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March? What will Wii do?


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Because i'm lazy:


[01:29] Jim: read my reply

[01:29] Jordan: fair point.

[01:30] Jordan: his stuff about graphics cards is bull shit by the way :P

[01:30] Jordan: 1, its a graphics chip not a card, you don't get cards in consoles

[01:30] Jordan: 2, DX10 stuff out in 2 months is already better.

[01:30] Jordan: by a hell of alot

[01:30] Jordan: 3, its one of the worst things nVidia has ever made.

[01:30] Jordan: the pipelines are more rigid than the effiel tower...

[01:31] Jordan: post that if you want.

[01:31] Jim: you do it

[01:31] Jordan: but i'm so laaaazy

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I know a lot of people complained about having to have WiiSports with the Wii, but what about if you don't want all this techno-shizzle with the PS3? What about those of us who just want the PS3 to play the next generation of games on the next Playstation console? We're still going to have to pay an obscene price for all this stuff that we may necessarily not want.

Yeah that would be a problem. I'm not one of those people, and nor is the average middle-classed American, but I'd tell them to get either an Xbox CORE or a Wii, they're pretty much for people like you describe.


Or get the £300 PS3, which is non-HD.

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In my case, I wouldn't mind playing some of the games that have been announced for PS3, some of them look fairly decent, but £400 decent? I understand that it is actually a good price if your looking for a Blu-Ray player, but at the moment Blu-Ray, HD-DVD and there ilk mean nothing to me. Maybe there is something wrong with my eyes, but I'm just not that impressed by HD technology. I'm sure I can't be the only person in the world with these views, Which means come March people just looking for something they can play next gen games on without spending a ton will still look to the Wii, whilst those looking for the added visual bonus of HD tech will go for the PS3 or 360. There in lies the beauty of the Nintendo plan, the PS3 and the WII offer completely different things to different markets leaving no reason both can't be successful in there own way. So what will Wii do? Probably continue along the same lines of appealing to those wanting no frills gaming in my view.

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Actually, Heavenly Sword is said to be ready for the march euopean launch.

PS3 will have a solid launch line-up:

* Armored Core 4

* Blade Storm: Hundred Years War

* Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

* Call of Duty 3

* Fatal Inertia

* F.E.A.R.

* Fight Night: Round 3

* Full Auto 2: Battlelines

* Genji: Days of the Blade

* Heavenly Sword

* Lair

* NBA Live 07

* Need for Speed: Carbon

* Resistance: Fall of Man

* Ridge Racer 7

* Sonic the Hedgehog

* Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007

* Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas

* Tony Hawk's Project 8

* Warhawk

* Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom


Riiiiidge Raaaccceeeeer!!!!!


As for the whole blu ray thing...can I just ask why you would want a blu ray player right now anyway? What do you need one for that a dvd player wont do? and the players will be less than the ps3 with time, because like everything to do with technology, the players will drop in price when blu ray is more widely used...am i wrong? If you're so hung up on HD and blu ray...why not wait till the price of a HD/blu ray capable entertainment system drops ionstead of forking out all this money for a ps3 now?

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Or get the £300 PS3, which is non-HD.


You are aware that the $499 PS3 is capable of HD, the difference between composite HD and HDMI HD is so little that its pointless anyway.

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As for the whole blu ray thing...can I just ask why you would want a blu ray player right now anyway? What do you need one for that a dvd player wont do? and the players will be less than the ps3 with time, because like everything to do with technology, the players will drop in price when blu ray is more widely used...am i wrong? If you're so hung up on HD and blu ray...why not wait till the price of a HD/blu ray capable entertainment system drops ionstead of forking out all this money for a ps3 now?

That's a bit simpleton of you.


Blu-Ray and HD-DVD offer high definition picture and surround sound, that you can't get on normal DVD. They also only cost a few quid more than normal DVDs, so it's affordable, and make feature film-extra intergration easier, as there is no longer any need for 2-disks. A HD disk can store multiple times the amount of data a DVD can, usually 4 times as much but it can be over 25x with time.


As for Blu-ray players eventually being less than the PS3, yes they will. But Sony COMPLETELY owns Blu-ray, and have decided that for the first year or so, the cheapest Blu-ray player on the market will be the PS3, and all other companies making one will have to charge over a certain amount so that the PS3 gets the upper hand.


Sony have also been clever and made sure the PS3 is of the better Blu-ray systems, so even those with bucketloads of cash will buy a PS3, as it's better than a stand-alone £700 Blu-ray player.


