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Football Season 2006/2007


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While at this rate English qualification for Euro 08 seems unlikely, at least once this is all over Steve will be luck to managing a McDonalds drive through. Then maybe England can get on with organising a football team between themselves.

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I really have been mixed with all this. On the one hand I want us to qualify but on the other I want us to get rid of McClaren as soon as possible.


We desperately need a manager which can bring England together as a team rather just a bunch of players from different clubs. Plus we need someone who realises Lampard just doesnt perform for England and should be dropped so we can have Gerrard in the centre and a proper winger on the right.

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You see, Sven Goran Erikson record as a manager for England was the best in 25 years, and only about a percentile from the best ever, so way back in July when everyone was like "Wahey, a new manager!", you couldn't necessarily expect England to become the world class team we were a few years ago so quickly without a reallygood manager, and McClaren just isn't that.


I'm not really all that surprised about the result either, but I don't really see any point about ranting about it either.

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Can't believe England.


The manager firstly for picking the lineup. Why have Neville right back and carragher left back then they both kick with the opposite foot? Also why bring in luke young, a good right back if you not gonna start him?


Why play Lennon on the left? yes he done very well but would have done so much better on the right cos everytime he got near the box he had to pull back onto his right.


Need to drop Lampard or Gerrard and play one of them with Hargreaves. Have Lennon on the right and Barry on the left.


I know everyone and his dog thinks he can do a better job but I think we all can. This is just a big joke.

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Why play Lennon on the left? yes he done very well but would have done so much better on the right cos everytime he got near the box he had to pull back onto his right.



Try telling Jol that as well! He's one of the best right wingers in the country and we play him on the left or middle consistently!

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why is mclaren manager? his only achievement is an league cup final!


i say bring on well know club mangers, like say cappello, anccelloti (sp?), lippi, passarella, hector couper, rafa, big phil, wenger, the byern munich dude or anyone who is established as a great manager worldwide.


and another thing, having great work rate determination is not good enough if you dont have the technical ability. Why does the england team keep focusing on stupid "preformances rather than points" - john terry.

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why is mclaren manager? his only achievement is an league cup final!


i say bring on well know club mangers, like say cappello, anccelloti (sp?), lippi, passarella, hector couper, rafa, big phil, wenger, the byern munich dude or anyone who is established as a great manager worldwide.


and another thing, having great work rate determination is not good enough if you dont have the technical ability. Why does the england team keep focusing on stupid "preformances rather than points" - john terry.


Wait...they're playing for performance now? Could've fooled me. :heh:


They're not getting the performance, they're not getting goals, and therefore are not getting the points. The midfield is the main problem, as it's just not right. Mac's going to have to be brave and drop one of the bigger players for the sake of the team. Imo, Franky Lampard has to go.

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Wait...they're playing for performance now? Could've fooled me. :heh:


They're not getting the performance, they're not getting goals, and therefore are not getting the points. The midfield is the main problem, as it's just not right. Mac's going to have to be brave and drop one of the bigger players for the sake of the team. Imo, Franky Lampard has to go.


was listeneing to that for 3 hours yesterday on talksport. hahaha


so true, why doesnt he just play SWP, gerrard, hargreeve, lennon?, if its that bad, just add in another mid player like lampard/carrick and play 4-5-1, or get wazza to drop back.


i honestly think i can do a better job right now, no joke. gonna send the FA an email telling them this and nominating my self as a manager.

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With regards to England scoring goals, McClaren is putting too much pressure on Rooney's shoulders. He's still young, he hasn't got much experience, and the fact he hasn't found an ideal striking partner does not help. If he keeps getting messed around instead of developing, his confidence and self-esteem will sink, which is what it is happening right now.


Hence why many of the team are just not performing. Too much pressure from the manager, too many expectations from the fans to perform, and the fact that so many get played out of position, or rest on their laurels and know they are in the team thanks to their club status is contributing to an overall poor showing from England.


Back to basics, I think.

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If I was the manager, I would stick with them. Before you think about dropping one of them you have got to show me a better alternative and, at the moment, nothing stands out.


This is what Mr Hansen thinks about the dropping Gerrard/Lampard debate. He has now proved himself to be as big a 'tard as Steve McClaren.


Lampard should be dropped - I don't think he has ever played really well for England and I think Gerrard is a better player anyway. After all he almost single handedly dragged Liverpool through their Champions League campaign in 05, doubt Lampard could've done anything remotely similar!


What I find hilarious is the fact that when I used to play Championship Manager and was England couch Lampard would always get 3 and 4's when playing for country! How did they know?

