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Wii to Launch on November 6th in US

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According to an industry source speaking to Cubed³, the Nintendo Wii is set to launch in the "Thanksgiving period in the USA" (Thanksgiving falls on November 23rd this year), with Japanese and European launches set to be "in the same timeframe". With Nintendo trying for a worldwide launch of their new system, this would probably lead to the system coming out marginally before in Japan and “a few weeks later in Europeâ€.


Our source tells us that the Wii will be on sale in the USA "well in time for Thanksgiving and well in time for Christmas in Europe". Details on the Japanese launch were not so clear, but our source did suggest that it would fall very close, if not before the American launch of the system.


So, we're looking at an early November release for the system. This falls quite nicely in line with a recent announcement by Nintendo where they gave dates for their DS, GameCube and GBA titles for later this year. All titles stopped before November. With this information in hand, we pushed our source a bit further to see if they had an idea of a more exact date. Today, we were provided with the following information...


"So, at the moment Nintendo are aiming to launch the Wii on November 6th"


Our source emphasised that this date is correct at present, but pointed out: "Nintendo aren't going to have an exact date in mind until they are sure they can meet the deadlines". Take it as a guide then if you will, but "they are very keen to be ready in time".


Obviously this shouldn't be taken as gospel and we're not about to shout from rooftops that we have the final Wii launch date, but we are confident that the information we have is correct; we wouldn't share it with you if it wasn't. Hopefully Nintendo will clear up all confusion very soon by confirming the launch details of the Wii. We'll have more for you as and when it happens.

It's not official but Cubed3 are VERY reliable.

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I just read that over at Cubed3 my stomach went over because i thought it was official! :red::)


Well it's probably right, actually. However they would mean end-of November launch for us which may or may not be a good idea considering the PS3 is out November 17th.


Why not release it on the same day as the PS3? Then we will see whos going to sell the most!


NOVEMBER 6TH should be for Europe!!!!!! and the USA get it in October!


The date is going to be released any day now (or in June), i can sense it....


Seems like November is the month though.

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Wow fantastic find! Really hope we get this towards the end of November then, maybe the 20th/27th. SO hyped!

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That's good, sounds like the December 1st date I predicted for Europe then :) I'm happy with that, a little bit too close to Christmas, my mum wont want me to buy it at launch.... I'll still get it though.

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So by Christmas for us Europeans........im happy enough wth that i suppose......would have liked a pre PS3 date though. ah well

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Sounds pretty reliable, now we need to see release dates for games.

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That's good, sounds like the December 1st date I predicted for Europe then :) I'm happy with that, a little bit too close to Christmas, my mum wont want me to buy it at launch.... I'll still get it though.


I still don't think late November-December is a good idea. :)


Sure the PS3 is expensive but it's going to sell! sell! sell!


I think Nintendo should release it either before or on the same day as the PS3.


They should never let Sony get a head-start even if it' is by 3 weeks, you never know.....


Anyway it states in the 'unconfirmed' source that it will be out way before Christmas in Europe, which to me suggests early November.


I want a date....NOW! :yay:

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If Nintendo want to sell it in Europe they have to have it out before the PS3.They need to try and get a head start.

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If Nintendo wan't to sell it in Europe they have to have it out before the PS3.They need to try and get a head start.



QFT.....come on Nintendo....

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QFT.....come on Nintendo....


In general I agree with that but the timeframe is wrong. It doesn't matter if the PS3 launces a few days after the Wii because gamers already made up their mind which console they pick up for launch.


For casual gamers it doesn't matter at all ... as if they even know when something even launches.


Nintendo failed in my eyes because to have a head start they should have launched months earlier than november. At last in early septembe - MS has a pretty big advantage and it will be quite difficult to reach that userbase in US/EU.

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If Nintendo release the Wii after the PS3 in Europe they've lost the console war already.

