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Well tell me of what moderate to high paid jobs History graduates can get excluding retail and civil service(because we all know those those jobs are easy to come by - especially if you've got family working in both those professions who are recruiters)


just give up-you do your thing, everyone else will do theres, lets all meet up in 10 years and see how has the better job-but even then its all down to job satisfaction.


can we just stop the whole degree bashing thing please children!

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History graduates would be suited to graduate roles that require research skills and the ability to present information, and their opinions, in a clear and structured way. Of course we all know that maths graduates are where it's really at.

I think physics graduates have the edge. :heh:


Anyway, I'm doing biochemistry, which isn't far behind.

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So basically if I as a history graduate appear on the apperantice an win ZeldaFreak owes everyone a pint? Cashback!


I hope you mean the original apprentice, i.e american version with trump, not the wishy washy version of the apprentice with other guy.


Fine thats fine with me.


And I didn't start this degree bashing, Haver started this degree bashin seen as he said that History graduates could get any job without extra qualifications, then said not law of course and then he said anything again.


Takeo - I know its job satisfaction its also stuff that you want to do when you graduate. I have the upmost respect for biology graduates- because without them we wouldn't have found out how to increase our lifespan,etc.


Oh and to a guy ages ago said most software develpment was going abroad, its not really the same with business software and games software - its not practical to have parts of the development cycle in different countries (as the amount of work is minimalised to the point that when they start to minimalise it futher the costs would incur. As I said its different from buisness software

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Anyone here going to Sheffield Uni (not Hallem), or do I need to do more detecting work myself?


My friend just got engaged and I want to send her a card and fun stuff as a congrats, but want to do it as a suprise.


I'm at the University of Sheffiels (not Hallum).

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I'm at the University of Sheffiels (not Hallum).


Happen to know what what the address for someone in Woodvale would be, or would I need to find out their dorm number? As I said, its for a good cause, just needs to be a suprise. (and if you fancy doing detective work, I know their door has a poster with 'The Best Shag In Sheffield' on apparenlty).


Hoping it would be something general like;


Woodvale Dorms

Uni of Sheffield...

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Is it not Hallam, which is different to the way it's in written in both posts that mention it? Or are we making fun of ex-poly unis in a clever way?


Yes, It's hallam.



And I'm....er...making fun of ex-poly unis in a clever way....thats it. Nothing to do with spelling.





Hoping it would be something general like;


Woodvale Dorms

Uni of Sheffield...


Woodvale...5 mins away.


Most places you can't just walk in (some you need your U-card as a keycard, others have keycodes - some, like my flats, don't lock). I'll ask one of my friends who goes there about "security".


But, yea, I'll probably need the room number (unless I can just ask people there)

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their door has a poster with 'The Best Shag In Sheffield' on apparenlty).


Haha, them and every other person in Sheffield. :D The Leadmill runs a night they call SHAG - it's probably an acronym, but I've no idea what for - and that's the poster they use to advertise. I've got a full sheet of stickers somewhere with SHAG slogans on.

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Haha, them and every other person in Sheffield. :D The Leadmill runs a night they call SHAG - it's probably an acronym, but I've no idea what for - and that's the poster they use to advertise. I've got a full sheet of stickers somewhere with SHAG slogans on.


Oh yea, forgot about the Leadmill stuff (I don't drink, so don't go to many of these places)




While I'm at it, there seems to be quite a few forumites in Sheffield this year. I've been here for a year so far (at Hallam doing game dev, hurrah), and it'd be kinda cool to meet up.


Yea it would.

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I suggest the Wii launch, at that hidden GAME in the basement of Debenhams that hardly anyone knows about. I'll be there.


So thats where the other GAME is....


I'll be at the one close to HMV on launch. (Or doesn't it matte which GAME you buy it from?)

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