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I believe we are still yet to see the final secret


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Maybe it houses a connector for an external cartridge adaptor, with which you can connect all cartridges from all nintendo consoles? Then you wouldn't have to rely on what they make available on connect24.


... I admit, it doesn't make much sense to put that on the front of the console ...

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Answer to YenRug :


I could easily fit a unique SD slot in that space, but There shall be two of them, and I assume they would be in the same place. If you place two SD card slot vertically, you need some space between them (for your fingers), and it would be more than a cm high (even though I have small fingers). If you place them horizontally, it would take 2 x 24mm = 48 mm plus a bit of space between them and on both side, which is a bit large, and not thick enough.


I didn't want to say that Nintendo is going to switch to Compact flash, but rather that they were using it to develop the console. Memory cards don't need to be tested, so they could change it at the last second without problem.


Slight flaw in your logic: why would you need to be able to get to both SD cards at the same time? SD card slots feature the spring loaded push to lock/push to eject system, realistically you would only need to insert or eject any one card at a time, so needing space to be able to handle two cards at once is a bit of a reach. I don't know what space, physically, two SD card slots need to fit next to each other, but I suspect it's less than you're suggesting.

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Guest Stefkov

i bet its a chocloate dispenser. did anyone have that cadburys adriy milk dispenser. you put i 2ps and it would give you a chocolate, i bet its that, everytime you complete a level it gives you some chocolate.

your parents would put it in for you when you first get it. some chocolates come with the console.

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I don't post very often, if at all anymore, but to those that have read my posts one thing is for sure -- they shouldn't be takin' lightly. I did, afterall, design a mock-up that was uncanny to the Wiimote (before it was revealed of course).


Anyway, as this thread mentions in its title, I believe there is a last secret. However, while you all seem concerned with new hardware and the like, I bark up a different tree.


You see, instead of hoping for a new feature (though there will definitely be one), we should instead combine what we know and see what possibilities are capable.


What are these peices of the puzzle? Well, actually, two new peices became apparent during Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference.



A speaker in the Wiimote.


Now, alone they don't make much. However, with a little creativity and hope, something amazing comes into view.


You see, what if we add a Microphone into the equation? What if we add it into the Wiimote?


Hell, a microphone makes more sense to add than a speaker, but adding both make far more sense than either one of them alone.


So let's say they do add one. Maybe it's the last hardware feature, maybe not.


Now, imagine this -- it's a little abstract so keep an open mind.




Using the WiiConnect24, the Wii essentially becomes an always accessible machine. With the help of software, Nintendo could create a system in which players can add friends to a list that can be managed. This list allows a unique ability never before seen thanks to the speaker and mic within the Wiimote.


For instance, imagine sitting at home, on your computer, or doing something other than playing a videogame. Your friend is bored and wants to play some Super Smash Brothers: Brawl. So, he brings up his friends list, looks you up and selects the Wii-Riing option. Then, just like a telephone, your Wii Remote makes a distinct ring or beeping sound. Perhaps even customizable with NES tunes? You pick up your remote, hit the A button, and then, just like a telephone you and your buddy are talking. If you are not there to answer, then next time you turn on the console, you will see a prompt with your missed Riings.




Many more things can happen with WiiConnect24


What Iwata mentioned in regards to Animal Crossing is a very small example.


What about accessing your VC library from your DS while your Wii is off?


What about applying a Bittorent like setup with all the Wii consoles connect to the internet? Since they are always connected, they are always accessible.


So what do you guys think?

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I don't post very often, if at all anymore, but to those that have read my posts one thing is for sure -- they shouldn't be takin' lightly. I did, afterall, design a mock-up that was uncanny to the Wiimote (before it was revealed of course).


Anyway, as this thread mentions in its title, I believe there is a last secret. However, while you all seem concerned with new hardware and the like, I bark up a different tree.


You see, instead of hoping for a new feature (though there will definitely be one), we should instead combine what we know and see what possibilities are capable.


What are these peices of the puzzle? Well, actually, two new peices became apparent during Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference.



A speaker in the Wiimote.


Now, alone they don't make much. However, with a little creativity and hope, something amazing comes into view.


You see, what if we add a Microphone into the equation? What if we add it into the Wiimote?


Hell, a microphone makes more sense to add than a speaker, but adding both make far more sense than either one of them alone.


So let's say they do add one. Maybe it's the last hardware feature, maybe not.


Now, imagine this -- it's a little abstract so keep an open mind.




Using the WiiConnect24, the Wii essentially becomes an always accessible machine. With the help of software, Nintendo could create a system in which players can add friends to a list that can be managed. This list allows a unique ability never before seen thanks to the speaker and mic within the Wiimote.


For instance, imagine sitting at home, on your computer, or doing something other than playing a videogame. Your friend is bored and wants to play some Super Smash Brothers: Brawl. So, he brings up his friends list, looks you up and selects the Wii-Riing option. Then, just like a telephone, your Wii Remote makes a distinct ring or beeping sound. Perhaps even customizable with NES tunes? You pick up your remote, hit the A button, and then, just like a telephone you and your buddy are talking. If you are not there to answer, then next time you turn on the console, you will see a prompt with your missed Riings.