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Nintendo failed in my eyes because to have a head start they should have launched months earlier than november. At last in early septembe - MS has a pretty big advantage and it will be quite difficult to reach that userbase in US/EU.





But if they could redeem themselves at all it would be to launch at least a month earlier than PS3 not 11 days (PS3 is out Nov 17th/23rd?).


360 has a monster headstart on boh Wii and PS3 but by leaving the launch for Wii so late Nintendo look like they will be steamrolled by Sony.....


I mean imagine the PR campaign Sony will be running for a global launch....




(The above opinions are that and only that.....opinions....and mine at that!)

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Also the £425 price tag for PS3 may change, my guess is that it may come out cheaper because of all the bad press. So you can't say 'because the PS3 is £425 people won't buy it, so it makes no difference if the Wii is released after'. :smile:


Nintendo has to release the Wii everywhere (Europe espicially, as theres alot of Sony fans) early November, late October.


Lets hope Nintendo listen and make the right decision for once, espicially NOE! :indeed::)


They are making the right decisions so far, so lets not spoil it.

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Hey let's release Wii in September. No games? Who cares! That way we release before PS3, but ppl won't buy it, because they hold out for the PS3. YES, its a win win situation!

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I do agree that the Wii should be released in Europe in early November at the latest. Sure, Nintendo doesn't consider the PS3 to be competition since the Wii is "new-gen" and targets a different market. But it would be nice to steal some thunder, wouldn't it?


I'll still cling to my hopes of a (near) simultaneous worldwide launch. ;)


"Well in time for Thanksgiving" does also allow the possibility of a launch before November anyway, plus Europe doesn't have Thanksgiving so Christmas is the best reference. :P

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We wish it's that early though im sure a couple of games would be ready,but the earliest it's going to be is October.

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Hey let's release Wii in September. No games? Who cares! That way we release before PS3, but ppl won't buy it, because they hold out for the PS3. YES, its a win win situation!


Well Nintendo should have worked faster and hand out development kits earlier - that takes money but games can be ready whenever you want. Microsoft did it and I guess Nintendo could be even better. So far the Nintend third party launch games are not really impressive although I admit the variety is bigger and the first party games rock for launch.

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Hey let's release Wii in September. No games? Who cares! That way we release before PS3, but ppl won't buy it, because they hold out for the PS3. YES, its a win win situation!


Who said September? I said Late October early November, if they can't do that even, then they are seriously lagging behind.


I still don't know why we haven't been given a date and price, it's worrying to say the least....

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I think Nintendo have learnt very well from past mistakes. Reggie said a while back that the key part of a products life cycle is the forst 6 months where strong games come out (there was a massive drought with the GC). With the Wii however, we have Warioware, Mario and Smash coming out within 3-9months of launch! It's so good!

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well we origionally thought we would get in in 2007, so anything in this year is fine for me :)

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Whats important for nintendo is to advertise like hell. Sony and microsoft will so nintendo need to be prepared to put in a lot of effort and money if they want to beat microsoft and sony this xmas (i know nintendo say that they aarent competing with anyone, but they KNOW they are). The quality of their advertising is also essential, they will need to tell the public about the console's innovation and affordability.


If they do this, nintendo cant fail.

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People should understand that every console will be sold out in launch. There has never been launch where Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft couldn't sold their initial stock completely. Therefore it doesn't really matter if they launch around same time. It would matter, however, if Nintendo would launch 6 months after PS3.


360 has a monster headstart on boh Wii and PS3 but by leaving the launch for Wii so late Nintendo look like they will be steamrolled by Sony.....


Monster headstart? 3.5 million units sold since december. Not really that big gap to cross.


Microsoft did it and I guess Nintendo could be even better.


Microsoft did it and failed pretty badly. They had very average launch with bunch of half-assed Xbox to Xbox 360 ports, mediocre Kameo & Perfect Dark Zero and little rushed Project Gotham Racing (that actually runs in 600p and is scaled to 720p).

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