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I've invented a new drinking game. Just have handy a boxset of Gundam Seed, someone unfamiliar with Gundam, a large bottle of tequila, or your preferred beverage, and shot glasses for everyone. Every time a new character appears on screen, pause before they speak and call the person unfamiliar with the show, and have them guess if the character is male or female. Then play and check by the sound of their voice. If they're wrong, everyone drinks a shot. If you're still unsure, everyone drinks three shots. The last to express drunken lust towards a character outside of their normal sexuality wins.

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Guest Stefkov
That was such an awesome first episode, gutted that its ruined the rest of the series for me tho.

Yeah I checked out the start again just to see what it was like and the animation was superb. To think that few us in and we thought we'd get that quality every week...

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Yeah I checked out the start again just to see what it was like and the animation was superb. To think that few us in and we thought we'd get that quality every week...


Aye it was awesome i was like nearly on the edge of my seat for the majority.. Then after it its like...whats this? I mean its fairly good after, but yeah majorly disappointing. And i've just been coasting through all these episodes to get to the very beginning of episode 1 again :/

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Maybe we can give them a script for an anime that isn't cliche ridden.


EDIT: That wasn't a hit at naruto, it was a comment on anime in general.

I'm still waiting for someone to make a decent anime adaptation of a classic novel. And no, RomeoXJuliet really does not count, and even if it did, it would be an adaptation of a play.

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I'm still waiting for someone to make a decent anime adaptation of a classic novel. And no, RomeoXJuliet really does not count, and even if it did, it would be an adaptation of a play.


Speaking of which, I've always wanted to see A Dog of Flanders. It's supposed to be a very moving story, and it's one of the things Belgium is most known for in Japan. Japanese tourists visit Antwerp just so they can visit the place where Nello dies in the anime.

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Here I list books I've read that would make good animes providing they didn't gay them up:

Snowcrash by Neal Stephenson (probably about 13 episodes)

Perdido Street Station by China Mieville (probably 26 eps)

Any book by Iain Banks.


Of course, all of this is sci fi, and they would all be adventure/action/sci-fi. Sci-Fi is all i've read recently. Well that and Palahniuk but his books really would not make good adaptions.

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Got 2 episodes left. Ever since Ruhenhiem, it's drawn me in even more than usual, it's just a dream to watch.


I was so sad when he died, he finally got his emotions and cried for his son. He was an amazing character, he was so nice and cheerfull and died trying to help them all. I was upset when he was sitting on the chair with the sun coming in through the windows and finally felt happy/sadness.



And not the conclusion of the anime. Wonder how it's gonna end.

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Grimmer is my favourite character from any anime ever. He's so immensely deep and
I was so sad when he died. I actually cried. I never do that. GURIMAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


My eyes got all watery when I was watching that, then when it went to his grave at the last episode, his name finally got cleared.



But damn that was good. I'm happy the way the story ended but I was hoping for


to see the reunion at Reichwines and find out their real names and who the mum really wanted to keep, and if she gave one up (Nina) why keep Johan. And where did he bigger off to. Or maybe Kenzo finally being with someone after all that time, whether it be Nina or Eva. Talking about Eva, I never liked her untill the end actually, she always seemed the bitchy type but at the end she looked much better.



Seriously one day i'll find an anime that wraps ever loose end :heh:

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Seriously one day i'll find an anime that wraps ever loose end :heh:

Higurashi does, but you have to work out some things.


For instance, what the hell happens with Teppei in Tatarigoroshi-hen... that had me confused for a long time. The trick is to use other arcs and the punishment games played to deduce what actually happened.

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I would like to submit the theory that Cicada's are the most used sound in anime.


maybe not most used... but widely-est used i'd agree with! :smile:

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I actually have the original soundtrack for the Higurashi games (because I have the games), and there is about half an hour of mp3 recordings of cicadas.


By the way, who else loves the line where the title comes from?


「もう直ぐ終わる… 全部終わる!…そうだ… ひぐらしのなく頃に… 全部!」


"Soon it'll all be over... everything will be over! That's right... when the cicadas cry... everything will be finished!"

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Speaking of Higurashi has anything been heard about how season 3 will work?

Will they just show new arcs or put some twist into it?


Also where might i "acquire" the Higurashi games? translated of course.

And i know only fan translation exists

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Guest Stefkov
I would like to submit the theory that Cicada's are the most used sound in anime.


I watched the first episode of Bokurano last night, I think you suggested it, and the first thing I heard...cicadas.

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