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I have to say (admittedly with football manager 2007 experience behind the choices) that the team should be a 4-4-2 diamond attacking (Basically a 4-1-2-1-2) with the following:


Up Front: Peter Crouch left side of attack and Michael Owen, Wayne Rooney or Jermaine Defoe on the right. Peter Crouch might not be a prolific goalscorer, but his ability to be a long ball target man and hold the ball up proves to be very useful to tip the ball off to more pacey players making runs from the right (Lennon, Owen, Rooney, Defoe) or centre (Gerrard). Since he doesn't shoot that often, he should be playing on the left of the front two so that he can make the passes to the more accurate right-footed players.


Attacking Midfield: Gerrard. No question, he is without a doubt one of the finest central midfielders in the world. His passing, his vision and his movement are all top quality, and give him a little freedom and he can be guaranteed to make a goal scoring oppertunity. Lampard, whilst I have nothing against him, just doesn't fit into the system unless Gerrard is indisposed or covering in case of an injury to Beckham or Lennon playing on the right.


Midfield (left): Not really much choice on the left. The only options are Barry, Downing and Richardson (ech!). I would choose Downing every time. Despite Barry putting in solid performances this year, I feel Downing has been a lot more consistent, has good movement and makes good crosses. His corner taking is also of a pretty good standard. Kieron Richardson proved how utterly useless he is in the U21 game against Italy. The number of free kicks, passes and recieving of the balls he fluffed was staggering.


Midfield (right): I have to say that I feel Beckham's exclusion from the squad has been detrimental to the team. His set pieces and crossing ability is unrivalled still within the national squad and is sorely missed. Lennon is good, but I feel he lacks the experience. His pace and ball control are excellent, but often his crosses reach an empty box. It's a difficult toss up between the two in my book. After Euro 2008, my first choice would definitely be Lennon to build his experience for the future, but in the mean time who plays would have to be down to the opposition.


Defensive Midfield: Owen Hargreaves. Still not 100% match fit after his leg injury, he's shaking off a bit of rust that's built up during his time on the sidelines. His ability in the holding midfield role is exceptional, and he keeps a cool head under pressure that allows him to take time and make the pass when the time is right. I think Tom Huddlestone is one to watch out for in the future, but until the next World Cup at least, this role is Hargreaves'


Defense (left-right): Ashley Cole, John Terry, Rio Ferdinand and Gary Neville. Ashely Cole and Gary Neville both move forward often, Cole especially overlapping Downing very well on the wing and often making good crosses. Terry is a solid leader, and I rate Ferdinand as one of the best central defenders in the country. Neville, despite getting on a bit, is still a great player. I'd definitely place a more attack minded Micah Richards there in the near future however.


So basically,


ST/FC: Crouch, Owen/Rooney/Defoe


AMC: Gerrard


ML: Downing, MR: Beckham/Lennon


DMC: Hargreaves


DL: Cole, DC: Terry, Ferdinand, DR: Neville

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I would hope that when hes fit Joe Cole will be back on the left really its amazing how much we've missed him.


Edit: FWIW my 1st choice England team assuming everyones fit.





Neville Rio Terry Cashley

Lennon Gerrard Hargreaves J.Cole

Owen Rooney







a right midfielder Bentley possibly???



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Whilst Rooney doesn't score as many goals as Owen would, I feel he does a lot in terms of team-work, presence and build-up play. Just having him on the pitch chasing after lost causes (and often winning the ball) and having the crowd chant his name is enough to stir up belief in the team. He's a fighter, something which I think Crouch is not. He may have the better record, but he can only play in one way. If Crouch doesn't get the crosses, he will not score.

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Blimey, I completely forgot about Joe Cole. Maybe I just have something against Chelsea players. In FM2007, Leighton Baines plays LB and Carragher plays a central role next to Ferdinand, with Richards on the right. I must say the future of the English defence is pretty solid.


By the by, on an unrelated subject, how in the blue hell is Arjen Robben only 23?! He looks like he's in his mid 30's! I only found out last week!

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Im annoyed at all the enthasis on Rooney. I guarentee in a few years he will be a midfielder. He is the next Paul Scholes for United.


Anyway my England team choice for tomorrow would be:




Young, Terry, Ferdinand, Cole (if fit?)


Lennon, Gerrard, Hargreaves, Barry


Rooney, Johnson (or give Nugent a try)


I dont see the point of bringing in players like young, Nugent etc if you are not gonna use them. Yes maybe they are just there for backup/cover but to be honest the team are doing shit so why not try something new especially Nugent. He is a bit more of a target man than any of the other strikers (bar crouch) at least bring him on as a sub!

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