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  1. 2 points
    Finished a bunch of games today. I enjoyed Lil Gator and Metal: Hellsinger so much that I went for double platinums and played them again. Next up, I played through Metal Gear 1 and 2. I've never played either of these, despite loving the series. I enjoyed both of them, with each of them showing signs of where the series would go. Metal Gear 2 is remarkably similar to Metal Gear Solid. Certain events, characters and places are pretty much what is seen in MGS. Holly is essentially Meryl, getting attacked in the elevator, climbing up a large amount of stairs, fighting a Hind D, plus more...all of these things take place in both games. The character art during codec calls is pretty similar to what we would end up with in MGS. Speaking of which, there's obviously no VA in the game but every line I read that came from Snake, all could hear is David Hayter's voice as I read along. I'm now looking forward to playing MGS. Its been a long time since I last played it. Lastly, I finally finished Kirby's Dream Buffet. It's taken over a year but its done. I bought this at launch and have been playing it on and off since then. The servers are pretty much dead but thankfully you can play against the AI. It's taken over 40 hours of racing to eventually reach the highest rank. It was a total grind but I wanted to fully complete it as I like to try and 100% Kirby games where I can.
  2. 2 points
    Considering I spent the entirety of NG with the first ones you end up with by default, I feel like this is (unfortunately) an understatement
  3. 2 points
    Yeah, most abilities are viable. I used the lightning rain attack for a long time, too. Do you know what I hate? When you save up your strongest attacks for some nice stagger damage and when you launch the first the game decides: "Nope, the boss has to do one of his big moves now so no more damage! NO MORE FUCKING DAMAGE FROM YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" This game, man...
  4. 2 points
    Good recommendation. I loved it. I was like if Doom was a rhythm game. The gun play was fast and fluid, just like Doom 2016 and even though the weapon selection isn't huge, what is there is very satisfying to use. My go to combo were the Persephone (shotty) and The Hounds (dual pistols). Hounds were for long range combat and Persephone for close encounters. I loved the Torments. These challenge stages were a very fun side game. A couple of them gave me some issues but after a bit practice I managed to finish them all. The one where there was no healing allowed took some doing. I was frantically dashing backwards in the air in order to avoid the enemy attacks. I finished with only a sliver of health left. This game is definitely an unsung hero. Thanks for pointing it out as I would never have played it otherwise.
  5. 1 point
    This looked really close in normal speed so I had to go see it in slo-mo. Ah maybe not as bad.
  6. 1 point
    It's only 4 bucks right now, but there's also a free demo/prologue.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Honestly, most of the time, enemies will drop better equipment then what you can buy, anyway. That said, check every new shop for "art books" which let you upgrade corresponding arts to level 7. That's what you should spend money on.
  9. 1 point
    If you're not strapped for cash then just hoard away. A lot of the items you find are needed for sidequests.
  10. 1 point
    Day later than promised but I've had a look and it seems that is all down to IPS (who make the forums) and looking on their support forum it's not available and little call for it. It may happen, but doesn't seem like it would be anytime soon sorry.
  11. 1 point
    Flew by, didn't it? That's Christmas for you!
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I think this one was bugged for me in a good way: Whenever I executed an enemy, heal crystals spawned. So...healing allowed Good to hear that you enjoyed the game It definitely deserves more recognition!
  14. 0 points
    Eh, I think I'll take a break from the game until next year. The game is boring me to tears Caught myself just holding L3 so Torgal can show me the way to beat some linear sections as quickly as possible. There are no worthwhile rewards for exploration. Where did the good old FFIX, FFX, FFXII times go