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Status Updates posted by Ashley

  1. I trust you're using ME3 to romance the character voiced by Yvonne Strahovski, right?

  2. I want your autograph.

  3. I was playing Pokemon SNAP CRACKLE AND POP and I got the Snorlax to show me his SPICY dance moves and it reminded me of you.

  4. I was thinking more "if you mistranslate me I'll cut you" but whatever.

  5. I was trying to help you become diurnal then.

  6. I was watching a Japanese tv programme and in the background they had the Britney Spears Christmas song playing. You're the only person I knew who would be able to grasp the surreal magnitude of it.

  7. I will always be there for you to blow alternating hot and cool.

  8. I'd invite you to my Wii Party ;)


  10. I'll change the thread title back later on FYI, but at this present moment the new title is more on the mark.

  11. I'm having to fight the urge to change your topic title to "My fake pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard and they're like "its better than Ninty's"."

  12. I'm listening to Bruce Springsteen. Be proud.

  13. I'm torn between the awesomness that is Chuck and the awfulness that is Lady Gaga.

  14. I've been in charge (along with others) of this board for a few years :heh:

  15. I've just noticed this which may be helpful for you: http://www.flickr.com/cameras/sony/dslr-a350/

  16. I've only read the little bit here and there while at work yesterday because there was sod all to do for a while. So I hid in the cupboard and read.

  17. If you ever visit this site again happy birthday :)

  18. Is Mormonism now some kind of social taboo?

  19. Is the town with no cheer the one from footloose?

  20. It illustrates that this particular video-maker is able to work with styles and extrude backgrounds from clips etc. I presume it was meant for fun, and to test the vidder's skills. Like how I presume every once in a while you may doodle which is essentially pointless. STOP BEING A MISERABLE SCOT!

  21. It is going to be a mix of nominations and votings. When there is a clear winner then there will be no votes but those that have a mix then the top noms go into the votes so numbers do make a difference :)

  22. It is on a short hiatus in America. Think it starts again this Sunday so if you're watching British pace it should be on next week too.

  23. It is really hypnotic.

  24. It just runs really slowly on my slaptop. Dunno why. I use it at work, because its that or I(cant)E7...
