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I want a game


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Im pretty sure there isnt such a thing. Sorry :( Something like Morrowind or Oblivion would be the closest on a console (or PC?). Thief is also set in a medieval world, and has some explorative/interactive elements, but is more of an action game. Thats all I can think of right now, other than some of the old Kings Quests on PC.


Lorenzo Bandini

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I just remembered; theres an awesome game on PC that you may like. Its called Ultima Underworld (actually there are two of them), and theyre basically Morrowind/Oblivion years before either of those games were a twinkle in the devs eyes. Its a bit old but still looks reasonably good, especially when considering its age - its not one of those static "click the arrow to move forwards" games, although it does look like one in this shot;




/mega low quality pic


Its in a medieval vein, though you dont get to ride around on a white charger (the aim of the game is to escape from a labyrinthine dungeon where you are wrongfully imprisoned). This is one of my most fond gaming memories since its totally non-linear, and has hundreds of things for you to discover. At one point you even need to learn the basics of another fictional language. Absolute genius.


Im sure it can be "obtained" somehow...it may even be freeware now.



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Star Ocean's a good 'un. It's initially set in space but you spend 75% of the game on a Medieval planet. It has a great story, nice characters and a battle system not unlike Tales of Symphonia.


It may be a bit different to most RPGs but it'd certainly worth a look.

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Its pretty much just the console-versions of Baldurs Gate or Champions of Norrath, minus co-op - but what sets it apart is that it rips the piss out of every other RPG cliche in the book (eg at the start of the game you kill a giant rat and your character comments on the fact that it drops a set of chain main armour, etc). The humour is good, but never quite pushed as far as it could have gone. The rest of the game is very unoriginal and a bit tedious IMO.


Perhaps you will appreciate it more than us common folk :)



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