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Status Updates posted by Ashley

  1. But she was repeatedly raped and abused. And was Darla...which somehow works in her favour.


    It is kinda worrying how hot a serial killer can be.

  2. But surely everyone loves you...or maybe they're just jealous you're dating Flink? :p


    It was a fantastic film, make sure you see it! Its out here next Friday (saw an advanced screening), dunno about there though...


    My mind is too fleeting to decide on anything though lol. But I am looking into short term courses over the summer as come September I'll be working full time and doing uni in the evenings so no time then. But all I can seem to find is Flash-based courses which is not what I want. Ah well, I'll carry on :)


    How are you anywho? I've just been talking about me the whole time. How rude :p

  3. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuttons!


    How are you? Long time and not a peep.


    I've started playing Pearl again. We still need to have that battle one day ^_^

  4. Can you explain why は is used for the wa particle. I know "it just is" but why, why be so awkward? :p Similarly, using う for an 'oo' sound following o-hiraganas and い for an 'ee' sound following e-hiraganas. Where's the logic? Bloody linguistics :p


    But following my earlier point I presume it gets easier to recognise when は means wa and when it means ha the more I practice eh?

  5. Check the question thread and respond to my question.


    And NEVER call me hun :p

  6. Cheers dudette :)


    May look at picking up some fixative spray from The Works (cheap art/book store over here) tomorrow but for now tried using some of my mom's hairspray. Given them a quick 'layer' as it were.


    Cheers for the advice :)

  7. Cheers. Nice to know I'm not just being blind/stupid :)


    And thanks for all your help throughout. I owe you a drink. Wrapped in Tori Amos...or something. Really appreciate it.

  8. Clearly.


    Apparently theres one in Belyama too :o!

  9. Completely random question (for NaNoWriMo: see creative).


    I need a Japanese female name (pref that can be Westernised but not so important) that ties into the number 10. I know ten is 'Ju' and apparently 'Jun' means obedient (which would also work in the sense of 'names reflecting literal traits' but again, not as important) but I often hear Japanese people say their names consisting of the kanji for x and y so I presume it doesn't have to just contain the certain kanji, but there's more than that?


    Anyway rambling aside, can you think of any female names which play on the number 10 by any chance? I'll understand if not because its not like we have any names that play on numbers really so this may be a long shot.


    Many thanks :)

  10. Cringe worthy?


    Maybe you don't have enough RAM to understand this Michael but there is such a thing as brotherly love!

  11. Damn. I'm on a train to London on the 27th! Although I suppose I could buy and not read...


    Toy Story 3 for the first time or Toy Story in general?

  12. Did you have to say hairspray so many times? Now I have Good Morning Baltimore in my head :p


    Thanks though :D



    Read just over half of the main one. Good so far. Only a few little grammar errors but nothing worrying. Although I don't really understand land law :p

  14. Eww you :p

    And pink and black? You big gay emo!

  15. Fair enough.


    Maybe in the future I should think first and all that too.

  16. From what I've found Mobile Choice (Buying Guide) and T3 (although its a general gadget site) are best.


    Thanks :)

  17. Ghost?!




    What are you, a woman in the 80s?

  18. GOOD LUCK!


    See, I remembered. Although you may not see it before anyway. So if you are reading this afterwards; HOPE IT WENT WELL! :D

  19. Great clip :D


    I love your new Sig and Avatar. So awesome :D

  20. Grey bastard.


    IRC name is ashleytwo!

  21. Hah thankfully its a pretty full can. Maybe I should just buy some hairspray anyway, in case I ever feel like big hair again :p


    Yeah I know what you mean. Picked up some charcoal (24 sticks of varying sizes) from The Works yesterday for £2. Next cheapest was £4 for 6 I think in another shop. Nice to have a cheap place ^_^

  22. Haha I was round a friends and we were playing Mario Kart Wii and someone selected Daisy so I said "Hi I'm Daisy!" and they looked at me strange so I said "she says it..." and then when she didn't say it during the game I said "maybe it was on the GameCube...but she does!" Made me seem crazy.


    Classic catchphrase though.

  23. Haha you love looking like a desperate 14 year old male, don't try and pretend otherwise :p


    Indeed she does. And I have a poster of her watching over me in bed so I never forget ;)

  24. Happy now?

    (re: sig)

  25. He is still a 'registered user' and his IP is not on the ban list.


    So...problem his end?
