gothic 2, and it was awful).
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