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“[Violent games] equivalent to smoking cigarettes”


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Children are impressionable, but its upto the PARENTS not to buy games they think would influence them badly. Adults should know whats right or wrong. I dont think the game controller held a gun to their backs and made them kill someone :indeed:


I find playing a video game like that vents a lot of frustration and i feel more relaxed! the media always look for a scandalous story, or a scapegoat for how shit the world is getting.

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Stop blaming videogames and the people who create them. Blame the parents for letting their ho so influencable kids play them. When the kid then goes on a rampage, the parents will and politicians will be the first to point the finger at the videogamesindusty. What they did forget was that they were in fact the persons who gave the money and permission to the kid.

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Tricky subject, but I do want to stress the fact that anyone who was even just a teenie weenie bit rebellious in their youth would remember that kids don't always ask permission and do alot of things behind parent's backs.


So sorry to say, but quotes like: "it's the parents that should decide whether or not the kids play" are NOT realistic and just plain naive. I sure as hell didn't ask my mom if I could flick through a playboy magazine when I was 16, come on people! :s


I'm absolutely not against the majority of violent games as I think it offers the player a virtual substitution to let their natural aggression loose indoors in front of a TV instead of in real world, but I do think there are limits, and some games just go too far (eg Postal 2!). They should really ban that game, it's only purpose is hurting people and making racist remarks after doing so. I just don't think that's the kind of rolemodel game creators should send out to the kids. :s I can already imagine a bullied kid somewhere in the world finding comfort in finally being the boss over his bullies and beating the crap out of them in a game like that. I just don't think it's necessary to be able chase a scared shitless girl around with a shovel and chop her freaking head off for the fun of it.


A helpfull hand imo would be for the retailers to genuinely ask a kids ID before selling him the game, cause all they think about is the money they recieve in return.


And secondly, to the game creators: if you want to chop heads off, stick with monsters as villains, as in Resi4, that's kinda justified, as they're from a fantasy world and thus easily distinguishable from your next door neighbour, but please: go easy on the frekkin' real life shit!

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And secondly, to the game creators: if you want to chop heads off, stick with monsters as villains, as in Resi4, that's kinda justified, as they're from a fantasy world and thus easily distinguishable from your next door neighbour, but please: go easy on the frekkin' real life shit!


I don't agree. If a game is supposed to be realistic, I'd want to it be properly realistic, not just "we'll make this like in real life but we can't go toooo far". In real life, if you're killing someone, I don't think you'll be scared to go "too far". I wouldn't mind playing a game with people being racist in it, as long as it's done in a mature way. Why should I? I see it in films all the time. And younger children will generally find it easier to get hold of an 18 rated movie than an 18 rated game.

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So sorry to say, but quotes like: "it's the parents that should decide whether or not the kids play" are NOT realistic and just plain naive. I sure as hell didn't ask my mom if I could flick through a playboy magazine when I was 16, come on people! :s


i agree to a point, but parents really should keep an eye on their kids!


Theres a big difference between being 16 and snesking a look at a porn mag, and being 8-12 years old and being given a violent game to play.

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Tricky subject, but I do want to stress the fact that anyone who was even just a teenie weenie bit rebellious in their youth would remember that kids don't always ask permission and do alot of things behind parent's backs.


So sorry to say, but quotes like: "it's the parents that should decide whether or not the kids play" are NOT realistic and just plain naive. I sure as hell didn't ask my mom if I could flick through a playboy magazine when I was 16, come on people! :s


I'm absolutely not against the majority of violent games as I think it offers the player a virtual substitution to let their natural aggression loose indoors in front of a TV instead of in real world, but I do think there are limits, and some games just go too far (eg Postal 2!). They should really ban that game, it's only purpose is hurting people and making racist remarks after doing so. I just don't think that's the kind of rolemodel game creators should send out to the kids. :s I can already imagine a bullied kid somewhere in the world finding comfort in finally being the boss over his bullies and beating the crap out of them in a game like that. I just don't think it's necessary to be able chase a scared shitless girl around with a shovel and chop her freaking head off for the fun of it.


A helpfull hand imo would be for the retailers to genuinely ask a kids ID before selling him the game, cause all they think about is the money they recieve in return.


And secondly, to the game creators: if you want to chop heads off, stick with monsters as villains, as in Resi4, that's kinda justified, as they're from a fantasy world and thus easily distinguishable from your next door neighbour, but please: go easy on the frekkin' real life shit!


It's the parents responsability to know what their children are up to. Sure you can sneak in a playboy mag once in a while, sure you can even have 50GB of pron on your pc. But when their kids start showing violent behaviour or even take drugs,... they should interfere.


There's nothing wrong with letting your kid play violent video games, but parents should keep an eye on their kids and check for different behavior. You just don't wake up one day and say: 'today i'm gonna go on a rampage'. It grows in the childs mind. You can say what you want but children's behavior and actions are the responsbability of the parents.


Another part of the responsability lies with the shopkeeper who sells the games.



Oh and don't call me naive. Ever.

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A kid killed people supposedly after playing Doom. It doesn't matter how real it is, it's all to do with how mentally unstable the kid already is.


I don't blame him, those mutants from hell on Mars are a metaphor for humans on Earth. Damn 2 armed things, I hope you all die.

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Kopo, Chill out dude! Good points though, but it sadly isn't that perfect world you're talking about. I guess this is an endless discussion, though I think I've made my point pretty clear.

I have one question for Peachie though, what exactly is a "mature" racist way? Cause you've really got me guessing there :s

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I have one question for Peachie though, what exactly is a "mature" racist way? Cause you've really got me guessing there :s


I guess "mature" wasn't the right word... hm xD.


Well... like... I think there's a difference between a film about black slaves and a film about gangsters who casually use the N word. I can't really explain it... it's like how you get Tom and Jerry, which is obviously childish violence, then you get something like Braveheart, which is violent but in a completely different way.

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Notice they skip something that is in the equation for violence controlling our acts? Movies. Movies have a much wider audience, and is more believable than video games.


'Lets kill the industry thats nearly made it mainstream' I bet thats on there minds. Plus, how on earth can it be comparable to smoking? I dont get diseases playing games, played 15 years, addicted, and never once killed some one with a gun that fires chickens. And yes, i have considered it.

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“Studies prove that playing these violent video games are bad for kids mental and physical health,†said Jim Steyer, “The health threat involved with kids playing such games is equivalent to smoking cigarettes.â€


And how exactly do these studies PROVE this? These "studies" wouldn't happen to be from the university of Jim Steyer would they?

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Children will have some influence from what video games they play, but not anything close to the influence of TV, movies, music, the list goes on. These people need a scapegoat so they point to video games as the source of all problems and shift all responsibility off of themselves. Like the fools who point at immigrants when the economy is bad.

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