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Zelda: Twilight Princess


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Just go die far away.


What a stupid response. This is exactly what Nintendo has done. They've moved Zelda: TTP to Wii to boost sales - it's simple business sense. It's one of the world's biggest game franchises, it's the most anticipated insalment since Zelda: OOT so to move it onto the Wii was logical.


I have no problem with that - what I have a problem with is being FORCED to play it with new controls. I wouldn't mind if it only came out on Wii, as long as I could choose how I controled it. If certain people on this forum are correct then everyone would choose to play it with the Wii-mote simply as it'd play soooo much better.

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What a stupid response. This is exactly what Nintendo has done. They've moved Zelda: TTP to Wii to boost sales - it's simple business sense. It's one of the world's biggest game franchises, it's the most anticipated insalment since Zelda: OOT so to move it onto the Wii was logical.


I have no problem with that - what I have a problem with is being FORCED to play it with new controls. I wouldn't mind if it only came out on Wii, as long as I could choose how I controled it. If certain people on this forum are correct then everyone would choose to play it with the Wii-mote simply as it'd play soooo much better.


Of course they moved it to Wii as a business decision, it was ludicrously stupid releasing it on GC only now. LIke you said, it's logical. And who the hell is forcing you to play on Wii, just buy the GC version! Now if you agree with arnie360 stupid post, you have more problems than I thought.

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Of course they moved it to Wii as a business decision, it was ludicrously stupid releasing it on GC only now. LIke you said, it's logical. And who the hell is forcing you to play on Wii, just buy the GC version! Now if you agree with arnie360 stupid post, you have more problems than I thought.


It could have been released for GC only but the delay made it close to this generations end. But if the Wii-conversion idea would´ent been picked up by Nintendos developers I´m sure they would have had the GC-version ready many months ago, probably early June.

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Arnie 360 is entitled to his opinion. You're the only one saying that people are idiots. If Arnie 360's opinion was put over in a slightly inflammatory way, so be it, but he hasn't stooped to telling people to 'go and die' or saying people have 'problems' because they want to play Zelda with traditional controls.

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Arnie 360 is entitled to his opinion. You're the only one saying that people are idiots. If Arnie 360's opinion was put over in a slightly inflammatory way, so be it, but he hasn't stooped to telling people to 'go and die' or saying people have 'problems' because they want to play Zelda with traditional controls.


I say you have problems because his post is indeed inflamatory and is made of stupid comments like GC 1.5 and burn Nintendo, etc. I'm tired of being PC and when I see someone making idiotic comments like that I say what I feel like saying. I don't insult people when they make informative and tasteful posts. Anyway, who cares, I'm tired of this discussion.

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Putting the Gamecube version aside for a second, I don't understand why people are complaining about using the Wii-mote and Nunchuk to play Twilight Princess.


Okay, so it was developed with the Gamecube in mind first. But isn't the Wii-mote and Nunchuk combo designed to be versatile, applicable to many, if not all, existing gameplay types?


Look at Super Mario Galaxy. Even though its innovating, it's still a platformer - you'll still be making Mario run and jump about in much the same way he did in Sunshine and 64 before it (many of his old moves, such as the backflip, can be performed in Galaxy too). And this is a game designed for the Wii.


So why the concern?


I don't know. Maybe it's because we (or at least most of us) have not had a chance to use the controller(s) yet. Even before we get that chance we know what it does and we know how to use it, but we don't yet know exactly what it feels like to play a game with it. And even when we have all had a taste of this 'new way to play games' I think opinions will be as mixed among us as they are amongst the people who have actually played the Wii. *sigh*


If Arnie 360's opinion was put over in a slightly inflammatory way, so be it, but he hasn't stooped to telling people to 'go and die' or saying people have 'problems' because they want to play Zelda with traditional controls.

Give him time. ;)

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I have no problem with that - what I have a problem with is being FORCED to play it with new controls. I wouldn't mind if it only came out on Wii, as long as I could choose how I controled it. If certain people on this forum are correct then everyone would choose to play it with the Wii-mote simply as it'd play soooo much better.


*coughGamecube ver.cough*

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...and straight on till morning, right yamcha?


if the Wii turns out to be good I'll definitely buy one, i'm not seeing anything so far that warrants a launch price £50 higher than the cube, and there has been much comment that the controls just don't feel right with the Wii games yet, together with the criticism that the control system just makes you tired.


See this months gamestm for more. now i'm not just bashing ninty here, I have similar concerns that gears of war has been reported to also have controls that aren't quite there yet, but gears also has the fancy graphics to fall back on which being honest, the wii does not.


everything about the wii relies on the control system to work or the venture is pointless. wii has been name checked as gamecube 1.5 by many commentators, do both machines not share the same dev kit?


i'm not particularly bothered by the fact that zelda is now awii title, it's the way ninty said certain things would or would never happen and that's now all gone out of the window.


that's why i don't rely on ninty for my main console gaming anymore, i got tired of the endless delays and PR bullpoo that seems to flow from ninty europe.


im sure german gamers feel the same about microsoft at the moment now gears has been banned there.....

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See, an intelligent response. People may not agree with what Arnie 360 has to say, but at least he's not stooping to the childish levels that Hellfire is.


I personally think he raises valid points, and people may well have a problem paying such a price tag for what is essentially old hardware.

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See, an intelligent response. People may not agree with what Arnie 360 has to say, but at least he's not stooping to the childish levels that Hellfire is.



Burn Nintendo. Burn.




Selective reading?


Getting Zelda for the Wii rather than the 'Cube just seems to make more sense to me. A new system, with Zelda playable from launch. I don't think i could ask for more than that. The control scheme isn't bothering me, and, like many others, i'm actually looking forward to playing it this way. It's going to be different.

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See, an intelligent response. People may not agree with what Arnie 360 has to say, but at least he's not stooping to the childish levels that Hellfire is.


I personally think he raises valid points, and people may well have a problem paying such a price tag for what is essentially old hardware.


Now, that's a normal post and even though I disagree I have no problem because he didn't post like 2 year old for now. If you wanna turn this into a flame war, I'm afraid you're going to have to do it yourself.

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I have similar concerns that gears of war has been reported to also have controls that aren't quite there yet, but gears also has the fancy graphics to fall back on which being honest, the wii does not.

I think the graphics will help Gears of War sell, regardless of the quality of any other aspect - after all, it must be the graphics that's helping shift most 360 crap off the shop shelves.


The idea of visual splendour making up for poor controls is definitely not a good one though, and certainly wouldn't save the game for me or for many other gamers I don't doubt. :shakehead


The gameplay footage I've seen of GoW suggests the controls are fine though - well, as fine as can be expected - and possibly even a new touchstone for shooters on consoles still dragging their heels with last-gen controllers.


That's why I didn't cancel my Canadian pre-order.

That's a point. With the Gamecube being the least troublesome last-gen console for import titles (Freeloader), it might be a good solution for those who can't secure a copy of the European version and are running scared from the Wii's spooky new controllers. ;)

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