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March? What will Wii do?


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You're gravely confused if you think it's that type of situation. Sony have the best track record when it comes to home console gaming, don't disrespect that factor.


i am not disrespecting anything. i am just making the observation that we are having the same arguments that were going exactly 2 years ago about the PSP v the DS


sony have the best track record? lets put things into perspective. they have released 2 consoles that have done well at the peak of the gaming industry, they caught a wave and have been riding it ever since. They have had no imagination what so ever they just want grphics and power. Nintendo have been there done that and have learned. now is the time for a change. the figure speak for themselves the industry was in decline until the DS was released. that gave the industry a much needed boost.


when sony have been in gaming for 25+ years then i will back up on my statement till then i think we have another sega on our hands.

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I feel Sony choosing the safe route probably will work in their favour; they're doing what they do best. The average chav off of the street probably couldn't give a shit about a Wii-mote, and just wants top graphics and a decent FIFA game. Sony and Microsoft are aiming for that type of audience, and that's probably where the most consistant cash flow is coming from.


Unless Nintendo seriously manages to make non-gamers, outside of Japan, interested in the Wii, they're fucked. At all these conferences, they cite that these Touch Generation games are "changing gaming forever", but this revolution seems to only happen in Japan.

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"they're doing what they do best."

yes upgrade graphics and steal shit.


"The average chav off of the street probably couldn't give a shit about a Wii-mote"

He will when you let him slash someone with a katana in red steel.


"but this revolution seems to only happen in Japan."

See the line for the wii at e3?


Besides, thats a business perspective, not a gaming perspective.

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What about 3rd party games etc i for one dont own a single touch gen game ( not my thing) but i have mates who own DS's and their girlfriends now play them aswell for the touch gen games.


back to me, i have many none touch gen game and i would say the split between the 2 is very fair. 50/50 i would say.

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A Super Mario Galaxy Bundle is an absolute must.




Notice that surreal blue shimmering light that appears in just about every screen shot of Super Mario Galaxy, it resembles the blue light on the Wii console and notice how the sky is mostly black. You guessed it, Super Mario Galaxy should release in a Special Edition Bundle, where you get a BLACK Wii Console and a Super Mario Galaxy game, Black console, blue light at front of console, goes really well together.

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I feel Sony choosing the safe route probably will work in their favour; they're doing what they do best. The average chav off of the street probably couldn't give a shit about a Wii-mote, and just wants top graphics and a decent FIFA game. Sony and Microsoft are aiming for that type of audience, and that's probably where the most consistant cash flow is coming from.


Unless Nintendo seriously manages to make non-gamers, outside of Japan, interested in the Wii, they're fucked. At all these conferences, they cite that these Touch Generation games are "changing gaming forever", but this revolution seems to only happen in Japan.

Sony isn't doing what they do best. The reason why the PS1 and PS2 were so succesful is because they were everybody's consoles - they were much earlier than their major competitors and dropped so heavily in price by the time the competition arrived that everybody could afford them. What Sony does now is market themselves as some techhead console, arriving when the competition is there, at a ridiculous price. The only group Sony is trying to appeal to is people with HD sets and digital surround sets, and quite frankly that's a niche market. You can't call this a safe route - Sony has tried before with the PSP to market as some techie device and they haven't been succesful, whilst the dual screened device with a lame touch screen the chavs wouldn't care about has kicked its ass royally.

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That's a bit simpleton of you.


Blu-Ray and HD-DVD offer high definition picture and surround sound, that you can't get on normal DVD. They also only cost a few quid more than normal DVDs, so it's affordable, and make feature film-extra intergration easier, as there is no longer any need for 2-disks. A HD disk can store multiple times the amount of data a DVD can, usually 4 times as much but it can be over 25x with time.


As for Blu-ray players eventually being less than the PS3, yes they will. But Sony COMPLETELY owns Blu-ray, and have decided that for the first year or so, the cheapest Blu-ray player on the market will be the PS3, and all other companies making one will have to charge over a certain amount so that the PS3 gets the upper hand.


Sony have also been clever and made sure the PS3 is of the better Blu-ray systems, so even those with bucketloads of cash will buy a PS3, as it's better than a stand-alone £700 Blu-ray player.


That's why the PS3 has so many plug-ins and all these features - Sony want to lure in non-gaming DVD freaks. That's why the Blu-ray DVD software launch is simultaneous with PS3, and why you'll probably get a few movies packaged in with the European launch.



