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Everything posted by KKOB

  1. Just adding everyone above =D Add me back if you can heh :P
  2. I'm 1805-2155-6985 ^_^
  3. I can agree with this entirely. Wasn't until about 12:25 that we were allowed to get the cover signed, and then told to queue up. The processing of purchases was REALLY slow. Too many people wanted to trade in their old consoles and loads of games to get the 3DS for next to nothing. It took me about 10-15 mins to buy the console, after another 15 mins of queueing by the tills, after the mess up with the initial sales. The people on the tills had too much to do, and the security and most people around didn't have a fecking clue as to what was meant to happen at midnight. I've been to GAME launches at Sound and they were MUCH better organised, the most recent being the WoW: Cataclysm launch. Still, I got my copy of SF IV signed, I had loads of fun in the queue (UMBRELLLAAAA) and got SF IV and Pilotwings and the console for £240, but I now have £40 of HMV vouchers to spend and a bag of schwag. I ended up getting out about 12:50am. In short, if anyone is considering going to a HMV launch event, don't waste your time. GAME are far superior at organising these things and HMV didn't seem to give a crap about the people queueing, they only seemed interested in the press and the 'celebs'.
  4. If you're number 5 then i was the weird guy who came and played with his phone from 12pm :P checked hoody. We're heading back about 7pm ish. Figure 500 people must have wristbands by then. Only a couple hours in the ally before being moved to front of store WOOP WOOP
  5. So yeah, I'm no.10 at the HMV Oxford Street launch. WOOP WOOP for a free game ^_^ Going to be getting a black console, Pilotwings and SSF IV 3D. Starting to get excited now!
  6. I can't get online :'( DS FAIL!!! I suppose I should just wait until I have a nice shiny 3DS AKA my Pokemon and Ocarina of Time player
  7. This does not bode well . . .
  8. KKOB

    PSP Go

    I think EA are crazy charging £32 for the PSP version of NFS:Shift on PSN. Seems totally bizzare to me. £25 on play . . .
  9. KKOB

    PSP Go

    Well this is a most joyous thread indeed . . .
  10. KKOB

    PSP Go

    Is it just me or are the PSP downloadable games a LOT cheaper on the US PSN store vs the EU one As long as we get PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe today, I'll be happy. Bought the Dissidia PSP-3000 t'other day. It's so lovely and sparkly ^_^
  11. Diablo came out for PSone :O
  12. KKOB

    PSP Go

    Indeedy. The 3K i just got is to replace my 1K so already have lots of games to play when it comes :P
  13. And a 4GB memory stick for the bugger.
  14. KKOB

    PSP Go

    Just ordered a glittery white PSP-3000, the final fantasy dissidia pack. I just can't justify buying a PSP Go, when all the games will be at a fixed price, when it does noting a PSP 3K doesnt do if you shove in a big memory stick. I think the Go would work better if it was a PSP 2 proper, least then people have a reason to buy it.
  15. Eeeek! Starting Uni of Birmingham on Monday. Not a clue what i'm meant to do, so i'm going to go, register, get my ID card for student discount goodness, and then ask around and annoy the staff. . . joy! It's weird being a post-grad AND a fresher of sorts :/
  16. Saw this excellent vid on youtube, thought people might appreciate it
  17. I think film looks a bit crap :/ I mean, the character of Huxley is so obsurdly over the top and eurgh I'm dreading what they've done to the finer points of the story behind "The Origin" and Darwin.
  18. KKOB


    The people who made Engadget are back with a social review site/community called GDGT. Just wondering if any of you guys have accounts? Here's a video which explain the site much better than I can. http://features.gdgt.com/2009/07/01/introducing-gdgt/
  19. I FUCKING LOVE UNI OF MANCHESTER!! Did a Biology degree, I wanna go back and do my PhD there too. The city is amazing, the university is world class in terms of science, it has really great facillities, and it just feels really good. I really cannot praise the uni enough! <3 <3 <3 *gushes some more, starts babbling, drools etc* QFT! Also, they play amazing music AND there's a Font bar in Fallowfield as well
  20. Can't be arsed to get involved with arguind here. I've given advice, and answered questions and now i take my leave to go and play with iTunes 9.
  21. People will know due to the release candidate being made available by M$. It's the best version of windows, with some good UI updates and about time too. Still, according to all the critics OS X is still the best operating system in the world for most people. I've just installed XP on my moms iMac after nearl 3 years of being OS X only. Using Bootcamp on the mac was effortless, and made everything really easy. So i now have the choice to boot into Snow Leopard or XP on the iMac. So, at worst, you'll have a kick ass laptop which has the choice of runing either OS X or XP/Vista as you see fit. Yay for choice. I will also say that going back to XP is horrible, and a bit like being stuck in the 70s.
  22. Be brave and try something different, or stay with the same old same old. In this case "better the devil you know" doesn't apply.
  23. You need to BUY Apple care to extend the warrenty to 3 years from the normal 12 months. Normal price of Apple Care for an iMac say is about £260. Students get it for about £55. MASSIVE saving. My mac is still a damn good computer, it's going on three years old. Like i said, i plan to use it for next 2-3 years as well Still plays WoW great
  24. Erm, no. The drag and drop thing i was talking about was more to do with dragging a picture from a web browser straight into an open word document etc. Not merely opening up a file in a certain app :/ And OS X has been able to do it for years as well, this 'selective drag and drop' has been round since before i joined the mac world with OS X 10.4 Tiger. The 'new feature' in Snow Leopard is a refinement of Expose called Dock expose. It's hardley 'far superior' if the mac has a lil script etc that can modulate a buttons function, and the green dot is not much smaller than the maximise square on windows :/ Play about with things like the new Expose, then try pressing tab while in expose, use dock expose. And use Spaces to have different environments on the same mac. This is superior to the 'out of the box' feature list of windows i think.
  25. Erm, the dock is like what the task bar has become in Windows 7 :/ Expose is useful if you have lots of windows of the same app. And if you want to get ti a specific window in the app, just right click the icon in the dock, and click the window you want :/ Expose is a very elegant way of seeing all your windows, and very handy for drag and drop between windows and applications, something you can't do on windows. A number of people have spoke to me about the 'lack' of a maximise button. The Expand button (green dot) changes the size of the window to fit the contents of the window, so this is dependant on your screen resolution. You can manually expand a window by dragging the bottom right corner of the windows. And, in some apps which work best in full screen like iPhoto Aperture, iMovie, Garage Band etc the expand button actually expands the window to fill pretty much all of your screen. Having many windows open at once vs just one taking up all the screen space at any one time allows the user to multi task much more effectively. eg. I often have an msn chat window, and twitter on the left of the screen and a browser taking up the rest of the space. YAY for multitasking
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