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Amazon Pre-Order Sells Out!!


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It is just possible that they got bigger allocation. Wouldn't be really surprised.

Neither Amazon.com nor any of its regionalised sites - including Amazon.co.uk - have started Wii pre-orders. Not even for a split second.


Don't believe the hype. It's not true, and Wii isn't going to "sell-out".

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Neither Amazon.com nor any of its regionalised sites -


About 30 posters in Penny-Arcade forums beg to differ. All users who subscribed for Wii newsletter did get e-mail where they were informed that pre-ordering was open. And some even were quick enough to pre-order it. In addition of that, Wii was already number six in Amazon's pre-order list.


One possible (and quite obvious) explanation for this situation is that Amazon.com fucked up whole situation and opened pre-ordering, then shut it after they noticed their mistake. Wouldn't be the first time they have done that, and wouldn't be the last (and I'm saying this as a frequent user of Amazon.com, Amazon.ca and Amazon.de. I order books).


And BTW, Nintendo World Store in NYC at least has sold out its initial allocation. And you can bet they did get big allocation as they are Nintendo's official store.


Wii isn't going to "sell-out".


And you are going to decide that?

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This is marketing bullshit. What was the stock? It only hit place 6 in hardware sales, not impressive at all.


Amazon's videogame section doesn't have seperate lists for games and hardware. You can draw your own conclusions from that.


Here is also official statement about Amazon.com's Wii pre-orders:


"For a brief period on Friday, we did offer pre-orders for the Wii, however, the rate at which pre-orders came in dramatically outpaced what we had anticipated, so we suspended pre-orders until we are able to get a firmer commitment from Nintendo regarding how many units we'll have for sale.


Because the pre-order window was so brief, the e-mail many of you signed up for notifying you that pre-orders were available was never triggered to send out. We apologize and have fixed the system to ensure pre-order e-mail notifications are sent in advance."



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