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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. Most acts of violence take place when the attacker is under the influence of some drug, be it alcohol or narcotics. Legalizing cannabis could mean an increase in violence related criminality.
  2. Zant was a huge letdown. Once his mask came off, it was clear that his voice hadn't broken yet.
  3. Voice work Orchestrated music A new storyline 1:1 sword and shield controls
  4. It's working alright. I'm pretty amazed by how well it works.
  5. When you get a "FISH ON", just tilt the Wiimote back and hold it there. I thought I had to tire the fish out by pulling back and letting it sink back, but that'll just end with it getting away.
  6. Yes please. I want to hear Ganondorf at the end of a Zelda game.
  7. That cutscene that plays when you meet the third light spirit thing in Lake Hylia... Possibly the greatest cutscene ever. Just done with the third dungeon, which can politely go to hell. It has merely strengthened the fact that water dungeons should not be messed with, for they are horrible. As opposed to the first two dungeons, which had a kind of natural progression to them, the Lakebed Temple was compact and deviously designed. I'm starting to wonder where the last dungeons are. I heard there are 9 or something, and there's only one more province to discover. This can get interesting.
  8. As long as I get through today, I'll be fine. Tomorrow will be a pretty short day.
  9. 2 days, 14 hours for me. Getting it at 10 in the morning, CET. The wait is really over (or begins :P) in 2 days and 9 hours, when I get in line.
  10. For the rest of you, set those alarm clocks to "early" and put on some warm clothes.
  11. I remember looking forward to the DS a lot, but not this much. Handheld hype can't reach the level of home console hype, I think. It feels so unreal that when I wake up tomorrow - a short day in my book - it'll only be three days. Wednesday will be a killer though. Long day, work after school, and I have to study for a test in the late afternoon. Thursday will be alright. PE, History and another social studies test, but after that, it's steady cruising toward 5 in the morning on Friday :P
  12. 4 days. Getting ready to show up at the store at 5 in the morning.
  13. Huh, I had no idea the Wii came with that clear plastic disk that helps it balance on its stand.
  14. Will the EU Wiis come with the improved interface then? (the one what looks better?) :P
  15. Good morning, everybody... Six days today, huh? It still feels like a lot. Oh well, on Monday, it'll only be four.
  16. Rayman and Red Steel happen to be two of the Wii's best-selling titles...
  17. Nintendo can do both a Mario Golf game and a Touch Golf game like they did for the DS.
  18. Aw, come on, I tried the PS3! No questions? :P
  19. Just came back from trying out the PS3 in Oslo. Played Motorstorm, Genji and Resistance. Motorstorm was the first game I played. While it looks good in action, the models aren't as impressive as they should be. The tilt functionality was interesting. I finished last in my first race, which was unsurprising. You have to hold the controller perfectly horizontally to avoid the motorcycle reeling up on the back wheel, which was uncomfortable, since I'd much rather lean back in the chair and relax. Without the tilting, the game controlled much like any other racing game, but by turning it off, the game also lost most of its charm. Genji was a disappointment. Though I did encounter real time weapon switch very early on in the game, the camera angle is fixed and is generally annoying. Also, the second half of the demo I played controlled clumsily. The game is basically a generic RPG, and apart from some nice visuals, it is not particularly interesting. Resistance was probably the best game I played today, although it was not very special. Though it is intriguing in the way it alters history (WWII never happened), replace the bad guys with German troops and it's basically another WWII shooter. The weapons are pretty interesting, though. I also messed around with the XMB interface. I inserted a Memory Stick from my cell phone, hoping I could take a look at some pictures, but unfortunately, the stick never showed up on the interface, and I wasn't able to check out the other media functions of the PS3. The car ride home gave me to think about the experience. After trying the console, I am not overly impressed. The games I tried looked good - but they're nothing special. Resistance in particular, which has been called a PS2.5 game, basically looks like something the original Xbox could do. While I was never fond of the DualShock controller, there is something timeless about it, even with its new guts. This has been said a million times, but the controller is very light. When it comes to the new trigger buttons, I'm undecided. Oh well, those are my thoughts.
  20. Lucky me. I get to go to Oslo (Norway) on Friday and personally test out the PS3.
  21. There are still some conflicting messages about this. It wasn't on the official list from Bergsala (Norwegian Nintendo handlers), but Nintendo people at Electroworld (an electronics expo) said it would be out at launch. I guess we'll just have to wait.
  22. So do cell phones, microwave ovens, x-rays, cordless phones, security screenings at airports and soforth.
  23. "When WiiConnect24 is set to ON, the slot will blink when messages or data is received." I can dig that.
  24. And wouldn't you know it, they're better than the US ones.
  25. Any updates on the Norwegian scene? I'm getting mine from Elkjøp, but they told me in late October they wouldn't be doing preorders.
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