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Because from the screens it looks like there's a lot of land so a lot of traveling and adventuring which makes the game longer and more to do,which I like.I wasn't talking graphics wise.

  DCK said:
Ugh, the DS can do that. I doubt they are real.

They're real, just not exactly what the final game will look like (hopefully..) as they are 'early PC version' screens


It all depends on how early this game is. If I was them, I wouldn't have revealed any screens until later. The model if the woman isn't bad, it's just incredibly undetailed.


My major complaint is that the whole thing lacks any character. It's about as generic and washed out as StarWars Galaxies when it first started.


What they took off all the shading/lighting effects, no antialiasing, replaced the decent textures with boring and bland ones and forgot not to render them at anything higher than 1dpi?


This is what I like to see, indie developers being able to get their ideas out there. For too long the game industry has dominated by rehash titles from the big developers, preventing any new talent from really flourishing. I'm hoping we'll see a lot more companies like this on the Wii.


Hey, go easy on the screenshots. For starters, they're early builds, plus the game is made by an indie developer. They won't have anywhere near the amount of resources your normal developer (Valve, THQ, Ubisoft etc) would have.


Whatever the final result of this project, I think it's encouraging that indies are trying out their ideas on the Wii. :) Yes, there may be a couple of dozen generic titles, but there could be one or two made of pure genius...


I agree with LazyBoy the games industry needs new blood. It's about time there was a console that gave indies the chance to get their ideas out there rather than have to kowtow to publishers (which often results in their ideas being diluted).


Give them a break. Its still very early days for the game. The most important thing is to create the models and backgrounds as well as the gameplay mechanics. The detail would be one of the last things to do while polishing the game. Dont forget they are an indie developer with little resources and things will progress slower than someone like Capcom for example.


This game runs on a PC and looks worse than games from 1996. I understand that developers say that their products may look a bit unfinished but those pictures are just hilarious. Alright they are an independent studio and I guess textures might improve over time but low-poly models, no lighnting, nothing - those are things which should work in game engine as soon as its finished.


I will put Orb on the list where Sadness is currently on ... the it won't ever happen list.

  system_error said:
This game runs on a PC and looks worse than games from 1996. I understand that developers say that their products may look a bit unfinished but those pictures are just hilarious. Alright they are an independent studio and I guess textures might improve over time but low-poly models, no lighnting, nothing - those are things which should work in game engine as soon as its finished.


I will put Orb on the list where Sadness is currently on ... the it won't ever happen list.


Because of its graphics? Nice, you don't even know what it's about or how it plays and your judging it. Why not try giving it a chance.

  LazyBoy said:
Because of its graphics? Nice, you don't even know what it's about or how it plays and your judging it. Why not try giving it a chance.


Tell me again when the game is "finished" and I can buy it for Wii - if that happens before the end of 2007 I will apologize to you, the developers - anyone you like but until then the game is on my list.


I don't know if this and sadness will be good games, but it's very important to see the indie developers making games, because they usually have good ideas and with time they can learn and make good games. Still, the best way to distribute their games would be online and if Nintendo doesn't make the right moves, love's marketplace will be a a better place for that. I'll keep a watchful eye on these devs because they are the future of game development and we must support them in way or another.


I'm not knocking the indie devs out there, I hope to be one someday, but you just shouldn't release material this early on. And also if you do have any idea about how your end product will look you will be working towards engine specs of poly calcs. Therefore you would start building models using the amount of polys in that region to begin with. Textures you can redo fairly quickly but not low grade models.


The reasons I am giving them some flack is that these screens are pointless. The only thing it proves are that there are only 2 posssibilities:

1. This game has only just started to be made (so why show them?!)

2. This game is fairly far into production and is likely to have very little content or graphical quality. Yippeeee....


Indie devs are great if they come out with new ideas..


Crossbeam Studios:

“Okay guys, here’s the full story. As many of you know, our internal art server went down… not a huge deal, as all the artists have backups of their work. Unfortunately this is a holiday weekend, and many staff went on trips to go back home to families. Essentially these screens had to be completely made in about 24 hours (the time approx. from server crash to screens being released) because all of the art was gone, save for like Simique or Maron, which everyone has copies of on staff. But we promised you guys screens, and come hell or high water, we were going to get screens to you, even if 4 department heads had to be up a full 24 hour period (as we were), to get them to you, crappy as they are.


Now, the trees, look like crap and don’t fit, because they aren’t ours. They are from a content pack sold on garage games we happened to have, and didn’t have time to get our own trees back, same goes for the grass.


Now, there was some art direction here in the planning. It’s night time because we were going to have the torches along paths in the temple area, with a particle effect and everything. Didn’t pan out, as the torches we’re sent to me about 2 hours before the screens went up, and even then, they had to be redone slightly because the exporter kept crapping out and giving us corrupted torches.


I could include a few more examples, but really eveything about this screens, well, sucks, because of very poor timing. Many of the artists are now back home, and have ben sending us the files that were lost in the server crash (we didn’t lose the server or the data, its just still down). Next week we will have this whole place done visually, and believe me, it will look much better.”

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