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Miyamoto spills some more beans....


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Glad I'm not the only one who'd prefer Nintendo to spend their time making brand new titles rather than remaking other ones. Sure, Luigi's Mansion was good, and Pikmin 2 was great, but there's no way I'd buy a wii-make just so I could control Luigi's torch / Olimar's cursor a little more precisely with the Wii controller. I certainly would buy brand new sequels to these games, though, if they were specifically designed for the wiimote.

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Alltough you have a valid point, most old cube games are hard to get. Yes they could order from nett, but few casuals do. Wii-releasing games will make sure new people get their hands on them. I too would rather see new games. But I'm sure It's not that costly to remake the games. They are basicly just adding new controlls.

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The comment about Zelda worried me. It sounds like they havent really beefed up the graphics for the Wii version. It sounds like they have put all the effort into make the control method for the wii as good as possible. While this is good news for gameplay and wont matter in the long term the casual gamer will see the wii version looking exactly the same as the GC version which isnt exactly good publicity.


With the Wii-makes of GC games it sounds like nintendo have been quite clever with the Wii architecture. I think all the Wii is is a higher spec GC in the same way that a new PC from 2006 is a higher spec than a 2002 PC but if you got a game released in 2002 it would still work on your 2006 PC. What nintendo are allowing developers to do is take the source code for a game cube game, port it to your Wii dev kit, rewrite the control method and then recompile the source to become a Wii game. A relatively pain free short exercise. Whether its a good idea or not for gamers I dont quite know. I can only think of a few games that would really benefit from the new wii control method. As has been said I would rather see a new Luigis mansion created specifically for the Wii than the GC version recompiled with Wii controls.


I think nintendo are being very clever with the Wii by allowing it to play gc games directly, older console games via the VC and now recompiled GC games, the Wii will have a huge catalogue of games from the get go. But the games I really want to play are Wii spefic games and it has plenty of those as well. Its win win on the Wii!!!

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i think when wii is launched nintendo should release a HUGE gamecube players choice and launch it around the wii.Wouln't it look nice to see mario party,mario sunshine,f zeromwind waker and double dash launched with the wii as a low budget price!Especially if u cant even even buy the games without going on line anymore(well where i live u cant anyway)

As diemetrix said a lot of poeple skipped the cube!

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The comment about Zelda worried me. It sounds like they havent really beefed up the graphics for the Wii version.


They have said it many times. Zelda TP on Wii wil not be graphicaly superior. It wil be the same game with Wii mote and 16:9 Widescreen suport.

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so you are not planning on buying zelda then?


Zelda (if you mean Twilight Princess) is a brand new Zelda though isn't it? Newly released for Wii and GC on the same-day!


Even if they remake Ocarina Of Time with just added wii-controls...i doubt i'll buy it.


I like the idea of Donkey Konga being re-released as a drum game...with two wii-motes BUT that should be a brand new Wii game anyway!


Not for me sadly. I maybe sold in the future but unless they add LOADS of brand new levels etc...i doubt i'll buy any re-made GC game (unless i have never owned the GC game).

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This needs to be Wii-made... even though tecnically it was never a GC game!


Burnout 3!!!


Becuase of the on-line policy one of the best racers ever (so I've been told, and Burnout 2 was fantastic) never came to GC. I don't even want it to be Wiimote compatible. Just the game as it was on XBox pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!

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This needs to be Wii-made... even though tecnically it was never a GC game!


Burnout 3!!!


Becuase of the on-line policy one of the best racers ever (so I've been told, and Burnout 2 was fantastic) never came to GC. I don't even want it to be Wiimote compatible. Just the game as it was on XBox pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!


Your wish may come true! ;)

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There are very few games that I would spend any more than about £5 new if I didn't have them already. With some thinking and some experience with the controller, I think devs could churn out these new versions in a matter of 2 months maybe less. I can see these being expensive simply due to the packaging and so on, not the actual development costs.


One I would like to see wii-made though is the PoP series. Sword fighting with the remote would be great, along with Soul Calibur 2 in all.

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Id like to give a big HELL NO to this idea. Im ok with the Wii being graphically inferior to the competition, but please Nintendo, dont cultivate the idea of shoveling old GC games back on the shelves. Third parties shouldnt have to compete with budget titles that have already been sold once, and they may even decide to do ''Wii-makes'' (i already hate that word) in place of making new games. Nintendo, is in effect, endorsing laziness.


''New-Generation'' huh....

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I think this will be a Summer months thing when there's hardly any games. I heard the broadband adapter won't work on the Wii, so maybe Sega could just port the three Phantasy Star Onlines (1 and 2 Plus and everything) and make it Wi-Fi compatible. No extras (except maybe a few in-game bonuses). They could do this for StarFox Assault as has been suggested, Pikmin 2 (and possibly bundle with a single player redone Pikmin 1), Mario Kart Double Dash (like online DS version), Zelda Four Swords (simply because it will cost less without having to buy loads of leads, friends and GBAs) and probably many others.


