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Wii Remote >>> Sixaxis


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This controller is better than the SIXAXIS


A controller for the PS2 and PC, has motion sensing and rumble. Made by eDimensional (people who sued Sony over rumble).


And who Nintendo have shares in :heh:



Not quite. Try holding a DualShock controller like a baseball bat?


I bet you could have done with the Boomer...I mean Duelshock 3 :heh: (which was better than the SIXAXIS I think)

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true! The motion control is so tacted on the sixaxis. That is why its not that great. Not because of inferior sensitivity etc


Precisely. :) When Sony tacked the motion sensing onto the controller, they failed to consider the design. That severely limited what it could do in terms of player/game interactions.


If Sony want to try and keep up with the Wiimote, they'll have to bring out new controllers such as boxing gloves with motion sensors embedded into them. Unfortunately, it would mean PS3 gamers having to pay more if they want to play games that require them (as opposed to simply switching the way they hold the Wiimote/nunchuck).


Oh dear, I admit I (almost) feel sorry for Sony. The bad news just keeps piling up. I once considered getting a PS3 (E3 last year) but I've been put right off.

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Precisely. :) When Sony tacked the motion sensing onto the controller, they failed to consider the design. That severely limited what it could do in terms of player/game interactions.


If Sony want to try and keep up with the Wiimote, they'll have to bring out new controllers such as boxing gloves with motion sensors embedded into them. Unfortunately, it would mean PS3 gamers having to pay more if they want to play games that require them (as opposed to simply switching the way they hold the Wiimote/nunchuck).


Oh dear, I admit I (almost) feel sorry for Sony. The bad news just keeps piling up. I once considered getting a PS3 (E3 last year) but I've been put right off.



They brought it upon themselves when they abandoned Nintendo and Phillips! Two successful consoles already, this one is their downfall.

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Nintendo refer to theirs as a 3 axis sensor.. I think most scientists do too seeing as there are 3 dimensions.


Sony simple wanted to pull a dual shock.


so you're saying the "sixaxsis" is just a bizz word Sony are using to try pull one over the general public, like how the PS3 is a 4D console

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I remember people saying Ocarina of Time was 4D in NGC a while back, but what is 4D?


in short the forth demension is time, if something was 4 demensional it should be able to travel through it (time)


ou sure NGC didn't miss print and mean 3D? OOT 4D? well actually i guess Link does time travel in the game, but for a console to be 4D it would need a flux capacitor and plutonium batteries

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I don't get how Sony are allowed to call their controller "SIXAXIS" when it only works in 3-Axis.




Am I right in thinking that every time you turn on the PS3 you have to (and I'm guessing you have to do it before you boot up a game):


1. Plug in all the controllers you want into a USB slot (if you want 4 controllers, and are already using a USB port for something you'll have to do them in batches)


2. Wait for the PS3 to recognize the controller


3. Unplug the controller.


4. Then you can start playing.


Can't wait for that scenario:hehe: :laughing:

"Unable to install new hardware"

(insert kid playing Unreal Tournament)

"What new hardware its a fucking Sony CONTROLLER!!!"

"Unable to locate drivers for your device"

"What device its a CONTROLLER from SONY!!!!"

"Please connect your Sony controller now to Sync.

"It is connected you peice of SHIT!!!!"

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I remember people saying Ocarina of Time was 4D in NGC a while back, but what is 4D?


Theres around 100 theories. There is no fact about 4D.


And the only way you can have six axis is with: x,y,z,i,j,k. But since i,j and k are imaginary (impossible) numbers, I doubt Sony have made a controller like that.


I swear, in a month or so, screwing up will be officially known as "doing a Sony".


"doing a Sony" already means "blatantly stealing"

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*insert physicist*


The 4th dimension is time, and it refers to special relativity in which it is assumed that every position in space will also have an associated time coordinate. so (x,y,z,t).

This is taken into account at relativistic speeds (ie. when approaching the speed of light) because at these speeds not only do lengths contracts, but time dilates.


SIXAXIS does appear to be one of those 'buzz words'. Because where I come from in the land of physics, a degree of freedom is a movement by an object that cannot be emulated by any combination of the other movements. This is mainly associated with molecular dynamics though...


So moving in the x,y and z directions (cartesion space) is 3 degrees of freedom. BUT rotation also be considered degrees of freedom.

ie. rotation around the x axis, y axis and z axis.


I hope that nobody tries to prove (without use of an amusing photoshop picture with a ps3 controller with 12 wheels coming out of it) that the name SIXAXIS is justified. Its bullshit, as is the 4D crap.

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One more thing:


Doesn't the SIXAXIS Controller only sense up/down (straight) and left/right (tilt)? And not forward/backwards?


It should work like this:


Senses Pitch: This is tilting the controller towards or away from you (think of an aeroplane climbing or diving)


Senses Roll: Tilting the controller left or right (as if it were a plane that was turning)


Sense Yaw: When the controller is twisted left or right.



And for those who are saying otherwise, Sixaxis is PR crap. There are only 3 axis of tilt, positive or negative are not seperate axes.

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*insert physicist*


The 4th dimension is time, and it refers to special relativity in which it is assumed that every position in space will also have an associated time coordinate. so (x,y,z,t).

This is taken into account at relativistic speeds (ie. when approaching the speed of light) because at these speeds not only do lengths contracts, but time dilates.


But it's still just a theory. one could plot a graph of x,y,z and E (e=energy), and could claim that E is the fourth dimension. Also:



4D-Cube there. Just another theory tho.

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Ahh but the 4D cube is irrelevant really because it is an expression of a 4d concept in 2d space and therefore is invalid. Draing 3D stuff on a 2d medium simply gives you the illusion of space and is not real. Also those blue lines actually fall within the realms of the 3 dimensions so they cant be another dimension.

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based on the teachings of Derren Brown http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derren_brown













SONY are the masters of maketing. Trust the force and dont fall for it! But a lot off weak minded sony fans are going out there to buy the sexiest machine they can get!


Derren Brown explains http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5DB5crSsrA

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But it's still just a theory. one could plot a graph of x,y,z and E (e=energy), and could claim that E is the fourth dimension. Also:



4D-Cube there. Just another theory tho.


Your energy example is just applying a scalar quantity to each point in cartesian space.


I will admit that all science is just a theory (heh. as is religion). But the time fourth dimension is shown in practice with electrons within a synchrotron.

Relativistic effects need to be taken into account to keep the electrons in phase and for determining their energies and velocities.

Bwa ha ha!

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