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I really enjoyed some of Light but it just needs to pick up a bit more. Sadly for SGU I'll always compare it (and anything else SciFi actually) to BSG and within the first 30 minutes of BSG, about 50 billion people had been killed.


Haha, I've the same problem. Nothing Sci-Fi quite lives up to BSG.


When I was thinking how predictable the ending to episode 5 was, I also started wondering about something else


Why didn't they have enough air? There were no ancients on the ship so what would consume almost all of it? I know there were leaks in the ship's hull but the ship wouldn't need to maintain an atmosphere if there were no lifeforms aboard.


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I want to know what happened to those guys in the away team. in Air, who tried the other planets. Did they just die?

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Haha, I've the same problem. Nothing Sci-Fi quite lives up to BSG.


When I was thinking how predictable the ending to episode 5 was, I also started wondering about something else


Why didn't they have enough air? There were no ancients on the ship so what would consume almost all of it? I know there were leaks in the ship's hull but the ship wouldn't need to maintain an atmosphere if there were no lifeforms aboard.


There was a problem with the device thingy, you saw acidic crap all over it



As for comparing all sci-fi to BSG.....meh. For me BSG didnt compare to the rest of sci-fi!


I want to know what happened to those guys in the away team. in Air, who tried the other planets. Did they just die?


Im hoping for a spin off sitcom with them on the other planet

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There was a problem with the device thingy, you saw acidic crap all over it


That's what I was wondering about. Where did that come from? The way I understood it was, that this "crap" is a byproduct of creating new air - but I could've misunderstood that.


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Im hoping for a spin off sitcom with them on the other planet


Haha!! Comment of the month! I can actually picture it. :heh:

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Just finished watching "Light" (I was weak)


This was finally an episode I totally got behind. Some very good character building moments, including Greer who up until this point I really didnt like. Yes I think we still need more action in the show but im hoping thats coming up and its just been a slow building start to the series.


The one thing I still dont like:


Chloe hooking up with Scott, once again we see more of a connection between her and Eli than weve ever seen with Scott. Im hoping that showing them hooking up this early is deliberate on the writers part to actually show shes better suited to end up with Eli.


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They didn't need to show much build up because she's quite clearly out of Eli's league.


I just think it needs a bit more SciFi and some heavier themes. Yes it's gritty but there doesn't really seem to be a reason for that.

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They didn't need to show much build up because she's quite clearly out of Eli's league.


Yeah but what im saying isnt about Eli, she could be showing more connection with anyone even if they were in her league or not. Its the fact that her and Scott have zero chemistry and their scenes so far have been dull.

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Yet still not showing half the simple chemistry we see with her and Eli. I really do hope with the amount of head resting, hand holding shots we got in Light that the writers are showing that their relationship is the more real of the two.

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Na, I want Eli to become really embittered. Almost taking after Rush.


Rush is easily my favourite character but my God the writers do do their best to ruin his part with awful writing.

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I thought the acting and the writing were on great for Rush.


I loved what they did at the end there. When I thought about it afterwards it was no wonder Rush was trying to suggest Scott and Greer went. He knew all along Destiny would make it, and he hated them all along too. Rush simply wants to be alone with the ship and doesn't care how.



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I didn't want to say it but I think Robert Carlisle is a bit shit in this.


I don't want Rush to be 2D and an utter tool for no reason.

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Ive got no dislike for Robert Carlyle in SGU but he hasnt really wowed me yet. I think though when we start to get more information on his own motivations etc the character will get better.

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I agree but at them moment the standard of writing for his part has been...weak. Which would go part way to explaining his acting being below his normal, usually excellent, standard.


The more I think about it the more I think that one of SGU's biggest weaknesses will be its low number of characters.

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Its a shame we wont get a plucky young alien to come join their ranks and give them information on the areas they go to :p

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Good point.


I don't really like funny looking aliens. We get enough of that with Star Trek. Granted that isn't on anymore. :heh:


I hope the Borg show up.


I always hope the Borg show up. :D

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I always hope the Borg show up. :D


I'll remind you of that when the Borg appear over the planet threatening to assimilate us

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Just finished watching "Water" and i have to say it did feel a lot more like the usual Stargate we're used to. A pretty good episode if you ask me.

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I thought it was an ok episode but still a bit boring. That though was most to do with the "peril" on the planet.

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I enjoyed it, was a good ep, and nice to see them use the Stargate again, last two eps didn't use it at all (granted they were out of power, but still)


I guess that "living cloud" thing Scott saw on the desert planet wasn't an Anceint lending a helping hand after all, shame


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Well I found it quite boring.


I knew as soon as they went onto the planet something would happen that would be OMG what are we going to do? then just at the last minute the day is saved.. Yawn. Best bit of that episode was Ely saying "looks like we just entered the hoth system"



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Yeah, the planet stuff was ZZzzzz (Except that shot up of the sky was cool).


All the stuff on the ship I enjoyed.

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Well I found it quite boring.


I knew as soon as they went onto the planet something would happen that would be OMG what are we going to do? then just at the last minute the day is saved.. Yawn. Best bit of that episode was Ely saying "looks like we just entered the hoth system"



yeah that "hoth system" bit was funny, I lol'd even more when he said "i refuse to call it episode 5"


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