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Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland


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Just completed it!* :yay:


The final boss was phenomenal!...


...Never in a million years was I expecting it to be an old school shoot-’em-up style battle in outer space, but it was, and what's more it was awesome!


Such a great idea for you to get all the rupees that went into the tower back to be used as ammo against Uncle Rupee. Pretty challenging fight too, until you get the hang of his patterns (especially for the last part) I loved his second form though, the way you had to fire at the beam he shoots and push it back to him, classic!


So funny how you actually have to buy the staff credits too, nothing's free in this game! :laughing:

This really has been one of my most enjoyable gaming experiences, absolutely adored it from start to finish. Great story, incredibly funny throughout, cute and colourful whilst occasionally dark and twisted, fantastic gameplay, and one of the most original games I've played in a long time.


Such a shame that so many will miss out due to the game not releasing in the US, especially when the reasoning behind that is so stupid. Never thought I'd have something this positive to say about NoE, but I'm eternally grateful to them for having the balls to bring this to Europe. I just really hope it won't be the last time we see a move like that.


*I say completed, but that's not taking into consideration the fact there's still loads of side quests to finish, items to find ect... And the fact that I'll blatantly play through this from the start again, at least once. :wink:

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It's the first time I'm proud of Nintendo Europe. Now bring us Mother 3!


I just collected the remaining items and see the god ending. Now I know why they add the "sexual content" logo on the box. Tingle is definitely not gay.

I enjoyed nearly every little bit of the game but, seeing (occidental) reviews and the way people stupidly overreact to the main character, I think this game will be one of the most underrated game of the DS.

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Just completed it!* :yay:


The final boss was phenomenal!...


...Never in a million years was I expecting it to be an old school shoot-’em-up style battle in outer space, but it was, and what's more it was awesome!


Such a great idea for you to get all the rupees that went into the tower back to be used as ammo against Uncle Rupee. Pretty challenging fight too, until you get the hang of his patterns (especially for the last part) I loved his second form though, the way you had to fire at the beam he shoots and push it back to him, classic!


So funny how you actually have to buy the staff credits too, nothing's free in this game! :laughing:

This really has been one of my most enjoyable gaming experiences, absolutely adored it from start to finish. Great story, incredibly funny throughout, cute and colourful whilst occasionally dark and twisted, fantastic gameplay, and one of the most original games I've played in a long time.


Such a shame that so many will miss out due to the game not releasing in the US, especially when the reasoning behind that is so stupid. Never thought I'd have something this positive to say about NoE, but I'm eternally grateful to them for having the balls to bring this to Europe. I just really hope it won't be the last time we see a move like that.


*I say completed, but that's not taking into consideration the fact there's still loads of side quests to finish, items to find ect... And the fact that I'll blatantly play through this from the start again, at least once. :wink:


Nice one Redshell! I am still undecided on this! There are a few games I've seen in the buy one get one free at GAME. So may get them instead....think I've missed something why did this not come out in america? Is it because of Tingles dubious sexuality?

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well all I can say is hope you guys were right! I picked this up today not played a lot at all...literally a couple of mins walked to the pool and back...


Looks like we're in the same boat. I'm just gonna have to like it since game don't do their 10 day return anymore. And I've noticed what a monopoly pricing has become ever since they brought (game)station

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Looks like we're in the same boat. I'm just gonna have to like it since game don't do their 10 day return anymore. And I've noticed what a monopoly pricing has become ever since they brought (game)station


yeah I've noticed that..Gamestation used to be a bit cheaper for new releases the week they come out but now they aren't also...

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Is there a way to not make chuckles suck so much. As a bodyguard he doesn't really do anything. Medium body guards are supposed to be good with their hands but chuckles just shrugs 24/6
Yeah, the clown bodyguard has purposely bad AI. Makes them really annoying to use, you're better off with the female warrior (will basically attack anything that moves :heh: ) or one of the suit wearing guys (will only attack when you command, but will always obey) for a medium bodyguard.


well all I can say is hope you guys were right! I picked this up today not played a lot at all...literally a couple of mins walked to the pool and back...
Cool, hope you enjoy it.


I collected the remaining Rupee Goods yesterday and got the extra ending, incredibly amusing it was. :o

Definitely worth collecting all the items for.

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Damn, only missing one Rupee Item...


I am missing Item 28. I think it's probably related to the guy in the swamp who needs the star stickers. I got one sticker, but I don't remember how or where I got it. How do you get these stickers anyway and where can I find the rest?


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Damn, only missing one Rupee Item...


I am missing Item 28. I think it's probably related to the guy in the swamp who needs the star stickers. I got one sticker, but I don't remember how or where I got it. How do you get these stickers anyway and where can I find the rest?


The 1 star card is in abottle from the guard. The 2 star card is in Cape Treasure, look for somewhere to dig. And thats all i found so far =/


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So I have just made it into Lon Lon Meadow and was randomly digging with my new shovel and a blue chest popped out of the ground. I tried opening it with Tingle but he couldnt, do I need a certain bodyguard to help me out here?


No, there'll be a story event that lets you open them afterwards that hapens later in the game.

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I'm looking for ,the green square and yellow triangle in the Fairy Garden to revive the springs.

It can be quite tricky to find all the various items in the Fairy Garden, the ones where you dig at the weird shrine things on the map are easy, as are the ones you get from battling enemies, but there are a few obscure ones too that involve digging in not so obvious places.


So yeah, if you're still stuck it's most probably one of the buried ones, just keep digging. :smile:


Damn, only missing one Rupee Item...


I am missing Item 28. I think it's probably related to the guy in the swamp who needs the star stickers. I got one sticker, but I don't remember how or where I got it. How do you get these stickers anyway and where can I find the rest?

The only way to get the 3 stickers...


...is to collect all of the empty bottles, 22 in total I think it is. :hmm:

I had to backtrack to earlier sections of the game to find the last few bottles, at which point I received the final sticker.

So I have just made it into Lon Lon Meadow and was randomly digging with my new shovel and a blue chest popped out of the ground. I tried opening it with Tingle but he couldnt, do I need a certain bodyguard to help me out here?
You'll find out how to open them later on in the game, but if you want to know in advance...


...your ocarina will get upgraded by the pirates, at which point you can use it to open those treasure chests. It can also be used to help locate any remaining buried ones, which is pretty handy. :awesome:


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Ok I'm in the same lon lon thingy. And I've met a girl who has lost her glasses, and there is a woman who marked a big X on my map. I thought the glasses would be there, but I can see anything and there is no place to dig. Help...


They are behind a giant mushroom around the X.

Think it's a bit to the west.




Oh and thanks Redshell but I did find them last night. I had to dig for ages in spot before I found one.

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