HDMI is the European and global standard connection now. Like scart, it's just for simplicity's sake. Xbox 360 will be getting a HDMI cable soon.




Is it just me or is this post filled with lies / wishes ? :woops:


What i am interested in is the whole "sony has decided that they will be the cheapest for the first year" and "Sony has made sure that it will be one of the better Blue-Ray players in Ps3"

For these statements i demand links to sources. Any kind of "I have a friend who has a dog who touched someones father who works at [insert place] and he knows this" will be treated with laughs.


Sony do NOT completly own Blue-Ray. Look it up!


And about Nintendo pulling a revolution out of their arse, they did and noone knew they wanted it. It proved to be intuitative and fun and now ppl want it.

Nintendo hoped that this is something we needed and wanted and it seems they are correct by the looks of it.

360 and Ps3 did the same thing with HD and that has yet to be proven :)


Let me close with a few things


Betamax Vs. VHS



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Sony do NOT completly own Blue-Ray. Look it up!

They don't "completely" own it, I was over the top. But Sony is the main financier of the BRA, and they own and have patent for the standard 25GB disk (50GB dual layered) and the 50GB Blu-ray disk (which can become 100GB with dual layer) that Blu-ray will be using for its movies, music and games.


(TDK also have a patent for BR, but it's for 33.3GB disks with the intent of having 6 layers for 200GB.)


HD-DVD is an extension of normal DVD, so the disk design is not controlled by any individual company. Blu-ray is pretty much Sony's game.

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HD-DVD is an extension of normal DVD, so the disk design is not controlled by any individual company. Blu-ray is pretty much Sony's game.
That's the main reason why HD-DVD will win. HD-DVD is cheaper, easier and more popular due to its openness. The only real advantage Blu-ray has is its disc size, but even for HD movies it doesn't really matter much whether a disk is 30 or 50 GB, especially not if the first is much cheaper.


If HD-DVD will eventually win (which is the most likely) the PS3 will be equipped with an unsupported disc drive.

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Let me close with a few things


Betamax Vs. VHS




IIRC, It's like this


Betamax (Sony) Vs VHS

Minidisc (Sony) Vs Flash

UMD (Sony) Vs Flash


Blu-Ray (Sony) Vs HD-DVD


Well, its mainly Sony...but they don't have a particularly good record with formats, do they?

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That's the main reason why HD-DVD will win.

Blu-ray will win because it has most of the industry support. Go look it up, you'll understand me. The only movie studio supporting both formats is Warner Brothers; most are supporting Sony.


What does IIRC stand for? I've been meaning to ask for ages

It means "If I Recall Correctly".

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Blu-ray will win because it has most of the industry support. Go look it up, you'll understand me. The only movie studio supporting both formats is Warner Brothers; most are supporting Sony.



Nothing has never been about industry support though. It has always been about what the general market buys. Just take Minidisc as an example, it had a crapload of support from the industry but consumers failed to buy it.


The average consumer cares about a few things.


1. Price, The cheaper the better (HD-DVD)

2. Quality, They will weigh this point to point 1 (HD-DVD)

3. Name, DVD is recognisable while Blue-Ray is not :)


And dont think that the average consumer cares if Blue-Ray has bigger discs or better quality. It wasnt until 2002-2003 that DVDs finally overtook the VHS in sales. It took them 6 years to reach that point, see any reson why it would be any shorter now? And dont you think there will be a new format in 6 years ? ^^



Wikipedia says this :

HD DVD is promoted by Toshiba, NEC, Sanyo, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Intel, among others. In terms of major studios, HD DVD is currently exclusively backed by Universal Studios, The Weinstein Company and is non-exclusively backed by Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., New Line, HBO, DreamWorks, Image Entertainment, Magnolia Pictures, Brentwood Home Video, Warner Music Group, Ryko, Goldhil Entertainment, and Studio Canal.


Are those not counted as movie studios ? :(


I will do the digging for you here. Also from wikipedia :

Universal Studios (sometimes called Universal Pictures), a subsidiary of NBC Universal, is one of the major American film studios.


Oops :P



BTW you still havent posted where you got the info about Ps3s Blue Ray drive

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Blu-ray will win because it has most of the industry support. Go look it up, you'll understand me. The only movie studio supporting both formats is Warner Brothers; most are supporting Sony.

Microsoft only supports HD-DVD.


Ergo Windows only supports HD-DVD.


Ergo 99% of the worlds computers only support HD-DVDs.


That means the winner will be HD-DVD. Microsoft decides.

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