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Spoiler-Free The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Thread


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spoiler free complaints:


-once again, the rupee/wallet system sucks. See the original NES Zelda for a good example of how it should be


-none of the songs were what i would call 'infectious', like they were in OoT and LttP


-the coolest items didnt get that much use


-im weary of light/dark themes and parallel worlds in video games. Nintendo is the biggest offender, please get a new angle.


-Link and Zelda have no personality. Thank god for Midna, the end bosses, and a few of the NPC's

Why cant Zelda bad-mouth her oppressors or hurl a fireball at them or something, anything!

Why cant Link crack a joke or question what hes asked to do or verbally assault Ganon before battle


I love the series up to this point but i would like to see it evolve these issues


- i disagree I think it's muchy better than having a lot of rupees

- I somewhat agree, but the musics are very good and some of them are hummable. They don't reach Oot level, but that's asking too much.

- You could use some more often, but it's not much of a problem

-There's the just a "light world/dark world" thing in the beggining of the game and it's basically non existant

-Link never had a personality that's always like that, he's just a kind hero that portrays your feelings and Zelda seldomly appears and is kind and fair

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I agree the music in this game is very forgetful. Big disappointment there were no OoT style songs or tunes. Kakariko village is about the only good tune in there. Oh and the Serenade of Water bits (but those were from OoT anyway!)


Agree Link needs a sense of humour.


Zelda needs more character agree.

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Sorry if Link doesn't have a sense of humor after being turned into a wolf and being made to follow the commands of a small black and white creature.


Oh and don't forget his "child hood friend" being kidnapped amongst other things... and that little thing of saving the entire world.

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James, the music is disappointing. Whether it's better than WW, that's up to individual tastes. WW had some classics, I'm struggling to find any classics in TP.


Jordan, I'm not asking for Link to start pulling funny faces behind a character's back. I'm asking for little nuggets of feeling, character, ANYTHING from Link as opposed to that blank stare he's been putting on throughout the game.


Something as simple as rolling his eyes or... SOMETHING!

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I don't see why link needs a sense of humor, and he smiles throughout the game.


I love the soundtrack, the hyrule field music and ending music are quite stuck in my head despite having finished the game.


Sure it's not OoT when it came to music interaction, instruments and such, but that's only natural since it's not a remake.

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Wind Waker was unique in that Link was a child - and children do things like dance around and scream and do other stuff. It was pretty much the only Zelda game where Link displayed that much personality - and even that was down to the cel-shaded, cartoon nature of the game.


Link in Twilight Princess does have some expressions and emotions in this game. He shows great fear at certain stages, concern and even happiness. His eyes also do that cool "look at stuff" thing from Wind Waker which was nice. There is also a fantastic shot of Link smiling at the end of the game which just set everything off great.


Where Link didn't bring the humour, other characters did. Lots of little things in this game made me laugh - especially Malo. Just seeing Malo was hilarious at first, but to see him have his own side quest was lolarity. First 4 figures should just ditch their current plans for Zelda figures and make a giant Malo.


On the subject of music, Wind Waker's tunes are certainly more memorable to me - but that's probably because I've been listening to Mp3s and remixes of them for a long, long time.


Twilight Princess on the other hand seems to rely heavilly on remixes and rehashes of older Zelda tunes to varied effect. We have a creepy rendition of the LttP Hyrule Castle theme, and a slightly more catchy Lost Woods theme among others less familiar and some even more.


The overworld theme comes into play an awful lot too, especially during heavy emotional scenes and when a composer fits the main theme into stuff a lot I can't help but love it. Also, the midi quality of the music doesn't destroy me either - I'm used it to by now. All the good tunes will be orchestrated eventually anyway.

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Guest Stefkov
Goddamn jousting.... How do I defeat the evil pigman on the boar?

you just gotta ride towards the bitch, then when it prompts move tot he righ or left depending on where you kind are when you get close then swipe frantically or at the right moment to hit him. I think 3 hits does it.

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I have just beat dungeon #4 and as everyone is saying that the rest of the dungeons are smaller, and the time between each is smaller to - then am I halfway. Cause if I am, that ain't good, I've only played for 16 hours. And if it does go on for 50 hours, where is the big chunk of time coming from?

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I have just beat dungeon #4 and as everyone is saying that the rest of the dungeons are smaller, and the time between each is smaller to - then am I halfway. Cause if I am, that ain't good, I've only played for 16 hours. And if it does go on for 50 hours, where is the big chunk of time coming from?
I remember taking like 30 hours to reach that phase.


I didn't felt that the last dungeons were smaller, specially 2 of them, so don't worry though. although it seems you're just going through it too quickly zelda games shouldn't be played in a rush, but you'll take at least 30 hours out of it.

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Any game only lasts as long as your play speed. A lot of people spend time wandering around doing nothing or flying about through sidequests. I can't think of any game, ever, that takes 50 hours when you focus mainly on the main quest alone. Tales of Symphonia was the longest for me main quest wise excluding sidequests and that was still a bit under 50.

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I have just beat dungeon #4 and as everyone is saying that the rest of the dungeons are smaller, and the time between each is smaller to - then am I halfway. Cause if I am, that ain't good, I've only played for 16 hours. And if it does go on for 50 hours, where is the big chunk of time coming from?


Sounds about right, the dungeons definately get smaller as you go on, and the time between them is about 4 times less than between the first 4.


I'm at the 7th tempe and I've been playing for 30 hours so I'd say the whole thing will probably last me 40.

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You know, you're all saying the length between the later dungeons/temples are too short, 20 minutes sometimes. But in Ocarina of Time you don't spend 3 or 4 hours betwen temples, unless you decide to finish every minigame in one go.

I think the general time between temples in that game was half an hour at the most.

Maybe we shouldn't be putting down TP just because there isn't much between temples later on in the game, Ocarina of Time wasn't any longer. I reckon we're just lost in nostalgia.

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