Edit: Maybe there will a Nintendo website where you buy these games instead of other games competing against re-makes in stores.

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With the Wii-makes of GC games it sounds like nintendo have been quite clever with the Wii architecture. I think all the Wii is is a higher spec GC in the same way that a new PC from 2006 is a higher spec than a 2002 PC but if you got a game released in 2002 it would still work on your 2006 PC. What nintendo are allowing developers to do is take the source code for a game cube game, port it to your Wii dev kit, rewrite the control method and then recompile the source to become a Wii game. A relatively pain free short exercise. Whether its a good idea or not for gamers I dont quite know. I can only think of a few games that would really benefit from the new wii control method. As has been said I would rather see a new Luigis mansion created specifically for the Wii than the GC version recompiled with Wii controls.


I think nintendo are being very clever with the Wii by allowing it to play gc games directly, older console games via the VC and now recompiled GC games, the Wii will have a huge catalogue of games from the get go. But the games I really want to play are Wii spefic games and it has plenty of those as well. Its win win on the Wii!!!


Agreed. I have to question the use of the word remake, as the process apparently outlined suggests that rerelease or updates (in the control sense) maybe more appropriate terms.


The appeal of this idea though is pretty much the same as the VC, developers (in theory) should have already got the returns on their initial investments, so for a minimal investment (the cost of updating the controls, and republishing the game etc) developers can release budget titles which should have higher profit potential.


While a sequel or original game is obviously more desirable for the gamer, this path is probably a ver desirable one for developers and publishers as an added source of funding for other titles/risk reduction.


As poeple have already pointed out there are some great advantages to be being able to rerelease GC games in this way. But there are also some disadvantages especially where greedy publishers are concerned but i hope nintendo will keep that under control.


Also can i ask what people mean when they talk about games competing with each other. It really doesnt make sense to me

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Id like to give a big HELL NO to this idea. Im ok with the Wii being graphically inferior to the competition, but please Nintendo, dont cultivate the idea of shoveling old GC games back on the shelves.


Well, Sony was publishing PSOne Platinum games during first four years of PS2's lifetime and you can be pretty sure that they will do same thing with PS2 games when PS3 is out. Microsoft is publishing 9 £ "Best of the Platinum" titles for Xbox / Xbox 360. Nintendo is basically doing same thing except that they also add some extra value to their classics range.

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Well, Sony was publishing PSOne Platinum games during first four years of PS2's lifetime and you can be pretty sure that they will do same thing with PS2 games when PS3 is out. Microsoft is publishing 9 £ "Best of the Platinum" titles for Xbox / Xbox 360. Nintendo is basically doing same thing except that they also add some extra value to their classics range.


i can see your point, IF it is marketed correctly it may work. i just hope lazy developers don't try this, then when they remake a cube game but don't offer much to us and we don't buy it i hope they don't decide to abandon Wii, like companies like Midway did when we all refused to buy their lazy ps2 ports of medicre games they blamed the cube, remember?


it could be a good idea to have an official line-up of wii-makes endorsed by nintendo that third party developers could release thru, with similar packaging etc etc. that way it looks like a little side-line to the main games to the casual gamer and they won't be left thinking that they are being fobbed off. did that make sense?


as for burnout three, we'll be getting a new game i'd say, and if it was remade why not use the controller? what would be the point of an exact copy of the xbox version over that - none!


a lot of the games mentioned here should get proper sequels (donkey konga, mario games, luigi's mansion, star fox etc etc) and with games like star fox coming out for DS i somehow think one is in the pipeline for Wii too to take full advantage of it.


some games, however, specifically from the N64 (goldeneye anyone?) would benefit from maybe the original being available thru VC and a wii-make (controls, and maybe hi-res) available in the stores for a little more. Cube games wise, i'd say those more obscure titles that you can't get anymore, or maybe those not brought over from japan, but the mainstream games from ninty and 3rd parties should be getting proper sequels instead of lazy remakes.


oh, and Wii LOZ also supports progressive scan unlike the cube version.

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it could be a good idea to have an official line-up of wii-makes endorsed by nintendo that third party developers could release thru, with similar packaging etc etc. that way it looks like a little side-line to the main games to the casual gamer and they won't be left thinking that they are being fobbed off. did that make sense?


Not at all my friend. :p

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it could be a good idea to have an official line-up of wii-makes endorsed by nintendo that third party developers could release thru, with similar packaging etc etc.


I'm pretty sure that Wiimakes will be released under new brand and Nintendo controls what games will get budget releases. In addition that it allows Nintendo to control quality, it also benefits 3rd parties, because Nintendo prints, distributes, and market games (3rd parties save lots of money as a result of this).

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