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Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland


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They are behind a giant mushroom around the X.

Think it's a bit to the west.




Cheers Ike, found the glasses (how the heck did I not notice them) and returned the girl for a lovely 4000 rupees. Don't know what to do now, some boy has disappeared on the ranch but I think I'll just fuel the tower instead of looking for him.

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Just have to say massive thanks to everyone for all their positive feedback on this which convinced me to get it!


Not gotten to far on it but loving it so much, some of the jokes are so funny and I just love the little in jokes that litter the game,like the first time you solve a puzzle with your bodyguard and he gets out a boom box and plays one of the tunes from Zelda...just love it!

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Is that the one with the poison gas and darkness? If so yeah your right. But I suppose it paid off in the end too.


I beat this dungeon late last night as well. It was soo annoying:


1) Lighting the way in the dark areas cost way too much money

2) The poison gas eats away at your Rupees

3) Having to change bodyguard halfway in to get the Rupees items

4) The Boss-Took me like 10 attempts-Why you ask? Since I'm left handed I can't hold the direction pad and use the stylus in my right hand-Nice thinking there game designers!!


Oh and not to mention since I lost so much cash in the Dungeon, I still don't have enough to raise the Tower to the next level. Oh and my map is like missing tons of stuff for Gooey swamp :(

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Since I'm left handed I can't hold the direction pad and use the stylus in my right hand-Nice thinking there game designers!!



You know that the ABYX buttons can be used as a D-pad for left-handers in this game, don't you?



H-O-T: I searched for ages to fill up the Gooey Swamp map, too, and the one I'd missed was something you can only spot whilst going through the dungeon. Have you got that one yet?


I'm having trouble finding all the machine parts in the snow level at the moment. I'm sure I've searched the level from top to bottom. Any hints?

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Do I have to listen to what Tingle's lady friend says? She keeps telling while I'm randomly exploring the new area that I have to give rupees to the tower or something bad will happen to it.


Mike: The the AXBY-buttons aren't as good to use as the d-pad in my opinion. I use the d-pad even though I'm left-handed.

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You guys werent kidding about the 4th Dungeon. I dont mind the poison gas parts but the darkness parts are doing my head in. You pay or some light for a fly that last all of 5 reaking seconds.


Just took down 2 of the giant gas bugs, think there is only 1 more if the outside map is anything to go by.


EDIT: Just finished the 4th Dungeon now and it wasnt all that bad. Im hoping that I can access the 3rd Continent by the end of the day.

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Do I have to listen to what Tingle's lady friend says? She keeps telling while I'm randomly exploring the new area that I have to give rupees to the tower or something bad will happen to it.


Throw a small amount of rupees quickly if you don't want your tower to shrink.

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I have just reached the Snowy area now. Still cant find the last hidden part of the Gooey Swamp map. I think I know what part you were on about Mike, was it the Anchor? If so then I already had that one. This one im after is supposed to be near the bridge I built to get to one of the 4 Towers.


If anyone can remember then let me now please. Cheers.

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