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Has the IRA really decommisioned?


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this is on the news as im typing, these people reckon the weapons have been rendered as unuseable or unaccesible. There is no photographic proof..as yet (tho i doubt there ever will be) I hate to take a negative view but how can we be certain that all the guns are gone.


This news broadcast was put on in place of neighbours :(


What do you guys reckon?

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I've never actually heard of this 'arms decommissioning body' or John De Chastelain, are they trustworthy?


tbh neither have I, but I don't tend to care too much about decommissioning, cause in reality they arent gonna decommision. Who can you trust?


We cant even trust tony blair/pres. bush (probably amoungst the most powerful people in the world) when they said they found weapons of mass destruction and it turned out to not be as true as they said..

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The real reason behind the IRA decommission is infact - they are skint. They no longer have the good old "American Irish" donating in their thousands due to the fact they are a terrorist organisation! And the Americans can't be seen sponsoring terrorism. Golly Gosh!


There's also the odd conspiracy rumour that the bank job they pulled of is their "retirement fund".


I do believe that they have decomissioned, they want a free Ireland, and the only way this can be achived is through the ballot box. I just hope the Unionist Paramilataries realise what big ****s they are, and decommission to.

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Decommission is the first step - once the IRA are certain sure that there is no need for them, and that the process is working as it should, they'll most certainly disband.


They realise they just has to give up the armed struggle if they're to get anywhere; unionists refuse to talk to them because of it. Now, it'll be interesting to see what Paisley and his boys have to say to Sinn Féin when the IRA have publicly decommissioned...they'll have nothing to whinge over anymore.


Oh - and General de Chastelain is a neutral outsider from Canada, brought in to review the decommissioning process in the north of Ireland :wink: he can be trusted. Whether Paisley does (but who does he trust?) is another matter.

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Decommission is the first step - once the IRA are certain sure that there is no need for them, and that the process is working as it should, they'll most certainly disband.


They realise they just has to give up the armed struggle if they're to get anywhere; unionists refuse to talk to them because of it. Now, it'll be interesting to see what Paisley and his boys have to say to Sinn Féin when the IRA have publicly decommissioned...they'll have nothing to whinge over anymore.


Oh - and General de Chastelain is a neutral outsider from Canada, brought in to review the decommissioning process in the north of Ireland :wink: he can be trusted. Whether Paisley does (but who does he trust?) is another matter.


Well thats very true..but for the mean time i cant honestly see all the fighting stopping.


paisley is a twit..he hates everyone! mouthing off all the time :indeed:

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Paisley isn't only a twit, but a hate filled Anti-Catholic bigot, along with his D.U.P cohorts.


Sinn Féin will gain more support through this latest effort in the Irish peace process, that is only plain to see. From that we will see within the coming months the paranoia and fear from the Unionists of the growing Nationalist electorate, that will have a showing in the polls.


Now is the time for full Patten Reforms of the bigoted police of the N.E of Ireland, the full withdrawl/removal of the foreign British Army installations and fortresses and the crack down on the Loyalist paramilitary terrorists and Orange Order, that are not only terrorising the native Irish of Ulster, but their own community as well!

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about 6 pages in the mirror today, he says its all lies....a cover up...he should get some counselling for that paranoia..


not that im saying i believe it. honestly i dont give a toss cause there are still people out there causing shit for us all.


as a girl (whose dad was killed by the IRA) on the tv said "Just cause they've lost their guns, doesn't mean violence will end. Guns dont shoot people themselves you know"


EDIT: theyve recovered:


1000 handguns

1240 rifles ak47 mainly

4 barratt sniper rifles

12 7.62 heave machinguns

20 dshk heavey machin guns

4 tonnes of semtex

12 sam missille

40 rocket launchers

20 flamethrowers

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That Arsenal of weapons is tiny compared to the combined weapons of the British Army serving in this part of Ireland.

Let alone the weapons of the Loyalist Death Squad Terrorists, that were funded and equipped from the Ian Paisley formed Terrorist organisation- Ulster Resistance and others.

The IRA's move is brilliant news and hopefully will spur on those Loyalists to decommission for peace. But that won't happen anytime soon.

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And when you've lived outside of all the troubles like i have its hard to understand why people cant live in peace. i came here in 1996 not even knowing the difference between a catholic and a protestant (i was 10 lol) and i was really confused at why they hated each other!



Its cos catholics boil their babys in a pot and eat them if they misbehave, thats what I was told by some kid in primary school lmao :p.

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the IRA side of things has quietened down a lot these past few years but it wil never go away completely and also with so many other republican and loyalist groups who are up to no good all the time (ie PIRA, RIRA etc) the trouble will probably never go away fully.

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the IRA side of things has quietened down a lot these past few years but it wil never go away completely and also with so many other republican and loyalist groups who are up to no good all the time (ie PIRA, RIRA etc) the trouble will probably never go away fully.


totally agree


While theres people that believe the other side is evil in this country there never will be peace. The children will believe whatever mummy and daddy says is true. then the hate gets passed down generations.

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The "PIRA" are the mainstream "IRA".

The PIRA are commonly referred to and called IRA, which is to not confuse matters.

The PIRA are the ones who have just decommissioned and gone out of business.

The CIRA and the RIRA are splinter groups that split from the mainstream PIRA (IRA).


Confusing for non-Irish I know. lol.

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Who HASN'T Ian Paisley accused?


You do know this was the same man who recently said that Tony Blair was taking bribes from the IRA, and that the two religious figures + the general were pawns. The real question here is... Will he ever give up?


Highly unlikely. The decommissioning thing was the only thing he had on Sinn Fein and the IRA. Now what's he gonna say? It's plain as day to see that he doesn't want these 'peace deals' to come through as he's happy where he is. That's why he's making all the accusations.

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Who HASN'T Ian Paisley accused?


You do know this was the same man who recently said that Tony Blair was taking bribes from the IRA, and that the two religious figures + the general were pawns. The real question here is... Will he ever give up?


Highly unlikely. The decommissioning thing was the only thing he had on Sinn Fein and the IRA. Now what's he gonna say? It's plain as day to see that he doesn't want these 'peace deals' to come through as he's happy where he is. That's why he's making all the accusations.


He on his last legs, so he shouldnt be around much longer :p.


But his succoser (sp) be just as bad? my guess is yes

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He aint gonna want some soft sod to become his successor! he'll be just as bad if not worse than him i'm guessing


Allow me to become his successor, I know how to run this country and trust me it will be good :p.


Nah being serious it will most likely be his son or Willy McCrey. Either way we are fucked.

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