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Eternal Sonata


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Guest Stefkov


I'm on Chapter 7 now. This game is really, really good. The story is getting interesting, the graphics are amazing all the way through and the moves are just jawdropping.

I think I will play through this again, definitely.

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I finally gave this a go today but it didnt end well. I put it on and...well...just what the hell is up with that cutscene at the start? Its on for like 15 freaking mins and its not interesting at all! Im not usually bothered about cutscenes as I love the MGS series but this was just too much. Probably because I was on 6-2 and have been up since 5, knocked it off just after the cutscene finished as it crushed my will to live. Looked nice though :heh:

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Having finished my latest batch of point whoring games and waiting for some new ones to show up I decided to try and play this again and I finally have gotten into it.


Just nearing the end of the 1st chapter now and im finding it highly enjoyable. I still prefer the standard turn-based moves on RPGs though.


One thing that I do detest is the history lesson you get with various cutscenes about Chopins career. I couldnt care or less about who the love of his life was, just let me get back to killing things.

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Guest Stefkov

I actually love the whole story telling. The history of Chopin etc. It's why the game was made after all.

I was reading an interview and it said, most of the Japanese people had heard of Chopin but couldn't put a tune to his name.

Now the second part I'd understand but I'd never heard of Chopin until now.


I got into the Mysterious Unison, and got killed by some mightily strong pirate looking people. So I gave up ad gonna go at it another time. The mysterious Unison is pretty big after going through 2 rooms. It's gona take a while and I'll play when I feel like it.

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  • 6 months later...

Big bumpage :)


I have once again started to play this over the past week and although I still hate the story and cutscenes I am enjoying the gameplay.


There is some pirate woman called Dolce ( sp? ) which always gives me a beating. I have defeated her a few times but she always ends up killing at least 1 of my team mates. Its weird because I nail all of the boss fights at the end of the chapters but this bitch is really giving me a hard time.


I have just started chapter 6 now, hopefully I wont run into her again.

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Guest Stefkov

I never really had a problem with Dolce. If you're using Beat then there's your problem.

Dolce drops items that are necessary for one achievement, but that achievement is only gettable in your second playthrough. So if you plan to get all the achievements then you're gonna have to get used to fighting her. I think you fight her 3 times, one on the ship, one underground after looking at a flower and the third I forget.

You make me want to carry on my second playthrough.

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I never really had a problem with Dolce. If you're using Beat then there's your problem.

Dolce drops items that are necessary for one achievement, but that achievement is only gettable in your second playthrough. So if you plan to get all the achievements then you're gonna have to get used to fighting her. I think you fight her 3 times, one on the ship, one underground after looking at a flower and the third I forget.

You make me want to carry on my second playthrough.




Yeah I fought her on the ship, looking at the flower in the Wah Lava Cave and in a pub as she was blocking a Score Piece, not sure if I have fought her anymore.


The team I use is Retto, Viola and Falsetto but I was forced to use Frederic at one point as Falsetto had sodded off somewhere.

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Guest Stefkov


Yeah I fought her on the ship, looking at the flower in the Wah Lava Cave and in a pub as she was blocking a Score Piece, not sure if I have fought her anymore.


The team I use is Retto, Viola and Falsetto but I was forced to use Frederic at one point as Falsetto had sodded off somewhere.

Ya those are the only 3 times you fight her if I remember rightly.

That team is the best, stick with it. Especially if you do the Mysterious Unison. The other characters level up if you never use them so it's alright to leave em be.

It's great, Retto is just get in there and fight like Falsetto, then if you want you can keep Viola back to heal and use long range weapons even though she is also a beast in CQC.

Falsetto though, she uses her fists and she's more powerful than Beat's most powerful gun that I have for him. Is crrrrazy.

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I really started to hate this game when I was about halfway through the first time, I realised the game wasn't exactly what I hoped for. But I started the game again a month ago and played it through and even got all the achievements.

For an RPG the story sucks and the characters are boring, they don't have even any backround story... but the gameplay was much more funnier on the second playthrough and I'm quite glad I played it again.

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Guest Stefkov

Japanese release it I think the end of this year. I really don't remember but I get a feeling that's what I read.

US release was later next year.

PS3 gets to play as other characters like the Prince who's name wriggles from my mind. Also it gets alternative endings aswell.

The story was fine as it was and the ending was shocking and sad.

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Yeah I heard Eternal Sonata might not be getting a Western release - I could get it on 360, but as you guys have said the PS3 has loads of extras so I was waiting for that.


If the worst comes to the worst, will the game not get an Asian release with an English language option in it???

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Guest Stefkov
So I get to Rondo in the Mysterious Unison and the stuipd cow gives me a beating even though im a few levels higher than her. Whats even worse is that there was no save point near her so I have to go through floor 11 all over again. Stupid bitch.....

Aye I hated the fight with Rondo.

What level are you at btw? I can't remember my level but I got beaten badly first time round, went and levels up a bit.

Went back to that town and stocked up on healing and revives.

I got the hang of Harmony Chains whilst levelling up aswell so get used to that. If you have Retto, Viola and Falsetto in good positions, as in light and dark, you can have Falsetto use (what moves I had for my characters) the ice move, then Retto was close and used his Bloody Plume, then Viola used her arrows raining down the sky. In the end I got about 4 or 5 moves off in one go when I built up the chain. You have to beat her good and proper though, block as much as you can. One of her moves is a beast and takes nearly all of your health.

(Been ages and I still remember it)

At least now you won't have to do it again in the second run through.

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Guest Stefkov

Black and Orange? Was it not the blue and Orange beasts which were stupidly easy to kill?

Still that didn't take me long, I'd taken pictures in the past and sold them. Any items that weren't as powerful as I had equipped were all sold. By the time I'd gotten to the Unison I had tonnes of money.

Just to give you an idea, my save file my characters were all level 80 before I went up against Rondo. Lol 28 hours on my first save file. That's the most time I've spent on a game I think.

Which reminds me the end battle is so sad.

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Black and Orange? Was it not the blue and Orange beasts which were stupidly easy to kill?

Still that didn't take me long, I'd taken pictures in the past and sold them. Any items that weren't as powerful as I had equipped were all sold. By the time I'd gotten to the Unison I had tonnes of money.

Just to give you an idea, my save file my characters were all level 80 before I went up against Rondo. Lol 28 hours on my first save file. That's the most time I've spent on a game I think.

Which reminds me the end battle is so sad.


Im on around 17-20 hours at the moment. As for the cash problem I didnt bother taking any pics as I always had enough money. Yeah those blue/black/orange things are easy to kill, hell they dont even get a hit on me if I do some chaining its just that is so time consuming.


I will probably get back on it tonight and see if I can beat the bitch.

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Guest Stefkov
I will probably get back on it tonight and see if I can beat the bitch.

Haha, you show her!


Man I'm having so much trouble with the first massive Pig you fight in Heaven's Mirror with Polka and Fred. I feel this playthrough will involve plenty of Guide>dashboard>start up game again.

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