That's why the PS3 has so many plug-ins and all these features - Sony want to lure in non-gaming DVD freaks. That's why the Blu-ray DVD software launch is simultaneous with PS3, and why you'll probably get a few movies packaged in with the European launch.


You are aware that the $499 PS3 is capable of HD, the difference between composite HD and HDMI HD is so little that its pointless anyway.

HDMI is the European and global standard connection now. Like scart, it's just for simplicity's sake. Xbox 360 will be getting a HDMI cable soon.

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...so what youre saying is blu ray means better quality and surround sound, and no need for 2 disks?...and people will be willing to pay all that money for that when the technology wont even be widely used yet?


I didnt actually know about sony owning blu ray, and I see what youre saying, but I doubt the average joe would want to fork out that much money simply for the blu ray aspect...I think the reason people will buy a ps3 is because its a playstation with nice power and graphics, not because it can play blu ray...which just makes people want it a little more because they like the idea even if they dont know what it is.

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You'd be surprised. Sony are going to advertise it to the max, and it'll get people interested. Even still, there are many technophiles that will want the PS3 just for its Blu-ray capabilities - I for one - so it'll get sales just from that.


I think Wii's target audience isn't the same as the PS3's or even the Xbox 360's. It's for families, and obviously a much younger market than it's rivals - that's why Red Steel has no blood in it.


It might sell more than the PS3 and Xbox 360, because like the DS, it's a simple system. It doesn't try to be complex and expandable, it's just what it is.


I still think the PSP is better than the DS, and I own both so I can compare. PSP offers more to a technophile, but alienates many normal people and young kids. That's why the DS has won out of that battle, and why Wii might win overall.


But that doesn't make it the better system, or the best value for money. I think PS3 offers the best value, for reasons already mentioned.

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well value for money depends on what you want. If you want an all-round entertainment system, ps3 is the best value for money sure, because the wii isnt even in the same category. If you want a game console, then its the wii thats the best value...or the 360 if youre a graphics/power fiend.


Let me ask you this, if you just wanted a portable game console, not an mp3 player or movie player or anything else...would you still prefer the psp?


It all depends what you want out of your console really.

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In the USA, all the big blockbuster films are starting to get re-released on HD disks (either HD-DVD or BR), and most new films are released simultaneously.


It's likely all six Star Wars movies will be released on Blu-ray next year, and the LOTR films on HD-DVD/BR. TV shows are also getting released, with Battlestar Galactica getting a HD-DVD release possibly in time with Christmas.


Let me ask you this, if you just wanted a portable game console, not an mp3 player or movie player or anything else...would you still prefer the psp?

I think DS has the better games, but if Sony released more games like GTA Stories on PSP, it would be better. Without the playback functionality, DS is probably better. But the playback function does exist, thus making the PSP the better system in my book.


I think us fanboys need to realise that gaming, like many other media industries, is now intertwined with movies, music and online functionality. We should expect these things as standard, not as extras.


Nintendo is living in the past, with its stance on pure gaming, as the average consumer expects it all. My sister uses my Xbox 360 as a DVD player; I hardly see her using it as a games system. Even Nintendo are finding it hard to be just about games, as they've added online functionality with Opera - not even Xbox 360 has gone that far.

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I think us fanboys need to realise that gaming, like many other media industries, is now intertwined with movies, music and online functionality. We should expect these things as standard, not as extras.

Perhaps, but I'd rather have 2 things that do one thing well than do 2 things mediocre if you knwo what i mean. For example, I'd rather have a ds as a dedicated game player which does its job very well, and an ipod to play music and movies extremely well than have a psp which does both moderately.


Until a system perfects both aspects of its functionality, I think having one function works better in terms of cost and enjoyment.


I don't think nintendo are living in the past, I think their target audience is just different. But yes the average consumer does want more youre right...which is probably why nintendo did the whole opera thing, which is surprising.

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Can anyone say betamax?


I seriously don't believe that blu ray is gonna catch on when its going up against hd dvd, sure maybe the serious techno heads will embrace it but most people will see hd dvd as the next step, it sounds more familiar, its not owned by one (cock of a) company and it wont be as expensive (that last point could be a lie but I can't be arsed to do any research)


And on the point of getting a quality blu ray player with the PS3, don't you think theres more of a reason behind the stand alone players being a lot more expensive other than just selling PS3's! Lets face it the PS3 blu ray player will probably turn out to be the same quality as the PS2 dvd player, i.e shite!

