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My First Gig


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I don't want this to come out badly but... in my experience nobody will notice if the drummer plays well or screws up unless he is really, really amazing or absolutely terrible. So if you think everythings going great, or you're doing better lately... or even average I think you'll just be part of the show and the whole thing will come together just fine :)


Well, if i fit in, then my mission has been accomplished. I'm not the band's main drummer, i'm just a stand-in, so i'm not looking to really blitz the whole show. As long as i give a decent account of myself and don't screw up, i'll be happy.


Try to expect the best. A cheap trick that sometimes works, is to stare at a single point infront of you, and not looking everywhere.


Yeah, staring at faces puts me off, haha. When i mess up in practice, its usually because i'm laughing at some of the other guys. I did it a few times today. :)


Conzer makes a good point. It's totally normal to feel nervous beforehand, but trust me, once you're on stage you'll be fine. You've clearly been practicing a lot and if the other guys have confidence in you there really shouldn't be any problems.


I've always been so terrified when I've had to perform in front of a crowd. I was in a few dramas in school, and I've had to do some presentations in college. But I've always found as long as I focus on doing the best I can it all just falls into place. Remember, the crowd aren't there just to pick out any mistakes you might make. They're there to support you. Best of luck anyway, try and get a few recordings for us!


I'm hoping to get some recordings! I wanna hear what i sound like. After today, i'm really buzzing, and i think that i can actually pull this off now.

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Gigging is a major buzz. You'll be so hyped!



The only way you'll tighten your beats is if you record yourself and listen back at your mistakes (if any!).


One think I remember from reading this thread when you wrote it first, was someone (not going back a page to find out who it was.....yes I am that lazy...) saying to you to have a drink before you go on. Now I know you dont drink anyways, but I feel i should disagree with this advice. You should never have a drink to calm nerves when attempting to do something so techinhal as drumming, or playing a gig at all no matter the instrument.

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Ok, technically, the gig is happening today. Hmm, i'm quite nervous. The thing is, i'm fairly confident with most of the songs. Just pre-gig nerves.


I can't wait to get up there, though. It's exciting but scary at the same time! The band keep saying thanks to me every time we practice. "cheers for doing this, we really appreciate it!"


Ahhh, i just wanna get it over with!

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I have mixed feelings.


In terms of mistakes, all the band made mistakes. The thing is, we only made minor mistakes, which meant that nobody really noticed.

I think the only mistakes i made was when i dropped my sticks. I dropped them twice throughout the whole thing. But, i did keep going with my snare hand. It was quite funny, as i was keeping time on the snare with one hand whilst fumbling around for another stick with the other.


Personally, i didn't think i played THAT great. As a band, i think we played good and i suppose i did keep time and keep everything together. But, i think if i had another shot at it, i could do so much better.


Another thing that kept annoying me was that my kit kept moving away from me! I think this may have been down to the vibrations from the amps and because of the really smooth surface on the stage. At one point, the kit had moved about a metre ahead of where it originally started!


We played about 11 songs, and got asked to do an encore by the crowd and person in charge. We weren't prepared for the encore, so it really was improvisation!


We did covers of American Idiot and Basket Case (as the band are massive green day fans), and i think these were pretty sweet. I think there was a bit of "WTF! where did that come from!" in the audience, and these were some of our best songs.

For our encore, we did a Blink182 song called Dammit. We have only practiced this song once, and i had only heard the song on...thursday! But, i think it sounded fucking sweet, if i say so myself. A great end, imo.


We got some great applause from the crowd throughout, which was great. Especially when i thought "hmm, i coulda done better" they seemed to like what we were doing. So, yay!

We told the person organising about our situation and how we had only practiced together 3 times, and only twice when i actually knew what the songs sounded like, and he was surprised. Overall, i think i did good.


Another thing...they've got another gig on Tuesday. The band's drummer is getting back off holiday today, and apparantly, he's a bit hyper. Sometimes, he doesn't want to drum...

Well, they said to me that if he doesn't want to do the gig on tuesday, or if they don't want him to do it, then they'll ask me to! I was a bit taken aback, but i think i would love to do this again!

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Nice one man, I knew it'd be grand. I would have loved to see you fumbling for the fallen drumstick while continuing playing with the other one, must have been hilarious!


Hahaha, i wish somebody had taped it now. We kinda went without any support, because everyone was either working or couldn't make it down. Therefore, nobody to tape the show. :(


But, yeah, it was funny! Its unusual for me to drop sticks though, so i was a bit surprised i dropped them twice. Well, it had to happen to somebody!:heh:

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Hey, well done Fierce!


Two bits of advice: Why dont you get yourself a few extra sets (2 maybe) of sticks for the next gig, and leave them on the bass drum? If you drop a stick you have spare ones within reaching distance. And to stop the kit sliding bring along a non-slip mat with you and put the bass drum down on that.

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Did you throw your sticks into the crowd afterwards? That's what all cool drummers do. :heh: (meant to be a :heh : in here)


Nice work though, apart from playing Blink 182 and especially that song (Dammit), my wee brother listens to it all the time and I hate it.


Edit - Bloody smileys not working.

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Hey, well done Fierce!


Two bits of advice: Why dont you get yourself a few extra sets (2 maybe) of sticks for the next gig, and leave them on the bass drum? If you drop a stick you have spare ones within reaching distance. And to stop the kit sliding bring along a non-slip mat with you and put the bass drum down on that.


I had some extra sticks on the floor next to me. Hmm, i may have to get a stick bag or something, as i am fairly rubbish at picking stuff up. :heh:

The mat idea is excellent. I am definitely going to try and remember that for the next time i'm on stage. :)



Did you throw your sticks into the crowd afterwards? That's what all cool drummers do. :heh: (meant to be a :heh : in here)


Nice work though, apart from playing Blink 182 and especially that song (Dammit), my wee brother listens to it all the time and I hate it.


Edit - Bloody smileys not working.


I didn't throw the sticks into the crowd. Mainly because, knowing my luck, somebody would lose an eye!


Pleased to hear the gig went well Flinky. I'd have loved to hear the cover of Dammit. That song is easy to play on guitar and very freakin' enjoyable.


I think we did the song justice. Even better considering that we hardly practiced that song, and didn't even have the intention of playing it. Awesome song, though. :)

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I didn't throw the sticks into the crowd. Mainly because, knowing my luck, somebody would lose an eye!


At the last gig (or one of the last) I was at the drummer threw the stick and it hit a girl on the back of the head - who proceeded to run to the bathroom. The drummer was to high to care though, he's great! And only plays in shorts.


Anyway, well done! :yay:

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