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My thoughts on Metroid Prime 2...

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And to raise new point, I don't like both Primes leveldesign.

What I really enjoyed, however, was Prime Hunters. That level design was great. In the other Prime games I had the feeling that the world was design around Samus not the other way round. Basically if there was a ledge I could be sure that I had to get there at some point. If there was something that looked like a half-pipe I could also be sure to use it. Now in Hunters there are places you can reach in the levels (particularly the landing bay) where there is nothing to find but I get the feeling this could have a purpose for someone else. This gives the game the feeling that someone once lived there while in both Primes I had the impression everything was there for Samus to explore and nothing else - you could say Tony Hawk like leveldesign. (although that feeling wasn't so strong in the second anymore).


Yes thats true. But i always look at this as a good thing, it makes the game more enjoyable to play. And if there ever is a time when someone goes, aw this is this the controlls are crap, i just tell them the game is made around the controls. But I never looked upon it as a bad thing.

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Hmm...and here I thought the bosses were quite easy, I mean if you scan them, the game literally tells you exactly how to beat them...


interestingly true.

But how about this. The first time around, turn off the hint visor. If i did that i know for sure i'd be fuckin lost for hours! I am currently playing the second without hints, and i still havent finished it. But its also 100 miles away :indeed:

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I've tried to play through them, but I just can't be bothered anymore. I've tried so hard to like it, but I just can't. I give up. I'm not sure why i don't like Prime but i keep starting over and over again, and it just feels like such a chore, i feel like i'm forcing myself to play it because it's seen as a classic rather than me actually enjoying hte experience. So sod it. *Goes back to Pikmin in shame*

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About the save points in Metroid Prime (I only played the 1st one, haven't bought 2 yet), I see so many people complaining about them being so scarce and too far in between... Err, I really don't feel this is true. I mean, well, if you're the type of player that likes to have 5 or 10 minutes sessions of playing, then I understand this feeling (Metroid is not for that kind of player anyway), but for people dedicated to playing the Prime games, I think the save points are perfectly judged, they are actually very abundant (this is especially true in Phendrana Drifts).


What are you people's opinions on this matter? Especially players who like to immerse themselves in the game atmosphere and world.


I also loved the scanning element, it makes it that much more cerebral and exploratory. :)

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If I am not mistaken there were 4 save points in phendrana. They were just very well placed.


I loved scanning and always tried to scan everything. The idea that you were alone, a stranger in an unknown world, in which thoughout the game you got to know more about it (though scans). And the best part of the game is the feeling of exploration, not seen since games like Zelda.


And both were very good games, prime being slightly better than echoes.

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echoes was friggen hard as.


i got through prime quite easily, even on hard mode... changed over to echoes and.... well, had problems!

the bosses are that much harder!


anyway, with prime, i didnt get the atmosphere thing happening... i didnt scan things, so i had no idea what was going on. i was about 4/5 of the way through the game before i realised wtf was happening

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Meh, you're all lightweights, they were both easy...*goes and completes it on hard mode...again" If you want a hard game, play the Golden Sun series, I don't know why, but took me yonks...



Meh, you're a lightweight, the Golden Sun games were both easy...*goes and completes it...again*



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Meh, you're all lightweights, they were both easy...*goes and completes it on hard mode...again" If you want a hard game, play the Golden Sun series, I don't know why, but took me yonks...


Have you played expert mode on Super Monkey Ball?

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I guess what's hard for one is easy for the other.. Golden Sun and other RPG's aren't that hard often in my opinion, you can just go level-up if a boss is giving you trouble (which I why I'm not good at FF8 because it works differently.. Leveling-up doesn't do you any good).


I think I find Prime 2 harder, the game in general is harder I think, allthough maybe most of the bosses are easier than in Prime 1. Allthough some bosses did give me trouble in Prime 2.. The boostball boss (the first boss in the dark world I believe, where you don't have any beacons to help you), the spiderball boss (can be a real challenge if you're not perfect on bomb-jumping etc), and ehh forgot the name, the giant robot.


I really liked Prime 2 (allthough I still have to properly finish it). It has a great (Metroid) atmosphere, which is one of the most important things in a Metroid game in my opinion. It's a bit different though, in the same way both GBA games differ. Prime 1 is more mysterious, and 2 is more scary. It's the other way around with Fusion and Zero Mission. Another typical Metroid thing for me is the way the games make you nervous to fight a boss, they really set the mood before it. Metroid 2 was the first Metroid game I played, and there's this room with two of those giant Metroid eggs. You just know no good will come from those, and I was really hesistant to enter that room again when I had to go back :rolleyes:. In Fusion (The first Metroid game I bought), seeing Serris's skeletton sets the mood right away. And the first time Nightmare came flying in the background, he scared the hell out of me :D. There are plenty of these moments in Prime 2, which are great. When you fight the Alfa Splinter for example.. It's just sp cool when you see those Ing things move towards it.. You think "aww poor Splinter" and "Shit, I have to fight a possesed Alfa Splinter!" at the same time.. It was also great to see that ehh forgot the name, the big fish thing, in it's tank, before you actually go in it.. And again the giant robot thing.. When you're in the light world, in the room before he boss room for the first time, scanning those huge robot parts doesn't bode any good.. I really love those moments.


I do like the level design by the way. Especially the fortress.. I do like the dark world (great atmosphere). I didn't enjoy looking for keys that much, allthough I wasn't too bothered by it either. Metroid is "find x weapon to blow up x type wall/door etc" , finding several keys to just open one door is a bit forced. I also didn't like the dark suit. It's the ugliest suit I've seen (actually the only ugly suit I think..). It even gets uglier with the jetpack. The light suit makes up for it though, that one's really.. Shiny. The weapons overall are cool, didn't mind the ammo too much (allthough I of course prefer the normal non-ammo way for beams), but some didn't get much use (the charged versions). And I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't like the screw attack. In it self, it's pretty cool, but you don't get to use it as an attack.. Space Pirates are too smart to just let you screw them, and step aside.. Which basically makes the screw attack the original space jump more or less, as you use it to get to places otherwise beyond your reach.

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Meh, you're a lightweight, the Golden Sun games were both easy...*goes and completes it...again*




They were bastards! Some of the quests were so stupid, and obscure. It was easy in terms of how much skill it required, but some of the things you were required to do and find were just insane.


Anyone beat Omega Weapon in ff8? Yep, I'm a heavyweight.

Pfft, Omega and Ultima weapons were the piss. I didn't like 8 as much as 7, the weapons weren't particularly memorable...

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