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You'd be surprised. Sony are going to advertise it to the max, and it'll get people interested. Even still, there are many technophiles that will want the PS3 just for its Blu-ray capabilities - I for one - so it'll get sales just from that.


I think Wii's target audience isn't the same as the PS3's or even the Xbox 360's. It's for families, and obviously a much younger market than it's rivals - that's why Red Steel has no blood in it.


It might sell more than the PS3 and Xbox 360, because like the DS, it's a simple system. It doesn't try to be complex and expandable, it's just what it is.


I still think the PSP is better than the DS, and I own both so I can compare. PSP offers more to a technophile, but alienates many normal people and young kids. That's why the DS has won out of that battle, and why Wii might win overall.


But that doesn't make it the better system, or the best value for money. I think PS3 offers the best value, for reasons already mentioned.


To be fair mate Nintendo have said they want people who don't play games the get the Wii, Microsoft said this with the 360 and the same with sony and the playstation 3.


However if I was really going to ask someone who wanted a bluray player I would advice them to get a sony vaio laptop(one with bluray player included) and have them hook it up to a projector.


If they were a true technophile they wouldn't even want to ask what or even want a Bluray player.


However I know technophiles who are considering the Wii because its innovated and not scary with all this HDMI output, HD output and all these extra things, that most do not own

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LOL i am getting de ja vu. PSP v DS anyone?


Right so when sony made the PSP with their mobile format they were going to own. it never took off and the PSP has been a flop. and getting a PS3 as a stand alone blu-ray player is not what sony want. they will be selling each system at a loss and would rely on the software to make the profit, how is that going to happen if people dont buy games?


they are also relying on a new format to take off , as was the case with the PSP, if it doesn't (i dont think it will) then you are buying an expensive gaming system only. and those who use it as a stand alone player may as well use it as a piss pot cause that is what they will have done with their cash pissed it all away.

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I guess it's safe to say most actual gamers will probably already own a 360, or is prepped for a PS3. Nintendo needs the tweens and the pensioners to survive, lol.


I like Wii60 and I believe in 360's potential, but don't overrate it, 360 hasn't been selling that much hardware. I wonder what MS will do to fight the Wii and PS3 launch?

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It's not narrow minded to like gaming just as it is. Some people like a joypad and like not having to move your arms around to control stuff.


Not everyone thinks there needs to be a "revolution". I think Nintendo pulled this "demand" out of its collective arse.


People never think a revolution is needed, that's why it's necessary, shit would hit the fan before people would know it. Attracting new people to gaming is the best possible business decision, DS in Japan proves this. I'm also happy with joypads, but I'm not that happy with endless streams of sequels and a different control type, necessary or not, stirs things up a bit.

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I like Wii60 and I believe in 360's potential, but don't overrated, 360 hasn't been selling that much hardware. I wonder what MS will do to fight the Wii and PS3 launch?

(I feel I'm posting too much).


They're releasing Gears of War in November. That's probably going to be the biggest game ever, maybe better than Halo 2's sales. They originally wanted Halo 3 out this November, but that's delayed until next summer.


And Microsoft have sold around 8 million units, and is expected to sell another 2 million between now and Christmas. And although it's not a sky-rocketing success, it still manages to sell out everywhere, so is meeting expectations.

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(I feel I'm posting too much).


They're releasing Gears of War in November. That's probably going to be the biggest game ever, maybe better than Halo 2's sales. They originally wanted Halo 3 out this November, but that's delayed until next summer.


And Microsoft have sold around 8 million units, and is expected to sell another 2 million between now and Christmas. And although it's not a sky-rocketing success, it still manages to sell out everywhere, so is meeting expectations.

You're pretty psyched about Gears of War. I somehow doubt 360 sold 8 million, but I might be wrong, even so I read it sold about the same as XBOX.

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It's not narrow minded to like gaming just as it is. Some people like a joypad and like not having to move your arms around to control stuff.


Not everyone thinks there needs to be a "revolution". I think Nintendo pulled this "demand" out of its collective arse.

No, thats not narrow minded, but assuming nintendo is for kiddies and old people just because theres a lack of gore and tits, or technical superiority is. And thats who the ps3 and xbox attract.


If youll be happy playing games the exact same way in 50 years with life-exact graphics, then thats good for you, but advancements like this need to happen. Dvd's work fine but you want blu ray right? well thats like nintendos attitude to gameplay.

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