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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. This thread is getting better by the minute
  2. ...Fuck, didn't read the article properly then
  3. FOR FUCKS SAKE! This is just gone too fucking far now! I swear to God, Muslims are literally taking control of the entire goverment in the U.K now! Edit: Ignore, I made this post without reading the article properly
  4. Quote'd in signature for great justice.
  5. FFS, of course the game graphics don't look good yet, it's only 30% complete!
  6. Yeah, I knew that, but, glasses definatly suit me more than what contacts would. Without them, I look... weird.
  7. I just finished the wank I previously mentioned... T'was good.
  8. Well, I've worn glasses since I was 5 or 6, and I don't think I'll be abandoning them anytime soon, unless I really need to. Most people think I look kind of psycotic without them. Also, I have to wear glasses because I'm extremely short-sighted (about -6).
  9. I am currently having a great wank. ... ... ... ... ... Let the thread procede.
  10. The levels of win would have been so high, that it would have created a paradox.
  11. Forget all the other ideas, just do this. Full stop.
  13. I know the feeling. Whether it's when you first get up, and I can't find my dressing gown, or during Geography with my incredibly ugly teacher
  14. -Face palm- Although this monster does look like Cthulhu/Godzilla/Jordan, JJ. Abrams has confirmed that the monster is an original creation. In other words, it isn't Cthulhu/Godzilla/Jordan, or any previously thought-of creature.
  15. Where's Jordan and his magnificent jar when he need him? =/
  16. Well, there's one office where the photocopies are manly done, but you can also get them done in secetary, but due to the protests, the people at the secetary weren't there. Plus, the Maths teacher isn't quite used to most modern inventions And fortunatlly, we don't have to walk ten miles to get water.
  17. Been a bit of an odd day today. I was allowed to skip Physics and Chemistry today because of some protests related to violence towards women, and at breaktime, I accidently got pulled into the protests, was forced to carry a sign around the school yard while we were recorded live on TV. Also, because a relative of the guy who does photocopies at our school (called Pepé) died today, Pepé took the day off to mourn the death and because of that, our Maths Teacher couldn't do photocopies of our exams, so we've got another 3 days to study XD
  18. F*** all... ... ... ... Okay, seriously now, I'll probably just play some SMG, and cry myself to sleep
  19. There's a ever so slight flaw in your magnificent plan. How do you turn on your lights one hour before waking up without actually waking up to turn them on?
  20. She deserves to suffer too. Put her throught a 24 hour marathon of dire movies, AND LET'S SEE HOW SHE LIKES IT!
  21. I'll take half a dozen, and two packets of salt n' vinegar crisps.
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