Many more things can happen with WiiConnect24


What Iwata mentioned in regards to Animal Crossing is a very small example.


What about accessing your VC library from your DS while your Wii is off?


What about applying a Bittorent like setup with all the Wii consoles connect to the internet? Since they are always connected, they are always accessible.


So what do you guys think?


I thought they allready said the controller would have a Microphone....

If not, great idea. You can Skype with your wii-mote!

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skyping on your wii would be super cool. especialy while gaming! Although listening, speaking and waving with your wiimote at the same time would be a little bit difficult i think. Maybe a wifi/ bluetooth headphone would help.


24 wii connect will be have major functionality so it seems.


I would like a skype function on my DS however (and a headphone with a built in microphone).

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I would guess based on some of Perrin Kaplan's comments that the final "secret" is simply that the system itself will actually be much more powerful than we anticipated. I would guess that her comment on "hardcore gamers shouldn't stop paying attention to us", or something along those lines, could possibly mean that the processor is maybe half as fast as PS3/Xbox360, maybe 4-5 Ghz instead of .8-1 Ghz. And there could be a physics processor along with graphics and the CPU itself.


Or the secret could be that the flap on the front folds down so that the Wii can beam virtual reality images directly into the user's brain....it's anyone's guess :wink:

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Apparently there is a yet unannounced controller shell for the wii-remote. It is called the wii-bone. It is unique as it is the first game that you can play with your pets. This is in line with nintendo's philosophy of expanding gaming accross the entire family. The wii-bone can be handled by your dog and utilises the internal speaker for interaction. Fetch, Hide and seek, and Fight are just some of the mini games . The game will also be the first game to exploit DS connectivity through a new game nintendogs: rockviler and friends. No word on wifi support...


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I'm wondering if there is a microphone on the Wii controller. Nobody ever confirmed it, no game seems to use it, and Iwata even said 'there's no microphone' at one time I believe... I can't imagine the Wii to be without microphone though.

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Edjamakated, there's no need to write IMPORTANT at the top of your topic, we'll read it anyway. In fact, I came close to not read it because of this introduction.


I hope that you don't foresee what will come to be the third secret, because a telephone can do all that, and I never use it.


Marijuana card

Edited by Philoss
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Ugh, they sure overrate it massively.


Seriously the processor they've got confirmed is really nothing more than a reworking of GameCube processor. Double the clock speed and some more, and quadruple the cache. It probably delivers decent performance but it's not massively better than we expected at all.


The 'R520' based means nothing either. ATi likes to refer to their entire current branch of video cards, the Radeon X1 series, as R520 based. That means the o so powerful Radeon X1900XTX, but also the very crappy Radeon X1300, probably the worst deal you're going to get when buying a graphics card. The Cube GPU will probably be a heavily tweaked version of a notebook GPU by ATi. If that means a Mobility X1800 based card, then woohoo, it might get to half the performance of the 360 GPU. That's the best case scenario though.


We knew the graphics were significantly better than the Cube's from E3 anyway, so SponG is just blowing this up.

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Edjamakated, there's no need to write IMPORTANT at the top of your topic, we'll read it anyway. In fact, I came close to not read it because of this introduction.


I hope that you don't foresee what will come to be the third secret, because a telephone can do all that, and I never use it.


Your missing the point. It's not so much the functionality of the system as it is the ease of use.


Your not looking at the intuitiveness of all this. Nintendo is here to market to both you and non-gamers. Non-gamers don't know what the hell online gaming truly is. They don't know how it works and how you actually go about playing. That's why Nintendo has WiFi built-in, that's why Nintendo has a free internet service, and that's why Nintendo is trying to make it so easy to connect.


Now, imagine Nintendo holding a demostration where it show's this very simplistic "phone-like" online connection. Non-gamers are going to understand instantly. "So I click my friend to call them, then we can sort out what to play as if it were a phone? Ok....I can do that" and also "Oh, so when I here my Wiimote ringing, I simply press "A" to answer, then I sort out what I want to play? Ok....I can definitely do that."


It's all very simple.


Also, it keeps the focus on gaming. While your cooking, or reading a book in your room, if you hear your wiimote ringing, that means you have a change to play with your friend.

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i dont know, it still could b, i mean i reckon i can hear my mobile from almsot anywhere in my house (my house isnt huge but its not small). and if the speaker on the wiimote is loud enough i reckon u could easily hear it. and as long as your within 10m of ur wii then it should work. i dont have a home phone but i know for sure that the non-cordless ones dont have a wire that stretches 10m. so your still getting pretty good distance and moveablitiy. if this is true that is

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*stereoscopic 3d helmet visor*


long live the helmet


recently matt said something long the lines of "nintendo have not shown us the what is underneath the front flap" (not the ones gc pad plugs into) and that his (matt) other guess would be a mic in the wiimote

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